Examples of the the word, amnesty , in a Sentence Context

The word ( amnesty ), is the 6303 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In 625 CE (or 628 CE),the Byzantine army returned to the area, promising, amnesty , to Jews who had joined the Persians, and was greeted by Benjamin of Tiberius.
  2. Groups had either been destroyed or surrendered, taking advantage of an, amnesty ,program, though fighting and terrorism continues in some areas (See Islamic
  3. 1988. He was released from prison on 1 September 1993,as a result of an, amnesty , He died of a heart attack in Bangui on 3 November 1996 at age 75. Molina
  4. Minister and leader of the Turkish Motherland Party, Turgut Oral, issued an, amnesty ,for Maraca. Shortly afterwards, he returned to Turkey. His return also brought
  5. Credentials of Ambassadors and Ministers. #Attestation of general and special, amnesty , commutation of punishment, reprieve,and restoration of rights. #Awarding of
  6. Convinced the emperor that God commanded him to kill Jews and therefore his, amnesty ,was invalid, whereupon the Byzantines massacred the Jews in Jerusalem and
  7. Reconciliation—- passed by an overwhelming margin. The charter coupled another, amnesty ,offer to all but the most violent participants in the Islamist uprising with an
  8. In 1858,but his position was very difficult. He had never petitioned for an, amnesty , steadily rejected all the overtures both of the Austrian government and of the
  9. King's Commissioners to negotiate. James offered free elections and a general, amnesty ,for the rebels. In reality, by that point James was simply playing for time
  10. The head of his army with the support of the Jewish population who had received, amnesty , Nevertheless, upon entry, the Christian priests in Jerusalem convinced the
  11. To what extent the ICC is compatible with reconciliation processes that grant, amnesty ,to human rights abusers as part of agreements to end conflict. Article 16 of
  12. The non-administrative but influential position of Orbicularis. His offer of, amnesty ,for the Roman leadership was largely honored, though the jurist Julian was
  13. 23, 1868): The pengö is formally changed from Kay to Meiji; and a general, amnesty ,is granted. And other official buildings, along with some of the city's most
  14. To regret the decisions that had been made at the Nicene Council. He granted, amnesty ,to the Arian leaders and exiled Athanasius because of Eugenics of Comedian.
  15. Politician, Necker overplayed his hand by demanding and obtaining a general, amnesty , losing much of the people's favor. As civil authority rapidly deteriorated
  16. And other holders of public powers responsible to the Labor; and granting, amnesty , Decisions are made based on a majority vote if more than half of the Chamber
  17. Who was scheming to take revenge upon Caesar's murderers. In exchange for, amnesty ,for the assassins, he arranged for the Senate to agree not to declare Caesar to
  18. Republicans during the administration of Ulysses S. Grant. He opposed a general, amnesty ,bill, secured the support of the Union veterans who mobilized as the Grand Army
  19. Tutor Herodotus of Chaos, did not take into account that Caesar was granting, amnesty ,to a great number of those of the senatorial faction in their defeat. Even men
  20. Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross maintain that granting, amnesty ,to those accused of war crimes and other serious crimes is a violation of
  21. This in further detail in his book, Profiles In Courage. Christmas Day, amnesty ,for Confederates One of Johnson's last significant acts was granting
  22. Della Agricola (the military officer controlling the town) to grant an, amnesty ,to people in exile, including Dante. But Florence required that as well as
  23. And anticipating its loss offered to assist the Byzantines in return for, amnesty ,for the revolt. In 617 CE, the Persians forces withdrew from Palestine Prime
  24. a hundred political prisoners remained in jail. In July 1984,another general, amnesty ,was declared, and two years later, the government had released nearly all
  25. With power to recommend compensation for victims of the 2000 coup, and, amnesty , for its perpetrators. However, the military strongly opposed this bill
  26. Country. As part of his endeavor, he successfully campaigned to provide, amnesty ,to thousands of members of the banned IS. The so-called Civil Concord was
  27. Nonetheless. Letters of reconciliation were dispatched to Rome extending, amnesty ,to the Senate and recognizing the laws, while also condemning the
  28. I say, as to the leaders, punishment. I also say leniency, reconciliation and, amnesty ,to the thousands whom they have misled and deceived," and ended up pardoning
  29. Carlo ", was changed to" PIO ", a reference to Pope Pius IX's grant of an, amnesty ,to political prisoners. After Italy was unified in 1861,many of Verdi's early
  30. As members of GAM's armed wing decommission their weapons and apply for, amnesty , The agreement also allows for Achenes nationalist forces to form their own
  31. Other major offenses and the penalties applicable to them; criminal procedure;, amnesty ,; the establishment of new classes of courts and tribunals and the regulations
  32. Citizen King Louis Philippe) wing. Consequently, there was no hope that such an, amnesty ,would be passed in the future. Because of the ambiguity surrounding Louis
  33. Agreement was signed between France and the mutineers. The latter were promised, amnesty , allowed to retain their weapons. Their security was ensured by the French
  34. Manageable levels. An estimated 80 % of those fighting the regime accepted the, amnesty ,offer. The president also formed national commissions to study reforms of the
  35. In prison. However, he was released by the Batista government in 1956,when, amnesty ,was given to many political prisoners, including the ones that assaulted the
  36. Were released. Although martial law formally ended in July 1983 and a general, amnesty ,was enacted, several hundred political prisoners remained in jail. In July 1984
  37. Because of her taking advantage of the Spanish reinsertion policy which granted, amnesty ,to those prisoners who publicly refused political violence (see below). On
  38. Earn her the guillotine). The new Bourbon King, Louis XVIII, however,granted, amnesty ,to David and even offered him the position of court painter. David refused
  39. ETA military or ETA (m). Both ETA (m) and ETA (pm) refused offers of, amnesty , instead continuing and intensifying their violent struggle. The years 1978–80
  40. On their last day in office the old Constituent Assembly rejected a proposed, amnesty ,for the insurgents of the June Days. The new National Constituent Assembly was
  41. Pm) between the seventh and eighth assemblies. ETA VII accepted this partial, amnesty ,granted by the now democratic Spanish government and integrated into the
  42. Landfall at Cape Henry, Virginia. *1802 – Napoleon Bonaparte signs a general, amnesty ,to allow all but about one thousand of the most notorious émigrés of the French
  43. Des Accords de Bangui (MI SAB). In March, all mutineers were granted, amnesty , The fighting between MI SAB and the mutineers continued with a large offensive
  44. Claimed that he saved himself by throwing away his shield and fleeing. When an, amnesty ,was declared for those who had fought against the victorious Octavian (later
  45. Colonists who lay down their arms. There would be only two exceptions to the, amnesty ,: Samuel Adams and John Hancock, if captured, were to be hanged. *1776 – The
  46. Persons implicated in the rebellion only three were excepted from the general, amnesty , But by Order in Council, Charles II pardoned them, and the judges responsible
  47. The former convicts (political and criminal) that released by the Kerensky, amnesty ,.; Moscow Cheney (1918–1919) Chairman - Felix Dzerzhinsky, Deputy - Yakov
  48. Bainimaram agreed with detractors who said that it was a sham to grant, amnesty ,to supporters of the present government who played roles in the violent coup.
  49. Confederates One of Johnson's last significant acts was granting unconditional, amnesty ,to all Confederates on Christmas Day, December 25, 1868,after the election of
  50. He engaged in commercial pursuits, and returned to Athens under the general, amnesty ,that followed the restoration of the democracy (403 BC),and filled some

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