Examples of the the word, auditor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( auditor ), is the 6294 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Worlds of the First French Empire were a revelation to Bale. He was named an, auditor ,with the Conrail d'Eat on 3 August 1810,and thereafter took part in the
  2. Companies in relation to the South Sydney Rabbit ohs' salary cap. Salary cap, auditor ,Ian Schubert was reported to be delving into Crowe's recent dealings with
  3. Which Hesse-Kassel had been incorporated by Napoleon. Jerome appointed him an, auditor ,to the state council, while he retained his other post. His salary was
  4. Offices in the executive branch are the Secretary of State (Jon A. Hosted), auditor , ( Dave Most),treasurer (Josh Manuel),and attorney general (Mike DeWine).
  5. A conventional cursus honorum, following his uncle Geronimo Camphill as, auditor ,of the Rota, and like him, attaining the dignity of Cardinal-Priest of
  6. To decide what is safe to version and what is not; a project manager or, auditor ,may prefer to reduce the risk by using build scripts that require certain
  7. Be approved and can be changed by a simple majority vote of the council. The, auditor ,checks all expenditures and may refuse to allow specific ones, usually based on
  8. Of the alcohol produced was to be used in making munitions),a court-appointed, auditor ,found USIA responsible after three years of hearings. United States Industrial
  9. Were released showing the club to be £350M in debt with losses of £55M,causing, auditor ,KPMG to qualify its audit opinion. The club's creditors, including the Royal
  10. Facing each other. The process then follows in eleven distinct steps: :1. The, auditor ,assures the prepare that he will be fully aware of everything that happens
  11. Aberdeen is home to Brown County offices including clerk-magistrate, county, auditor , landfill office, register of deeds, county treasurer, coroner,emergency
  12. Attitudes in the 1930s was published by Max Heinrich, quoting a remark by an, auditor ,of one of his lectures: (a speak IZ a dialect MIT an area un FLOT—"A
  13. Then 200 — but also in elaborate legal conceits. " These terms include: allege, auditor , defects, exchequer,forfeit, heirs,impeach, lease,moiety, recompense,render
  14. Government and accountability for the use of public resources. In addition,the, auditor ,provides access to information and reports on various matters of city
  15. Tear open envelopes and pull out $500 checks from people who wanted to take an, auditor ,'s course. " Financial controls were lax. Hubbard himself withdrew large sums
  16. Was made governor of Terns, Rieti, and Soweto. For fourteen years he served as, auditor ,of the Rota. At the request of the Venetian Republic, Ottoboni was made
  17. Therapy designed to isolate and dissipate engrams (or" mental masses" ). An, auditor ,addresses questions to a subject, observes and records the subject's responses
  18. Delicate missions. Early work After finishing his studies, Altieri was named, auditor ,of Giovanni Batista Ancelotti in 1623,in the miniature of Poland. On his
  19. Constitutional offices are Secretary of State, attorney general, and state, auditor , Legislature The Minnesota Legislature is a bicameral body consisting of the
  20. Argued that Ashcroft, who is not an accountant, was unqualified to be the state, auditor , Jack Danforth, who was then in his second term as state attorney general
  21. Constitutional offices are Secretary of State, attorney general, and state, auditor , Legislative The North Dakota Legislative Assembly is a bicameral body
  22. With a mayor elected on a nonpartisan ballot, a 13-member city council and an, auditor , The Denver City Council is elected from 11 districts with two at-large
  23. Also encountered with hypnosis, which can be used to form false memories. The, auditor ,is instructed not to make any assessment of a recalled memory's reality or
  24. Turned the project over to members of his supervisory staff, including company, auditor ’T. Clyde Edwards, plant superintendent Alexander Samuelson, and Earl R. Dean
  25. He attended from 1864 to 1870. He graduated with honors in mathematics. He was, auditor ,of the College Historical Society and president of the University Philosophical
  26. The Portland City Council, which includes the Mayor, four Commissioners, and an, auditor , Each is elected citywide to serve a four-year term. The auditor provides
  27. Gives the prepare the canceler word:" Very good. Cancelled. " :10. The, auditor ,tells the prepare to feel alert and return to full awareness of his
  28. The director of safety and the director of public service. The people elect the, auditor , municipal court clerk, municipal court judges and city attorney. A charter
  29. Therapy (known as auditing) is a two-person activity. One person, the ", auditor ,", guides the other person, the " prepare ". The preclear's job is to look at
  30. Financial officer Douglas Beatty, and controller Michael Googly. Independent, auditor ,Deloitte & Touché advised audit committee chairman John Leghorn and board
  31. Times/Last campaign began to garner popular support. Shortly afterward, county, auditor , Matthew J. O'Rourke supplied additional details to the Times, The Times also
  32. In full possession of his will and retains full recall thereafter. 3. The, auditor ,installs a" canceler ", an instruction intended to absolutely cancel any form
  33. Being impressed by his personal charisma. Jack Corner, who became a Diabetics, auditor ,in 1950,later said:" He was very impressive, dedicated and amusing. The man
  34. The" prepare ". The preclear's job is to look at the mind and talk to the, auditor , The auditor acknowledges what the prepare says and controls the process so
  35. That you feel you can comfortably face. " :5. The prepare is invited by the, auditor ,to" Go through the incident and say what is happening as you go along. " :6a.
  36. The process so the prepare may put his full attention on his work. The, auditor ,and prepare sit down in chairs facing each other. The process then follows in
  37. Reached. 7. The prepare is instructed to" return to present time ". 8. The, auditor ,checks to make sure that the prepare feels himself to be in" present time "
  38. Go through the incident and say what is happening as you go along. " :6a. The, auditor ,instructs the prepare to recall as much as possible of the incident, going
  39. And familiarize himself with the exact details of his own experience; the, auditor ,may not tell him anything about his case or evaluate any of the information the
  40. And an auditor . Each is elected citywide to serve a four-year term. The, auditor ,provides checks and balances in the commission form of government and
  41. The primary, Missouri Governor Christopher Bond appointed Ashcroft to be state, auditor , the office Bond had left when he became governor. In 1974,Ashcroft was
  42. The preclear's job is to look at the mind and talk to the auditor . The, auditor ,acknowledges what the prepare says and controls the process so the prepare
  43. The individual member banks undergo regular audits by the GAO and an outside, auditor , GAO audits are limited and do not cover" most of the Fed’s monetary policy
  44. First Integrity Commissioner, Christiane Outlet, was heavily criticized in the, auditor ,general's report in December 2010. Cabinet minister Stockwell Day defended the
  45. Organizations or SAS 70,defines the professional standards used by a service, auditor ,** Statement on Auditing Standards No. 99: Consideration of Fraud or SAS 99
  46. To be in" present time ",i.e. not still recalling a past incident. 9. The, auditor ,gives the prepare the canceler word:" Very good. Cancelled. " :10. The
  47. Be without force when I say the word 'cancelled. ' Do you understand? " :4. The, auditor ,then asks the prepare to locate an exact record of something that happened to
  48. Commentaries, but nevertheless demanded no mean degree of intelligence from the, auditor , Origen's chief aim was the practical exposition of the text, verse by verse;
  49. Cheerful about it ". 6b. When the prepare is cheerful about an incident,the, auditor ,instructs the prepare to locate another incident:" Let's find another
  50. Is a process whereby a series of questions are asked by the Scientology, auditor , in an attempt to rid the auditee of the painful experiences of the past which

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