Examples of the the word, glimpse , in a Sentence Context

The word ( glimpse ), is the 6286 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Jean-Michel Bassist of the SAMOA Graffiti, and offered many their first, glimpse ,of a depiction of elements of graffiti in hip hop culture. More important here
  2. Rumpus. It adds treasure and a damsel as goals, and a crystal ball allowing a, glimpse ,into adjacent rooms. Being touch-focused, navigation within the dungeon is by
  3. And street art documentary filmed on five continents. * Rise (2007),a, glimpse ,into the life of a Melbourne, Australia graffiti writer. Shows the audience an
  4. Chemical studies Observers hoped that the impacts would give them a first, glimpse ,of Jupiter beneath the cloud tops, as lower material was exposed by the comet
  5. Asked to see the bomb. Cooper cracked open his briefcase long enough for her to, glimpse ,eight red cylinders After closing the case he dictated his demands:" I want
  6. In Amazon etc.) by customers in ways that allow other potential customers to, glimpse ,real world experience of current customers with the seller's products and
  7. In March 1918 in the trenches at Saint-Quentin, France,Journey's End gives a, glimpse ,into the experiences of the officers of a British Army infantry company in
  8. 20th century, contrasting nihilism with purpose. Maude's past is revealed in a, glimpse ,of the Auschwitz http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php? Modeled=10007056 ID
  9. Were preserved by their opponents (the Ritual Cathay de Lyon) which give a, glimpse ,of the inner workings of their faith, but these still leave many questions
  10. You ". With The Resurrection of Lazarus, he goes a step further, giving us a, glimpse ,of the actual physical process of resurrection. The body of Lazarus is still in
  11. Vacuous impassivity" of the ultrasound technician who gives her the first, glimpse ,of her new baby. Wolf both laments her C-section and examines why the procedure
  12. The Nokia, where Odysseus encounters Heracles in Hades:: And next I caught a, glimpse ,of powerful Heracles —: His ghost I mean: the man himself delights: in the
  13. Crime. Documentaries and films * 80 Blocks from Tiffany's (1979) – A rare, glimpse ,into late '70s New York towards the end of the infamous South Bronx gangs. The
  14. To look up at the open window of Robert N. Weir's boardinghouse and caught a, glimpse ,of Calvin Coolidge shaving in front of a mirror with nothing on but long
  15. By 1993,Acted was serving about 18 percent of the market. FPGA got a, glimpse ,of fame in 1997,when Adrian Thompson, a researcher working at the University
  16. James Cook and the travels of other explorers fascinated visitors with a, glimpse ,of previously unknown lands. The bequest of a collection of books, engraved
  17. Toronto. JPG|From Toronto lake shore in winter Image: Lake Ontario. JPG|A, glimpse ,of Lake Ontario Image: Toronto from LO. JPG|The Toronto skyline viewed from
  18. On pottery of Ancient Greece and ceramics gives a particularly informative, glimpse ,into the way society in Ancient Greece functioned. Black-figure vase painting
  19. Have been discovered, as well as 55 of his own letters. These letters give a, glimpse ,into the daily trials of ruling an empire, from dealing with floods and
  20. Tactics to attempt to demoralize Civilization, thus providing an early literary, glimpse ,into this modern problem of both law enforcement and military response. The use
  21. Consolation, fear,charm – all you demand – and, perhaps,also that, glimpse ,of truth for which you have forgotten to ask. " Writing in what to the visual
  22. Provides not only invaluable documentation of the construction, but also a, glimpse ,into common day life of workers in that era. The construction was part of an
  23. The Liaoning lagerstätte (Chaomidianzi formation) in China provides a, glimpse ,of life in the Early Cretaceous, where preserved remains of numerous types of
  24. Many primes. Another example of the richness of the zeta function and a, glimpse ,of modern algebraic number theory is the following identity (Basel problem)
  25. Liked to wander out to the hospital garden, where the patients sat to catch a, glimpse ,of the sun. The young Dostoevsky appreciated spending time with these patients
  26. The islands are now a regular port of call for cruise ships. Visitors can, glimpse ,what the islanders had previously thought of as their humdrum existence. There
  27. Space. He wants to go on an adventure and become famous. The story shows a, glimpse ,of a fascinating powerful alien race and culture. Notes Netball is a ball sport
  28. 1803 work Temple of Nature. Poem on evolution Erasmus Darwin offered the first, glimpse ,of his theory of evolution, obliquely,in a question at the end of a long
  29. A block away on the corner of Central Ave. and McKay Ave., provides another, glimpse ,of what resort life was like in Alameda in the 1920s. A short walk near Crab
  30. While an interesting historical record, these discs of his give us only a, glimpse ,of the castrate voice – although he had been renowned as" The Angel of Rome "
  31. And first-person categories, the humanistic approach sought to, glimpse ,the whole person—not just the fragmented parts of the personality or cognitive
  32. call-girl, Liz Blake (Nancy Allen),happens upon the body and catches a, glimpse ,of the killer, therefore becoming both the prime suspect and the killer's next
  33. Landscape of 1960 was seen not as just a novel physical space, but as a, glimpse ,of future time. In Media * The name and opening sequence to
  34. Lavish choral writing, many ballet scenes, and electrifying finale depicting a, glimpse ,of hellish torture kept the opera on the stage in Paris for over forty years. A
  35. Entirely of rookies versus the New York Mets. Houston lost 10–3, but it was a, glimpse ,of what was to come in the next few seasons. On the field, the 1964 Colt .45s
  36. Town of Bids that is an attraction for any tourists that enjoys a true, glimpse ,of the past. Also, to the south is the town of Porto de Mós with its fanciful
  37. Monk-like chastity" ), but through his poetry and visual art we may at least, glimpse ,the arc of his imagination. Mecca (;, Makkah, ) is a city in the Hijab and the
  38. The Japanese themselves knew it and delighted in it. I remember my first, glimpse ,of Shibuya, when one of the young Tokyo journalists who had taken me there, his
  39. Colour of God's Glory. Staring at this color aids in mediation, bringing us a, glimpse ,of the" pavement of sapphire, like the very sky for purity ", which is a
  40. And archaeological studies as well as direct observation in the field offer a, glimpse ,into the origin of the contemporary Arawak breed. He comes out of the
  41. Is that many bird enthusiasts will rush to the area in an attempt to catch a, glimpse ,of this rare bird. Ornithologists and veteran birders tell of adult woodpeckers
  42. Cthulhu, with the minds of the human characters deteriorating when afforded a, glimpse ,of what exists outside their perceived reality. Lovecraft emphasized the point
  43. Town of Bids that is an attraction for any tourists that enjoys a true, glimpse ,of the past. Also, to the northeast is the town of Porto de Mós with its
  44. Campaign, first assures Ahab he will be successful and ultimately gives Ahab a, glimpse ,into God's plan for Ahab to die in battle (1 Kings 22). Death of Ahab Three
  45. Tale of Faerie. In such stories, when the sudden turn comes, we get a piercing, glimpse ,of joy, and heart's desire, that for a moment passes outside the frame, rends
  46. The three-prongs of attack. Still, the Battle of Sloane Mountain offers just a, glimpse ,of an alternative mobile scenario, where the maneuvering Zulu" horns" cut off
  47. Vocal performances to date. Co-penned by Linda Perry, the song offers a rare, glimpse ,into the mind of a woman who, for the last 15 years, has been as famous for
  48. Goddess. Hecate was, in some legends, an invisible figure, appearing only as a, glimpse ,of light, possibly a connection to her status as a“ moon goddess ”. Hecate has
  49. High diversity of the X haplogroup, suggesting that this population provides a, glimpse ,into the past genetic landscape of the Near East at a time when the X
  50. To Toledo; the observant traveler of this diverse state may even catch a, glimpse ,of Cincinnati's common wall lizard, one of the few examples of permanent "

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