Examples of the the word, fy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fy ), is the 6298 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Between North and South forms. The first-person singular possessive pronoun, fy , is often heard as if it were spelled in.: Note that there is no gender
  2. To be used as a female given name. It appears in the third stanza of Hen Clad, fy , Nhadau. Etymology The first recorded attestation of the word occurs in Tennis
  3. One to sixteen):" An, de, ti,go, su, by,Ra, me,NI, ko, hu, vy, la,PO, fy , ton. " (Therefore tonal system. ) Because hexadecimal requires sixteen digits
  4. Of (mutually) inverse elements gives rise to two idempotent, and ex of x, ye,FY, = y, and e acts as a left identity on x, while f acts a right identity, and the
  5. Fy iron, fy halon, fy than, : FY may can FY Mary Dodd, : FY mar dd doth, fy , moeth I'm odd A tradition states that Lewis, who appears to have died around
  6. Only if it is continuous in one variable, i. e., if and only if the functions, fy , ( x) = T (x, y ) are continuous for each y in 0,1. Analogous theorems hold
  7. Pontypridd, Wales. He composed the tune of the Welsh national anthem Hen Clad, fy , Nhadau (also known as Land of my Fathers). James composed the melody
  8. The words. He found Ffion Jenkins, and later married her. Versions of Hen Clad, fy , Nhadau are used as anthems in both Cornwall, as Bro Goth Again Ta sow, and in
  9. Beth a ddigwydd moon diamond. With March breach at FY Gino, / Death angle i, fy , ngardd i'm taro" " No one but God knows what may happen in one day. While
  10. A closely related group of three Germanic languages: **West Frisian language (, fy , ),spoken in the Netherlands and often known there simply as the Frisian
  11. Yn ddeufrath in y ddwyfron.: FY may, fy March Laban, : FY iron, fy halon, fy , nghân, : FY may can FY Mary Dodd, : FY mar dd doth, fy month I'm odd A
  12. Poet, my luxury.: Yugo y Saiph angle Sion: in ddeufrath in y ddwyfron.: FY may, fy , muarth Laban, : FY iron, fy halon, fy than, : FY may can FY Mary Dodd, : FY
  13. Stepped forth from the circle, and proclaimed," Do BOU Toogahowe Dugonagaboola, fy , talliaba gee ma tools. " i.e. Toogahowe shall be the chief, and we will do as
  14. Smoothing. Note that the response" Yes"/"No" is a factor. Library (NP),FY, X ← gardens (type~flu, nmulti 1,data Lima) Lima. Eval ← data. Frame (
  15. Lyrics (Penn ill Syntax - First stanza) Mae hen clad, fy , nhadau in annual i mi, Gwlad bard a centurion, enwogion o Fri; EI girl
  16. Fyw AG period, Ni muddied yr Owen an recall law brad, Na then Bassanio, fy , ngwlad. (Cyan - Chorus) Translations The following is a fairly free
  17. His pet name of Mango, possibly derived from the Brythonic equivalent of Welsh, fy , nghu meaning 'my dear (one) '. An ancient church in Broomfield, Cumbria is
  18. And z quotients, three ordinary differential equations are obtained for the FX, fy , and FM, along with one separation condition:: \frack_x (x) + k_x^2 f_x (x)=0
  19. That loved his Owen brother sinfully --: Of twice cursed stories I SEY, fy , --: Or Ellis of Tyro Apollonian, : How that the cursed King Antioch us: Pirate
  20. 1878),a weaver and poet from Pontypridd, Wales,wrote the lyrics of Hen Clad, fy , Nhadau (" Land of my Fathers" ), the national anthem of Wales. Evan James was
  21. FY may, fy March Laban, : FY iron, fy halon, fy than, : FY may can, fy , marw Dodd, : FY mar dd doth, fy month I'm odd A tradition states that Lewis
  22. Fy from 0 to window height colorArrayfx fy : = inputPixelValuex + FX - edge +, fy ,- edge sort all entries in coloratura outputPixelValuexy: = colorArraywindow
  23. In Welsh (Added y Sgowtiaid) Ar FY law, Addawf i need FY NORAD i need, fy , nyletswydd i Due ac i'r Frenzies i help poll era ill ac i gads Faith y
  24. One day in January 1856 on the banks of the river when the melody for Hen Clad, fy , Nhadau came to him. When he told his father of the tune, Evan James was able to
  25. Performing the aka after" God Defend New Zealand" and before" Hen Clad, fy , Nhadau ". For the November 2006 test, the Welsh Rugby Union demanded a repeat
  26. Yn y ddwyfron.: FY may, fy March Laban, : FY iron, fy halon, fy than, :,FY, mryd can FY Mary Dodd, : FY mar dd doth, fy month I'm odd A tradition states
  27. Oes ne bond Due in good/ Beth a ddigwydd moon diamond. With March breach at, fy , nginio, / Death angle i FY neared i'm taro" " No one but God knows what may
  28. Ylab='estimated p (diabetes|flu) ') lines (Lima. Eval$glu, predict (, fy , X, newdata Lima. Eval),col" blue" ) legend (0,1,c (" Unconditional
  29. Valley. *Plan Rhonda, the original name of the Welsh National Anthem, Hen Clad, fy , Nhadau. *Rhonda Forward, a style of forward rugby player from the late 19th
  30. If the displacement in the direction of propagation is ex, then: ex = -in:, fy , nevxBz/c -in (Neb/c)δ: by -FY/IINM (GBZ/MC)δ: FX -never/c - (nm) (
  31. To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Welsh national anthem, Hen Clad, fy , Nhadau. In August 2006,Boyce hit out against the stereotypical use of the word
  32. b. 1845) **James, composer of the Welsh national anthem," Hen Clad, fy , Nhadau" **Ramon Delgado Palacios, Venezuelan pianist and composer Events
  33. The sets X, Y,and Z are all vector spaces and the derived functions f x and, fy , are all linear transformations. A bilinear transformation, like any binary
  34. Cenhinen, and that for daffodil, cenhinen Bear or St. Peter's leek. " Hen Clad, fy , Nhadau" () is the National Anthem of Wales, and is played at events such as
  35. Ffi (ffi),and FFL (ffl). Ligatures for fa, fe, fo, fr, fs, ft,FB, fh, fu, fy , and for f followed by a full stop, comma,or hyphen, as well as the equivalent
  36. The Scout Promise in Welsh (Added y Sgowtiaid) Ar FY law, Addawf i need, fy , ngorau i need FY nyletswydd i Due ac i'r Frenzies i help poll era ill ac i
  37. me. (Cyan - Chorus) (Traded Penn ill - Third stanza) Os trained y rely, fy , ngwlad tan a dried, Mae hen faith y Camry for few AG period, Ni muddied yr
  38. Angau Sion: in ddeufrath in y ddwyfron.: FY may, fy March Laban, : FY iron, fy , nghalon, fy than, : FY may can FY Mary Dodd, : FY mar dd doth, fy month I'm
  39. Yugo y Saiph angle Sion: in ddeufrath in y ddwyfron.: FY may, fy March Laban, :,FY, mron, fy halon, fy than, : FY may can FY Mary Dodd, : FY mar dd doth, fy
  40. That loved his Owen brother sinfully —: Of twice cursed stories I say, fy , —: Or Ellis of Tyro Apollonian, : How that the cursed King Antioch us: Pirate
  41. Uw \\ \rho VW \\p+\rho w^2\\w (E+p)\end. This form makes it clear that FX, fy , and FM are fluxes. The equations above thus represent conservation of mass
  42. In Wales. * Patriotic anthems for" the land of Song" include" Hen Clad, fy , Nhadau" (" Land of My Fathers" ) (national anthem)," Men of Harlem ","
  43. Keep the Cub Scout Law.; The Scout Promise in Welsh (Added y Sgowtiaid) Ar, fy , llw, Addawf i need FY NORAD i need FY nyletswydd i Due ac i'r Frenzies i
  44. The 47,000-strong crowd responded with the Welsh national anthem – Hen Clad, fy , Nhadau (" Land of Our Fathers" ) – the first time a national anthem had been
  45. Fy March Laban, : FY iron, fy halon, fy than, : FY may can FY Mary Dodd, :,FY, mardd doth, fy month I'm odd A tradition states that Lewis, who appears to
  46. My Fathers). James composed the melody which was later known as Hen Clad, fy , Nhadau in January 1856. At first, it was known as Plan Rhonda (The banks of
  47. Allocate colorArraywindow width window height for FX from 0 to window width for, fy , from 0 to window height colorArrayfx fy : = inputPixelValuex + FX - edge + FY -
  48. Notions, especially as a rhetorical figure.: Origin: 1745–55; person (, fy , ) + -fiction: Example: The sun opened its sleepy eyes and smiled down on the
  49. Rim aura is full j Jutland some mi kit um Lankan time at land elite aim AI alley, fy , a a Luna u air born AF land hurt RI IA IAU so at alt scolds air Amiga OC mi
  50. When they join the server. This made it possible to make custom maps (such as, fy , or fight yard) available, that were not shipped with the original

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