Examples of the the word, constrain , in a Sentence Context

The word ( constrain ), is the 6297 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Geometrically, as opposed to topologically, as regions of spacetime that, constrain ,the incremental deformation of closed surfaces. For example, in Enrico
  2. Of other DBMS processes. The transaction-related mechanisms typically, constrain ,the database data access operations' timing (transaction schedules) to
  3. On occasion into the hundreds) and that statutory and case law prescriptions, constrain ,some aspects of the negotiations. Mediation in South Africa (There is a full
  4. 1 at the starting point of calculation for simplification. It is also common to, constrain ,the first component of the Jones vectors to be a real number. This discards the
  5. As a great victory for Henry V inside the Holy Roman Empire. It did serve to, constrain ,much of the most recent warfare in and outside the empire. In the end, Henry V
  6. Access information on recoiling tracks (3D reconstruction if possible) and to, constrain ,the WIMP-nucleus kinematics. Wimps coming from the direction in which the Sun
  7. Taste. They generally held that there are underlying principles of design that, constrain ,all constitutions for every polity or organization. Each built on the ideas of
  8. Experiments indicate that antineutrinos have mass, but beta decay experiments, constrain ,that mass to be very small. A neutrino-antineutrino interaction has been
  9. Roughly consistent with those derived from the MAP observations and further, constrain ,the Lambda CDM model and (indirectly) dark matter. These constrain ts are
  10. Numerous researchers point out that democratic norms and political structures, constrain ,elite decisions about the use of repression against their citizens whereas
  11. Between Japan and the outside world during the Do period. Decimal was built to, constrain ,foreign traders as part of Shikoku, the self-imposed isolationist policy.
  12. In its stellar census. Asymmetric measurements are used by astrophysicists to, constrain ,certain models in celestial mechanics. By measuring the velocities of pulsars
  13. Consistent with those of the CMB derived from the MAP spacecraft and further, constrain ,the Lambda CDM model and dark matter. Note that the CMB data and the BAD data
  14. By alternative forms of a" word ", are called allomorphy. Phonological rules, constrain ,which sounds can appear next to each other in a language, and morphological
  15. Work in the area of schema languages for XML. Such schema languages typically, constrain ,the set of elements that may be used in a document, which attributes may be
  16. Reconstructions rely mainly on paleo magnetic pole data, although these only, constrain ,the latitude and rotation, but not the longitude. Combining poles of different
  17. Many cultured species high stocking densities may be of concern. Crowding can, constrain ,normal swimming behavior, as well as increase aggressive and competitive
  18. Jurisdiction in the United States Three fundamentals of personal jurisdiction, constrain ,the ability of courts in the United States to bind individuals or property to
  19. Extensive controls of prices, credit,trade, and foreign exchange, constrain ,growth. Although UN sanctions were suspended in 1999,foreign investment in the
  20. Officials. As a result in following years a number of guidelines were issued to, constrain ,FBI activities. A March 2007 report by the inspector general of the Justice
  21. Toward the gold standard. Advocates argued that the Gold Standard would, constrain ,unsustainable and volatile fractional-reserve banking practices, ensuring that
  22. Sheets found in Ireland, Norway. Uses Biotite is used extensively to, constrain ,ages of rocks, by either potassium-argon dating or argon-argon dating. Because
  23. Reconstruction is in question. Others have even suggested that most data do not, constrain ,any glacial deposits to within 25° of the equator. Skeptics suggest that the
  24. Into support for the Bolshevik party, which the tsarist regime could not, constrain , In this view,“ it was because Bolshevism articulated mass aspirations so well
  25. Have also a velocity component along the magnetic field line, the Lorentz force, constrain ,them to bend and move along spirals around the field lines at the cyclotron
  26. Spillovers of financial crises, and those who claim that the tax would also, constrain ,the effectiveness of the global economic system, increase price volatility
  27. Collective name for center, guards,and tackles. Defense The rules do not, constrain ,how the defense may arrange itself (other than the requirement that they must
  28. With aloes; and it's then appearing as if he had had the pig himself, they, constrain , him to buy them off, if he would not have them tell his wife. Filament narrates
  29. Tudors, never more so than under Henry’s reign. Despite this, Henry was keen to, constrain ,their power and influence, applying the same principles to the Justices of the
  30. Order in which a learner may experience content objects. In simple terms, they, constrain , a learner to a fixed set of paths through the training material, permit the
  31. Data measure the acoustic oscillations at very different distance scales. They, constrain ,the dark energy density ΩΛ= ~0.713 for a flat, Lambda CDM Universe and the
  32. Institutional strategies such as the formation of diplomatic coalitions to, constrain ,the power of the established great powers. In recent years, it has given high
  33. Must be provided by copyright laws, and the Borne three-step test operates to, constrain ,the kinds of copyright exceptions and limitations which individual nations can
  34. Say this approach is overly broad in scope. However, it might be possible to, constrain ,the fitness criterion onto a general class of results, and so obtain an evolved
  35. Mutual gravitational influence of the bodies, i. e., their ability to alter or, constrain ,each others' orbits. In most cases, this results in an unstable interaction
  36. Types of quantitative and semi-quantitative information are available to, constrain ,past plate motions. The geometric fit between continents, such as between west
  37. On the Subaru telescope in Hawaii in 2005,astronomers were able to further, constrain ,the size of a planet orbiting Vega to no more than 5–10 times the mass of
  38. Function space, that transforms u into r. That kind of equation can be used to, constrain ,the output function u in terms of the forcing function r. The transfer function
  39. Rate Mechanism, a precursor to European monetary union, believing that it would, constrain ,the British economy, despite the urging of her Chancellor of the Exchequer
  40. Since this molecular material can be spatially resolved, it is possible to, constrain ,the heating/ionizing sources, temperatures,masses, and sizes of the regions.
  41. A composite index on regulations that enhances business activity and those that, constrain ,it. Demographics The population has almost quadrupled since independence. In
  42. Charge, they participate in strong interactions. These gluon-gluon interactions, constrain ,color fields to string-like objects called" flux tubes ", which exert constant
  43. Shogun Emits ordered the construction of the artificial island in 1634,to, constrain ,the Portuguese merchants living in Nagasaki. But after an uprising of the
  44. Option. * Another possibility is that there are new symmetry principles that, constrain ,the parameters and reduce them to a finite set. This is the route taken by
  45. As seen by living observers, cannot be random. Instead, biological factors, constrain ,the universe to be more or less in a" golden age," neither too young nor too
  46. Emissions reductions .... a greenhouse-gas-emissions cap ultimately would, constrain ,energy production. A sensible climate policy would emphasize building
  47. Purely executive officials at his discretion. However, Congress can curtail and, constrain ,a president's authority to fire commissioners of independent regulatory
  48. Theories of everything (but particularly string theory) was that they did not, constrain ,the characteristics of the predicted universe. For example, many theories of
  49. Cites the Third Amendment as providing evidence of the Framers' intent to, constrain ,executive power even during wartime:" that military powers of the Commander in
  50. Calibrated time scales for the last 9 Ma of the Earth's history, helping to, constrain ,the time of past Geomagnetic Reversals. Furthermore, the exceptional accuracy

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