Examples of the the word, turner , in a Sentence Context

The word ( turner ), is the 6293 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A fitter and turner refers to a person who manufactures mechanical parts (, turner ,) and assembles (fitter) those parts together to manufacture a mechanical
  2. Affect was born in Paris. At an early age he was apprenticed to a wood, turner , but took up the study of art at evening classes. He became acquainted with
  3. Bowling was slightly slower through the air than Warner, but he was a prodigious, turner ,of the ball. He was brought back in 2007 after the retirement of Warner, as
  4. A national certificate in Engineering in 1972. He was an apprentice fitter and, turner ,at the Alisa Shipyard in Troop from 1965,before becoming a draftman in
  5. In through a computer (a ticker tape machine was used in the past); a number, turner ,watches the score changes closely, and updates scores by manually replacing the
  6. Where his father returned to his earlier trade and worked as an iron, turner ,and fitter and where Charles Holden attended a number of schools. He briefly
  7. Been specially trained for the intricate work. When an order is placed, the bat, turner ,selects a billet from the storage bin that fits the called-for weight and
  8. The facts of Le Sueur's life are these. He was the son of Catholic Le Suer,a, turner ,and sculptor in wood, who placed his son with Out, in whose studio he rapidly
  9. Regiment. Because of this, Wilhelm Bauer, after an apprenticeship as a wood, turner , joined the military as well. Working as an artillery engineer he witnessed the
  10. The Coleman Electric Stove Company introduced the toaster with automatic bread, turner , The company also produced the" toaster that turns toast. " Before this
  11. World-wide thanks to Tchaikovsky's" Nutcracker Suite ". The first wood, turner ,to carve the ornaments in this form, Wilhelm Friedrich Büchner from the Ore
  12. Had long case clocks in its hold, was stranded. They were sent for repair to a, turner ,named Paul Often Arbor in Range and as a result of his repair of them he
  13. At the age of 15 without qualifications, and took employment as a fitter and, turner ,with SEL (Kickers Shipbuilding and Engineering Ltd., now BAE Systems) in
  14. Used may differ depending on the shape of the blank and the technique of the, turner , and both methods may be used on the same piece. When wood is cut in such a way
  15. Walked to London, where he found employment with Henry Maud slay as a fitter and, turner , At Maud slays he absorbed his master's philosophy of" the importance of
  16. He left school without any qualifications to take up an apprenticeship as a, turner ,and fitter in a local rifle factory, following his father’s career. In 1923, he
  17. Jobs but had little success in such occupations as a farmer, woodcutter, turner , mule driver, cowboy and printer. From his jobs he learned, he later averred
  18. Barrow is widely regarded as it is the birthplace of the famous" pussycats, turner ," who later went on to compete, and collect multiple gold medals in, the World
  19. But finding no work there shifted to Manchester, where he found work as a, turner ,for a cabinet-maker. He then moved to Salford working at lathe- and tool-making
  20. In 1836 on the site of St Luke’s Hospital. In 1841 Thomas Cook who was a wood, turner ,and cabinetmaker in the town organized the first group travel by rail from
  21. New England Patriots *Anna White (b. 1957),from North Myrtle Beach, letter, turner , on Wheel of Fortune *Johnny Whitworth (b. 1975),from Charleston, actor
  22. Was released from his exile and immigrated to Israel. He worked there as a, turner , while he was actively involved in the Communist Party of Israel and the
  23. Disney Channel movie The Color of Friendship,Biko's death is used as a plot, turner ,in breaking the two teens apart. *In Peter Kay's Phoenix Nights, while Brian
  24. Douglas adopted the middle name" Michael ". Douglas continued to work as a, turner ,until 1982,when he became a pensioner and started his efforts to return to
  25. And shaving it to an exact replica of the model. Using calipers, the bat, turner ,measures the billet every 1-2 inches (2.54–5 cm) and weighs it repeatedly
  26. By a semi-truck tractor. These two options combined allow the compost windrow, turner ,to be easily hauled anywhere and to work compost windrows in muddy and wet
  27. New South Wales. He was born in Sydney, New South Wales, and was a fitter and, turner ,before entering politics. He was the New South Wales State Secretary of the
  28. Ihr night her Schwanendreher? Main shell (Variations: Aren't you the swan, turner , Moderately fast) Planned British premiere The British premiere was scheduled
  29. Aerobic hot composting process. By using four-wheel drive or tracks the windrow, turner ,is capable of turning compost in windrows located in remote locations. With a
  30. Street. He began a career as a turner , becoming an apprentice center lathe, turner ,in 1962,leaving the profession in 1978 to take up the position of convenor at
  31. 1968). On leaving school in 1949 he received an apprenticeship as a fitter and, turner , He entered National Service in 1955 with the RAF. In 1958, he joined the
  32. The blanket to reach the roof of an adjacent house, owned by William Bird,a, turner , He broke into Bird's house, and went down the stairs and out into the street
  33. 5 in New York City. The set list was composed of songs drawn from a large bingo, turner ,kept on stage. The master of ceremonies for the evening was singer/songwriter
  34. Lathe. The model bat is placed on a rack above and behind the lathe. # The bat, turner ,revolves the billet slowly on the lathe, sanding and shaving it to an exact
  35. 619 Test wickets and 337 ODI wickets. Although often criticized as not a big, turner ,of the ball, Kumble is the second-highest wicket taker among leg spinners in
  36. On the edge of a cliff. Although a cliffhanger can be enjoyable as a page, turner ,at the end of a chapter in a novel, a cliffhanger at the very end of a work can
  37. Methane and not carbon dioxide.; Utilization To properly use a compost windrow, turner , it is ideal to compost on a hard surfaced pad. Heavy-duty compost windrow
  38. Me from the cold ". He was then apprenticed to John Holding, a bone and ivory, turner ,at Birmingham, and probably about the year 1832 joined the Birmingham political
  39. Are also more commonly found in specialized areas of industry. A fitter and, turner ,refers to a person who manufactures mechanical parts ( turner ) and assembles (
  40. It was safe for him to return north, he had set up at Manchester as a ", turner ,of plain and eccentric work at No 15 Deans Gate ". The lathe was upstairs in a
  41. In the late 1920s and joined the San Francisco Swiss Gymnastics Club as a, turner ,(gymnast) and Schwinger. “ Joe” competed as a Schwinger in various
  42. Buried in Prague at the Slavic cemetery *Jan Stanislav Forehead (1845–1890), turner , and military band musician *Marie Eleonora Love (1848–1868),actress
  43. Stories In 1996 the town made news when resident Presbyterian minister Larry, turner ,and Russel moon applied for a CFL team, in an attempt to become the Green Bay
  44. A miller, grinders,cutlers, a button maker, a scissor smith and an ivory, turner , In the early 20th century, it was known as Old Park Forge, and so had
  45. Movement. They have a steel drum with paddles that are rapidly turning. As the, turner ,moves through the windrow, fresh air (oxygen) is injected into the compost by
  46. Remote locations. With a self-trailering option this allows the compost windrow, turner ,to convert itself into a trailer to be pulled by a semi-truck tractor. These
  47. The town and at Bury Technical College on Market Street. He began a career as a, turner , becoming an apprentice center lathe turner in 1962,leaving the profession in
  48. At the Gordon secondary school. In 1942,Belayed took on temporary work as a, turner ,in a factory and later became a check operator in the Dinars pipes factory in
  49. Was employed in a bakery. After finishing high school, he became an apprentice, turner ,(lathe operator). In 1935,Douglas became a member of ONE, the Organization
  50. And in particular of animation. The coined name translates roughly as" wonder, turner ,", from " wonder" and τρόπος" turn ". Thaumatropes in popular culture In the

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