Examples of the the word, creditor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( creditor ), is the 6289 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of GDP. This led to the U. S. moving from the world's the largest international, creditor ,to the world's the largest debtor nation. Reagan described the new debt as the "
  2. Some arrangement by a debtor to surrender a car or" reaffirm" a debt,the, creditor ,with a security interest in the debtor's car may repossess the car even if the
  3. The Trustee's job includes notifying creditor s of the estate and dealing with, creditor ,inquiries; ensuring that the bankrupt complies with his or her obligations
  4. According to a statutory scale. If a debtor had neither money nor crops,the, creditor ,must not refuse goods. Debt was secured on the debtor's own person. Distraint
  5. For the offending debtor. A closed bankruptcy may be reopened by motion of a, creditor ,or the U. S. trustee if a debtor attempts to later assert ownership of such an
  6. Financial mechanism in which a debtor obtains the right to delay payments to a, creditor , for a defined period of time, in exchange for a charge or fee. Essentially
  7. Buyer to offer only money with the lowest commodity value (bad money) as the, creditor ,must accept such money at face value. The Nobel prize-winner Robert Mun dell
  8. Be solved by 'creating' additional 'international money ', and that debtor and, creditor ,should be treated almost alike as disturbers of equilibrium. In the event
  9. Distraint on a debtor's grain was forbidden by the Code; not only must the, creditor ,return it, but his illegal action forfeited his claim altogether. An
  10. Swedish: Yonkers) is a process that may involve a company or individual. A, creditor ,or the company itself can apply for bankruptcy. An external bankruptcy manager
  11. 130 million. In 2009 Mr. Roth filed a claim for $1 billion, aiming to become a, creditor ,to the assets of Nor tel along with all other Nor tel employees, in case the
  12. And savings accounts, thus effectively making the federal government the final, creditor ,for bank-drafts and promissory notes issued by all participating banks and
  13. Harsh. For example, any debtor whose status was lower than that of his, creditor ,was forced into slavery. The punishment was more lenient for those owing debt
  14. And his wife, children or servants were forced into" debt slavery ", until the, creditor ,recouped losses via their physical labor. Many city-states in Ancient Greece
  15. Criticism due to the fact severance payments to employees laid-off prior to the, creditor ,protection filing were withheld. At the end of January 2009,Nor tel announced
  16. Conscience of the sovereign ", as the doctrine of sovereign immunity prevents a, creditor ,from suing in court if the government reneges its commitment. Commerce Clause
  17. Rescheduling of agreements granted by the Paris Club has allowed the individual, creditor ,countries to apply very soft terms to the rescheduled debt. As a result, some
  18. Half a billion dollars to the Inter-American Development Bank,Haiti's largest, creditor , In September 2009,Haiti met the conditions set out by the IMF and World Bank
  19. Claims, making the United States the Dominican Republic's only foreign, creditor , In 1906,Morales resigned, and Racist vice-president Ramon CACEIS became
  20. Payne, for approximately one million US dollars, and was the principal secured, creditor ,at the time of the subsequent bankruptcy filing by the company. C/F
  21. C/F International. As of December 2004 C/F International was a secured judgment, creditor ,of Classic World Productions and its principal, Darryl Payne, for approximately
  22. Government, which,by authorizing the note as legal tender, assumes the role of, creditor , For example, in the United States, paper currency consists of Federal Reserve
  23. It is to the property of the citizen, and not to the demands of the, creditor ,of the state, that the first and original faith of civil society is pledged.
  24. Trade partner (supplier and customer) of Morocco. France is also the primary, creditor ,and foreign investor in Morocco. In the Arab world, Morocco has the
  25. Virtue of a participation in the goods of some community, were no part of the, creditor ,'s security, expressed or implied ... The public, whether represented by a
  26. And the three-year period commences immediately. However, in the case of a, creditor ,'s petition, the Statement of Affairs will rarely be filed on the same day the
  27. Of collections in computer science * Collection (payment),the actions of a, creditor ,seeking to recoup a debt * Collection (museum),objects in a particular field
  28. 106 percent of gross domestic product. Debt rescheduling by the Paris Club, creditor ,countries in the 1990s coupled with assistance from the World Bank’s
  29. As Mancini, or hostage to work off the debt, his wife, child,or slave. The, creditor ,could only hold a wife or child three years as Mancini. If the Mancini died
  30. Interest in the debtor's car may repossess the car even if the debt to the, creditor ,is discharged. The 2005 amendments to the Bankruptcy Code introduced the "
  31. To the payment of $55.6 million to 866 employees. Nor tel ex-CEO files as a, creditor ,seeking $1 billion from the proceeds of bankruptcy In the middle of the decade
  32. And cut ties with Fokker. The next day an Amsterdam court extended temporary, creditor ,protection. On March 15 the Fokker company was declared bankrupt. Those
  33. Debts, faced the threat of military intervention by France and other European, creditor ,powers. U. S. interventions and occupation U. S. President Theodore Roosevelt
  34. To 'Aa3' from 'A1 ', citing its government's solid finances as a large net, creditor , The rating agency also upgraded Macau's foreign currency bank deposit ceiling
  35. Of any nation. According to the CIA World Factbook, Norway is a net external, creditor ,of debt. Parental leave. The income that the state receives from natural
  36. Electorate. However, America was against it, the US then being the largest, creditor ,and by this time Wilson had started to believe in the merits of a harsh peace
  37. And Growth Facility (PRGF). Critics have argued that the obligations to, creditor ,institutions and governments have locked Niger in to a process of trade
  38. Off its full $8 billion (£4.3 billion) debt to the Paris Club group of rich, creditor ,nations before schedule. This would reduce the Algerian foreign debt to less
  39. Upon bankruptcy which denotes a condition of inability to meet a demand of a, creditor ,as is common in many other jurisdictions. Winding up of companies is in the
  40. However, servants of the debtor could be retained beyond that deadline by the, creditor ,and were often forced to serve their new lord for a lifetime, usually under
  41. Stipulated, however,that the debtor must take the crop himself and pay the, creditor ,from its yield. If the crop failed, payment was deferred, and no interest could
  42. Britain and France. Attributed to Britain's emergence as an 'industrial, creditor ,' the second decade of the 18th century saw the emergence of a large-scale
  43. Three years as Mancini. If the Mancini died a natural death while in the, creditor ,'s possession, no claim could lie against the latter; but if he was the cause
  44. Compensation for Nor tel executives, the treatment of company pensioners and the, creditor ,claim made by Nortel's ex-CEO Government bailouts 2003 On Feb 16, 2003 the
  45. Court and other parties are entitled to receive from the members of the ad hoc, creditor ,'s committees that play a large role in many such proceedings. The chapter 11
  46. Wanted a stabilized“ honest dollar ”; one that would be fair to debtor and, creditor , The Amendment said that whenever the president desired currency expansion, he
  47. To 'Aa3' from 'A1 ', citing its government's solid finances as a large net, creditor , The rating agency also upgraded Macau's foreign currency bank deposit ceiling
  48. In the city following foreign direct investment in the 1960s. Taiwan is now a, creditor ,economy, holding one of the world's largest foreign exchange reserves of over
  49. Trustee Service Australia (ITS). A person can also be made bankrupt after a, creditor ,'s petition results in the making of a sequestration order in the Federal
  50. His view, supported by many economists and commentators at the time, was that, creditor ,nations may be just as responsible as debtor nations for disequilibrium in

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