Examples of the the word, knot , in a Sentence Context

The word ( knot ), is the 6305 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The knot and the knot unravel and fails. This behavior can worsen when the, knot ,is repeatedly strained and let slack, dragged over rough terrain, or repeatedly
  2. Across borders and into prisons by filling the condom with drugs, tying it in a, knot ,and then either swallowing it or inserting it into the rectum. These methods
  3. A knot ted rope in proportion to the breaking strength of the rope without the, knot , Determining a precise value for a particular knot is difficult because many
  4. Goes into a mountainous environment should have basic knowledge of knot s and, knot ,systems to increase safety and the ability to do interesting activities such as
  5. The frayed end of a rope is held together by a type of knot called a whipping, knot , Many types of textiles use knot s to repair damage. Macramé, one kind of
  6. Before loading. Sometimes, the use of a stopper knot or, even better, a backup, knot ,can prevent the working end from passing through the knot ; but if a knot is
  7. Or damaged elsewhere. The bending, crushing,and chafing forces that hold a, knot ,in place also unevenly stress rope fibers and ultimately lead to a reduction in
  8. A Hellenistic diadem symbolizing royalty (many of the coins depict a small, knot ,with two ends on top of the diadem),seem to be the most probable source for
  9. Plenty of rope at the working end outside the knot , and by dressing the, knot ,cleanly and tightening it as much as possible before loading. Sometimes, the
  10. Are: Slipping The load creates tension that pulls the rope back through the, knot ,in the direction of the load. If this continues far enough, the working end
  11. Even better, a backup knot can prevent the working end from passing through the, knot ,; but if a knot is observed to slip, it is generally preferable to use a more
  12. From the Dutch verb kitten, which is similar to the Old English cotton, to, knot , One of the earliest known examples of knitting was cotton socks with stranded
  13. Can be mitigated by leaving plenty of rope at the working end outside the, knot , and by dressing the knot cleanly and tightening it as much as possible before
  14. Like a baldric, bound at his side, / below his left shoulder, laced in a, knot , in betokening the blame he had borne for his fault. " * The costume of the
  15. Around the central channel. At the navel, throat and crown, there is a twofold, knot ,caused by each side channel twisting once around the central channel. At the
  16. It as much as possible before loading. Sometimes, the use of a stopper, knot ,or, even better, a backup knot can prevent the working end from passing through
  17. How the knot is dressed before loading, how rapidly it is loaded, whether the, knot ,is repeatedly loaded, and so on. The efficiency of common knot s ranges between
  18. Locations identified the Tell as Al Jazz'heir, which is a Persian word for a ", knot ," or a" node" because of the intersection of the inclination of the orbit of
  19. Worn on the Sabbath may be plain black slip-ons so as not to have to make a, knot ,which is prohibited on that day and so as not to touch the shoes (which would
  20. Methods * Jam session, a semi-improvised rock or jazz performance * Jamming (, knot ,), the tendency of knot s to become difficult to untie * The jamming of machine
  21. Geometric topology Conway's approach to computing the Alexander polynomial of, knot ,theory involved skein relations, by a variant now called the Alexander-Conway
  22. After use, it is recommended the condom be wrapped in tissue or tied in a, knot , then disposed of in a trash receptacle. Role in sex education Condoms are
  23. Other factors come into play. Security Even if the rope does not break,a, knot ,may still fail to hold. Knots that hold firm under a variety of adverse
  24. Of a space with a non-American fundamental group is the complement of a trefoil, knot ,in R3. Functionality If f: X → Y is a continuous map,x0 ∈ X and y0 ∈ Y with f
  25. Or photos and tie the illustrated knot s, others learn best by watching how a, knot ,is tied. Knot tying skills are often transmitted by sailors, scouts,climbers
  26. Being concerned about fraying. History and culture The word is derived from, knot , thought to originate from the Dutch verb kitten, which is similar to the Old
  27. As a masts and flagpoles. Even with secure knot s, slippage may occur when the, knot ,is first put under real tension. This can be mitigated by leaving plenty of
  28. Knotted rope is strained to its breaking point, it almost always fails at the, knot ,or close to it, unless it is defective or damaged elsewhere. The bending
  29. Threaded through the holes at the back, tightened,and tied with a special, knot , Strings can be tightened by a special machine, but often are tightened by hand
  30. Layer, was right for it. " Image: NF knot s. PNG|frame|right|Some knot s A, knot ,is a method of fastening or securing linear material such as rope by tying or
  31. 1937) is a prolific mathematician active in the theory of finite groups, knot ,theory, number theory, combinatorial game theory and coding theory. He has also
  32. But it more likely is related to dollars (" knot -arse" ), referring to the, knot ,of feathers on the hind end. The first recording of the word dodgers is in
  33. If this continues far enough, the working end passes into the knot and the, knot ,unravels and fails. This behavior can worsen when the knot is repeatedly
  34. Fiber, the style of rope, the size of rope, whether it is wet or dry, how the, knot ,is dressed before loading, how rapidly it is loaded, whether the knot is
  35. Netting. In rope work, the frayed end of a rope is held together by a type of, knot ,called a whipping knot . Many types of textiles use knot s to repair damage.
  36. And failure are complex and are the subject of continued study. Relative, knot ,strength, also called not efficiency, is the breaking strength of a knot ted
  37. Hereditary status and proclaims the nobility of workers. Marriage, as the, knot ,in question, is exemplified by the union of Marian Lind, a lady of the upper
  38. For tabulating knot s, nowadays known as Conway notation, while completing the, knot ,tables up to 10 crossings. Group theory He worked on the classification of
  39. Nature. The most notorious is the magnetic monopoly, a kind of stable, heavy ", knot ," in the magnetic field. Monopolies are expected to be copiously produced in
  40. Value for a particular knot is difficult because many factors can affect a, knot ,efficiency test: the type of fiber, the style of rope, the size of rope
  41. Says," The son-of-a-gun gets hold of you in the first paragraph, ties a, knot ,around you, and keeps it tied in every paragraph thereafter including the
  42. Of the load. If this continues far enough, the working end passes into the, knot ,and the knot unravels and fails. This behavior can worsen when the knot is
  43. Topiary and fountains which often contained water jokes. In the 17th century, knot ,gardens became popular along with the hedge mazes. By this time, Europeans
  44. And are the subject of continued study. Relative knot strength, also called, knot ,efficiency, is the breaking strength of a knot ted rope in proportion to the
  45. Then a decade, this concept became central to work in the 1980s on the novel, knot ,polynomials. Conway further developed tangle theory and invented a system of
  46. Twisting once around the central channel. At the heart wheel there is a sixfold, knot , where each side channel twists around three times. An important part of
  47. Their ancient origins, their common uses, and the area of mathematics known as, knot ,theory. Use There is a large variety of knot s, each with properties that make
  48. Of the rope without the knot . Determining a precise value for a particular, knot ,is difficult because many factors can affect a knot efficiency test: the type
  49. According to the story, Alexander proclaimed that it did not matter how the, knot ,was undone, and hacked it apart with his sword. The Levant and Syria After
  50. In 1909 and finished in 1913,was a modified Monte; speed increased by one, knot ,to, while armor was up to thick, equivalent for the England class

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