Examples of the the word, silicon , in a Sentence Context

The word ( silicon ), is the 6296 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. When the processors and their interconnect are all implemented on a single, silicon ,chip, the technology is known as a multicore microprocessor. It was later
  2. In London architecture. It consists of a mixture of oxides of calcium, silicon ,and aluminum. Portland cement and similar materials are made by heating
  3. AMD also formed a strategic partnership with IBM, under which AMD gained, silicon ,on insulator (SOI) manufacturing technology, and detailed advice on 90 nm
  4. Exist in different cell types, and range from crystals of calcium oxalate or, silicon ,dioxide in plants, to granules of energy-storage materials such as starch
  5. In the semiconductor industry as a do pant for ultra-high conductivity n-type, silicon ,wafers in the production of diodes, infrared detectors, and Hall-effect devices
  6. Built. Cesium nitrate is used as an oxidizer and pyrotechnic colorant to burn, silicon ,in infrared flares such as the LUU-19 flare, because it emits much of its light
  7. Aluminium. The main alloying agents are copper, zinc,magnesium, manganese,and, silicon ,(e.g., duralumin ) and the levels of these other metals are in the range of a
  8. A few nm. The most investigated example is represented by thin multicrystalline, silicon ,films, where such an initial amorphous layer was observed in many studies.
  9. Emotion expression. Her whole body is made of highly advanced synthetic jelly, silicon ,and with 60 artificial joints in her face, neck,and lower body; she is able to
  10. Most abundant of the higher elements. Only two of the natural atoms, carbon and, silicon , are known to serve as the backbones of molecules sufficiently large to carry
  11. Unique properties. Biotite is a sheet silicate. Iron, magnesium,aluminum, silicon , oxygen, and hydrogen form sheets that are weakly bound together by potassium
  12. Low lead content. Silicon is an alternative to lead; however, when, silicon , is used in a brass alloy, the scrap must never be mixed with leaded brass scrap
  13. Boride-boron nitride and titanium boride-aluminium nitride-boron nitride and, silicon ,carbide-boron nitride composition. Health issues Boron nitride (along with
  14. Thin film solar cells. In case of a-Si: H the missing long-range order between, silicon ,atoms is partly induced by the presence by hydrogen in the percent range. The
  15. Resistance of the resulting material. For the same purpose, BN is added also to, silicon ,nitride-alumina and titanium nitride-alumina ceramics. Other materials being
  16. From Gas are much faster (but also much more expensive) than those made in, silicon , Unlike silicon , it is direct band gap, and so can be used in laser diodes and
  17. Semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOS FET). Also, hydrogenated amorphous, silicon , a-Si: H in short, is of technical significance for thin film solar cells. In
  18. Placed on the market a hydrogen sensor that integrated carbon nanotubes on a, silicon ,platform. Since then, Nanomix has been patenting many such sensor applications
  19. Used in ship propellers and submerged bearings. In the twentieth century, silicon ,was introduced as the primary alloying element, creating an alloy with wide
  20. Formulas. Semiconductors Boron is a useful do pant for such semiconductors as, silicon , germanium, and silicon carbide. Having one fewer valence electron than the
  21. By 1900,including: * Such now-familiar industrial materials as aluminum, silicon , nickel, chromium,magnesium, and tungsten * Reactive metals such as lithium
  22. Its nucleus. Familiar examples of elements include gold, iron,copper, carbon, silicon , mercury, sodium,calcium, hydrogen,nitrogen, chlorine,neon, and oxygen. As
  23. Much faster (but also much more expensive) than those made in silicon . Unlike, silicon ,it is direct band gap, and so can be used in laser diodes and LEDs to directly
  24. Constant (one part in 20 million). The calculation is exemplified for, silicon , whose atomic weight is especially important in metrology. Silicon exists in
  25. Examples are the plasma deposition of boron-containing hard carbon films, silicon ,nitride-boron nitride films, and for doping of diamond film with boron. Magnets
  26. Silicon, in contrast, interacts with only a few other atoms, and the large, silicon ,molecules are monotonous compared with the combinatorial universe of organic
  27. Sculptors may prefer silicon bronze because of the ready availability of, silicon ,bronze brazing rod, which allows color-matched repair of defects in castings.
  28. Puckered six-membered rings of atoms. Diamond has the same cubic structure as, silicon ,and germanium and because of the strength of the carbon-carbon bonds, it is the
  29. Color result from close-packed domains of amorphous colloidal spheres of, silicon ,dioxide (or silica,SiO2). These spherical particles precipitate in highly
  30. Reactive elements. An argon atmosphere is also used for growing crystals of, silicon ,and germanium. Argon is an asphyxia in the poultry industry, either for mass
  31. Preferentially over certain crystallographic planes (e.g., KOH etching of, silicon ,100 produces pyramid-like structures) Neuroscience Diffusion tensor imaging is
  32. Metallic element and the third most abundant of all elements (after oxygen and, silicon ,). Because of its strong affinity to oxygen, it is almost never found in the
  33. Tubes, and video camera tubes. Nevertheless, germanium,rubidium, selenium, silicon , tellurium, and several other elements can substitute cesium in photosensitive
  34. Of germanium -- as the semiconductor material, coupled with the abundance of, silicon ,semiconductor related companies in the area, gave rise to the term" Silicon
  35. That contain small amounts of carbon. Chemically, boron behaves more closely to, silicon ,than to aluminum. Crystalline boron is chemically inert and resistant to
  36. Exist in a glass state similar to other members of its elemental family, like, silicon , ( silica glass) and germanium. Unlike silica and Germania glasses, however
  37. Weights are quoted with estimated symmetrical uncertainties, and the value for, silicon ,is 28.0855 (3). The relative standard uncertainty in this value is 1 or 10
  38. Boron nitride can be doped p-type with Be and n-type with boron, sulfur, silicon , or if co-doped with carbon and nitrogen. Or CBN, then it emits UV light in the
  39. Construction materials. Composites containing IN Addition of boron nitride to, silicon ,nitride ceramics improves the thermal shock resistance of the resulting
  40. About 10 percent heavier than steel, although alloys using aluminum or, silicon ,may be slightly less dense. Bronzes are softer and weaker than steel—bronze
  41. Circumstances. Aluminum is the third most abundant element (after oxygen and, silicon ,), and the most abundant metal, in the Earth's crust. It makes up about 8 % by
  42. Industry and the major form used in contemporary statuary. Sculptors may prefer, silicon ,bronze because of the ready availability of silicon bronze brazing rod, which
  43. Security Council director of counter-terrorism RP Eddy, inventor of the first, silicon ,transistor Gordon Kidd Teal '31,former Securities and Exchange Commissioner
  44. Structural basis for life, one of carbon's important features is that unlike, silicon ,it can readily engage in the formation of chemical bonds with many other atoms
  45. Boron is a useful do pant for such semiconductors as silicon , germanium,and, silicon ,carbide. Having one fewer valence electron than the host atom, it donates a
  46. Turn spawned more technology companies in the area. Shockley's decision to use, silicon ,-- instead of germanium -- as the semiconductor material, coupled with the
  47. Latent hydraulic properties. * Silica fume: A by-product of the production of, silicon ,and ferro silicon alloys. Silica fume is similar to fly ash, but has a particle
  48. Compound gallium arsenide is the most common semiconductor in use after doped, silicon , A few species of bacteria are able to use arsenic compounds as respiratory
  49. Of copper, including alloys with arsenic, phosphorus,aluminum, manganese,and, silicon , are commonly termed" bronze ". The term is applied to a variety of brasses
  50. Layered structure. Its value is comparable to that of tungsten carbide, silicon ,carbide, titanium dioxide or zirconium dioxide. Shielding in nuclear reactors

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