Examples of the the word, happily , in a Sentence Context

The word ( happily ), is the 6288 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Griffith'the Drunkard's Reformation (1909). Here, the reformed drunkard is, happily ,reunited with his family before the fire in the hearth, in a set-up reproducing
  2. Able to coexist happily with toy dog breeds and/or cats. Greyhounds live most, happily ,as pets in quiet environments. They do well in families with children as long
  3. Forever nostalgic about the island. Tetzel decided that the heroes should live, happily , so in the revised draft, they use their fortunes to build a replica of the
  4. While living quite comfortably in the wilderness along the Mississippi, Huck, happily , encounters Miss Watson's slave Jim on an island called Jackson's Island, and
  5. Logic. In the Hebrew versions, the Treatise is called The words of Logic which, happily ,describe the matter of the work. Maimonides explains to the honest man, the
  6. Where the Pontiff was joyously welcomed. Making his way to Lyons Innocent was, happily ,greeted by rulers of the city. Finding himself now in secure surroundings
  7. With the follies and misunderstandings of young lovers, in a lighthearted and, happily ,concluded manner which usually avoids serious satire ". This reference states
  8. Chase small animals; those lacking a high 'prey drive' will be able to coexist, happily ,with toy dog breeds and/or cats. Greyhounds live most happily as pets in quiet
  9. Is" a funny movie, play,or television program about a love story that ends, happily ,". Another definition states that its" primary distinguishing feature is a
  10. Seat of Clan Armstrong; he was made the first freeman of the burgh, and, happily , declared the town his home. The Justice of the Peace read from an unrevealed
  11. Which you shall, you must go on a quest to find the Golden Fleece. " Jason, happily ,accepted the quest. The Quest for the Golden Fleece Jason assembled a great
  12. Women players are capable of playing powerfully from the back-court, and will, happily ,do so if required. When the opportunity arises, however,the pair will switch
  13. Where she was filmed enjoying the fresh air she said she could now live on, happily , However, as the filming progressed, her speech slowed, her pupils dilated and
  14. Ends happily . The couple does not, however,have to marry, or live together ", happily ,ever after ". The ending of a romantic comedy is meant to affirm the primary
  15. But the Witch and the stepsisters congratulate themselves on being able to live, happily ," Ever After ", though they fail to notice another beanstalk growing sky-high
  16. North to Piece, the county seat. With no car, this was no easy feat but, happily , one of Caliente's newest deputy sheriffs turned out to be a recent graduate
  17. Of classical literature, especially Shakespeare. Until the age of thirteen, Guy, happily , lived with his mother, to whom he was deeply devoted, at Retreat, in the Villa
  18. In the future, by so acting on every occasion, they will live better and more, happily , " (Trans. By G. P. Carelli) The last ruler in the region was probably
  19. And El Close Extreme. The first three offer examples of love and adventure, happily ,resolved, while the last unravels itself tragically. Its plot deals with the
  20. Amount of fifteen talents (450 kg of a precious metal) as guarantee. Ptolemy, happily ,paid the fee but kept the original scripts for the library. This story may also
  21. And Antiphons and Luciana have not yet met. At the end, all the couples are, happily ,together. By writing his comedies in a combination of Elizabethan and Planting
  22. From a well, huddling before a fireplace and writing by oil lantern. They lived, happily ,in poverty for eighteen months at this low point of their fortunes, visited at
  23. In Tahiti, and in 1965 visited London, then British Columbia. They remained, happily ,married until Bloch's death. Eleanor Bloch died March 7,2007, at the Betel
  24. Or awkwardness, they declare their love for each other and the film ends, happily , The couple does not, however,have to marry, or live together" happily ever
  25. Summary The main character is a normal Japanese male, Ken Bubo, living quite, happily ,with his girlfriend Ohio and being a member of his college's tennis team
  26. Without needing to be sown. The gods Hour and Bald return from HEL and live, happily ,together. The Volvo says that the god Hair chooses wooden slips for the
  27. He says such people are" EU a-mousoi ", an expression that means literally,", happily ,without the muses" ( Theaters 156a). In other words, such people live
  28. Theatre. He made a pass at her, only to be informed by her that she was already, happily ,married with a baby daughter. Connery was married to actress Diane Ci lento from
  29. The local variant of the classic closing formula," and they all lived, happily ,ever after" is" u grammar u tgħammru, u ICCAT" ( and they lived together
  30. Arguments against the science of morality, arguments he believes scientists, happily ,and rightly disregard in other domains of science like physics. For example, a
  31. Angry with you .... you have not spoken of me what is right. " The story ends, happily ,with Job restored to health, with a new family and twice as much livestock.
  32. Training companions for runners and are nearly impervious to heat. They will, happily ,run in weather over 100 degrees Fahrenheit that would kill a Greyhound. They
  33. Two other sons and a daughter. Rommel wrote that" my early years passed quite, happily , " At age 14,Rommel and a friend built a full-scale glider that was able to
  34. Yet despite the sophisticated urban lifestyle they may lead, many will, happily ,head homewards dressed in designer clothes, only to emerge from the traditional
  35. Stays mainly in the plain" in perfect English. Higgins, Eliza,and Pickering, happily ,dance around Higgins's study (" The Rain In Spain" ). Thereafter her
  36. They find the golden game pieces that the gods are described as having once, happily ,enjoyed playing games with long ago (attested earlier in the same poem). The
  37. Of his age, but the author of the Iliad (similar to Voltaire, to whom Arnold, happily ,compares him) must have possessed this gift in a surpassing degree. The
  38. And six daughters, whom in Homer he wed to one another and the family lived, happily ,together. Later writers were shocked by the. Son of Hippies This Aeolus is
  39. Spent the day talking to counselors about his drug abuse and personal problems, happily ,playing with his daughter Frances. These interactions were the last time she
  40. Were running for president this year against the evil Bush–Cheney gang, I would, happily ,vote for him. " Works Letters Thompson wrote many letters, and they were his
  41. Loves him and Ashley admits he cares for her. However, he knows he would not be, happily ,married to Scarlett because of their personality differences. Scarlett loses
  42. By the atom bomb .... The level of non-violence in that nation, if that even, happily ,comes to pass, will naturally have risen so high as to command universal
  43. Does not refer every thing to eternity, is never likely to live either well or, happily ,in time. ” A. C. 1831 VI p. 619 Chapter Two“ 1. And speak the word that is
  44. Was the torturer, masquerading as freedom, but preventing one ever resting, happily ,at peace. Only outside of prison can one gain the data that produces the deep
  45. It is not the right choice of breed for those who want a dog that lives, happily ,alone in a kennel or backyard. Keeshonden can also be timid dogs. It is
  46. Doing little to quash the rumors. Deborah Skinner (now Deborah Began, and a, happily ,married artist and writer living in London) then in turn wrote a vehement
  47. As a robotics professor, became successful as an AI developer, and thus lived, happily ,ever after, thus relieving his progeny of the financial burdens that caused
  48. Felt Young" ), one of his most powerful works. His return home was greeted, happily ,by his fans, but during his absence, Karaca had lost the youthful audience and
  49. Annoyed at being displaced from the safety of his hidden lab, Bryce is soon, happily ,looking forward to slipping under Security Systems 'radar' using" a pink bus
  50. Shipwreck resorted to cannibalism in order to survive. However, Herman Melville, happily ,lived with the Marquesas Types (Taipei),rumored to have been the most

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