Examples of the the word, visually , in a Sentence Context
The word ( visually ), is the 6301 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Colic. Safety Some members of the laurel family, as well as the unrelated, but, visually , similar mountain laurel and cherry laurel, have leaves that are poisonous to
- Sections and photographed every section under an electron microscope, then, visually , matched fibers from section to section, to map out every neuron and synapse in
- But slightly lighter in color and possessing a deep grain structure that is, visually ,appealing. ..... Due to decreasing availability and rising prices of
- Review – an optical printer was used to make the whole screen appear in focus (, visually ,layering one piece of film onto another). However, some apparently deep-focus
- Dog to the pilot, who gets them there safely. Some blind people use GPS for the, visually ,impaired as a mobility aid. Such software can assist blind people with
- Rather, the feature uses a system developed in consultation with blind and, visually ,impaired Canadians after research indicated that not all potential users read
- Fittings and destination displays may also be designed to be usable by the, visually ,impaired. Coaches generally use wheelchair lifts instead of low floor designs.
- To the recipient's radial nerve against the periosteum of the forearm bone. *, visually ,similar to Tokyo, but with an inverted grip of the wrist, medial rotation of
- Company * British Blind Sport, a British sporting charity for people who are, visually ,impaired Science * Brittle Bone Society, a British medical research charity *
- Management. Epidemiology The WHO estimates that in 2002 there were 161 million, visually ,impaired people in the world (about 2.6 % of the total population). Of this
- And its use of split-screen, split-diopter and slow motion shots tell the story, visually ,rather than through dialogue. The financial and critical success of Carrie
- Survives, and it was only during the Han Dynasty that he was portrayed, visually , Carvings often depict his legendary meeting with Nazi. Since that time there
- Has a particularly strong case of the phenomenon. It is at least 110 times, visually ,more luminous than the Sun, but this underestimates its strength as much of the
- Officer (LSO, sometimes called" paddles" ) to monitor the plane's approach, visually ,gauge glideslope, attitude,and airspeed, and transmit that data to the pilot.
- Library of Medicine (NLM) that uses maps of the United States to help users, visually ,explore data from the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA)
- Failure, freedom of speech, education and equality of access (such as by the, visually ,impaired. ) Some view" limitations and exceptions" as" user rights" –
- In which the musical design corresponded to literary ideas, conceived, visually , (Wider had not grown up with knowledge of the old Lutheran hymns. ) The
- Or delay diagnosis. It is particularly hard to diagnose autism among the, visually ,impaired, partly because some of its diagnostic criteria depend on vision, and
- Long division problems can be long and difficult. The abacus gives blind and, visually ,impaired students a tool to compute mathematical problems that equals the speed
- The sole instruments of its reversal. Blind people in literature written by, visually ,able authors It is impossible to make a blanket generalization about how the
- Had been able to tell pilots to follow a BA plane, they were now harder to, visually ,identify because each plane was painted in a range of different colors and
- Year (365.25) or the number of lunar orbits in 10,000 rotations (365.01). A, visually ,striking effect is seen every March and September as an unusual shadow occurs
- Sensor, infrared sensor, and radar. These sensors allow the gunship to, visually ,or electronically identify friendly ground forces and targets in most weather
- Rupee notes also have special raised symbols to make them identifiable by the, visually ,impaired. In India there are instances where the parliament acts have been
- Work is that of wind, the winds of change, of fortune and adversity. "" The, visually ,flamboyant final battle of Jimbo takes place in the main street, as huge
- Until the reign of Augustus. The relief sculptures decorating the Ara Paris, visually ,augmented the written record of Augustus' triumphs in the Res Gestate. Its
- Disorders, cerebral palsy, hearing impairments, and epilepsy. In a study of 228, visually , impaired children in metropolitan Atlanta between 1991 and 1993,154 (68 %)
- Works. * Stephen Subsist wrote about his experiences as a, visually ,impaired person in Planet of the Blind, and his upcoming memoir, Eavesdropping:
- Of websites to adaptive technology, making the web a more inviting place for, visually ,impaired surfers. Experimental approaches in sensory substitution are beginning
- This allegorical tale of stagnation. Literature by blind people While blind and, visually ,impaired people had contributed to the body of common literature for centuries
- Mainstream public schools. Early Braille education is crucial to literacy for a, visually ,impaired child. A study conducted in the state of Washington found that people
- Tactile paving and audible traffic signals can make it easier and safer for, visually ,impaired pedestrians to cross streets. In addition to making rules about who
- 16 GB version, which was available in both black and white. The new version was, visually ,different from its predecessor in that it eliminated the flat silver back, and
- Studies by Nikos Nomothetic and his colleagues have shown, for example, that, visually , responsive neurons in parts of the temporal lobe reflect the visual perception
- Tarzan in physics * Audio description, a narration track for blind and, visually ,impaired viewers of media such as TV and film * Administrative domain, a
- It has a high aesthetic value. ” Visual art In visual art, certain images are, visually ,ambiguous, such as the Becker cube, which can be interpreted in two ways.
- International Obfuscated C Code Contest is a program that adds numbers, but, visually , looks like a binary adder drawn in logic ports. Examples of ASCII-style art
- Food at different positions on a dinner plate Most people, once they have been, visually ,impaired for long enough, devise their own adaptive strategies in all areas of
- Dots that indicate the denomination, allowing bills to be easily identified by, visually ,impaired people. It does not use standard Braille; rather, the feature uses a
- Books about adapting to blindness. *French author Jacques Lutheran, who was, visually ,impaired at the age of 7 when he injured his eyes on the sharp corner of a
- S page. Other appearances The characters have made cameo appearances (either, visually ,or only voices) and have been referenced in numerous television shows, such as
- A wide range of tools and techniques. Examples of assistive technology for, visually ,impairment is included the Canadian currency tactile feature, which a system of
- Of Health identifies three groups of patients who may be classified as severely, visually ,impaired. In terms of the worldwide prevalence of blindness, the vastly greater
- Blind in Touching the Rock: An Experience of Blindness. * Georgina Pledge, visually ,impaired since age 11,wrote about her life and how it was affected by cultural
- And is frequently used in university courses. In 2007, it was named the 2nd most, visually ,influential film of all time by the Visual Effects Society. Blade Runner is one
- News reporting, research,teaching or scholarship, archiving,access by the, visually ,impaired etc. They essentially create a limitation, or an exception to the
- Are based on a draft of the ISO-8859 series, some of Microsoft's symbols are, visually ,very similar to the ISO symbols, leading many to falsely assume that they are
- For cane travel can vary depending on the user and/or the situation. Some, visually ,impaired persons do not carry these kinds of canes, opting instead for the
- Corner family promotes itself discreetly in this chapel; they are represented, visually , but are placed on the sides of the chapel, witnessing the event from balconies
- Be given to users of white canes or guide dogs. Reading and magnification Most, visually ,impaired people who are not totally blind read print, either of a regular size
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