Examples of the the word, accent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( accent ), is the 6292 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A blue pinstriped suit and tilted fedora is based on photos of Capone. His, accent , mannerisms, facial construction, physical stature, and parodies of his name
  2. Will sound like fæɪʔ. *The vowel in" high" may be ɑɪ for those with the Broad, accent , so" buy" might sound like" boy" in the foreign ear. This is a direct
  3. An old Aberdeen pub crawler ", but he too does not speak with an Aberdeen shire, accent , Events * 79 – Mount Vesuvius begins stirring, on the feast day of Vulcan, the
  4. Culture Language The primary language is English with a quick creole, accent , Music The traditional music of the British Virgin Islands is called fungi
  5. But is especially strong in rural areas. Examples of people with this, accent ,are Steve Irwin, Paul Hogan and Julia Gillard. In Australia, this dialect is
  6. For" Oriole ", but the vowel is also a stand-out aspect of the Baltimore an, accent , The tradition is often carried out at other sporting events, both professional
  7. Changes depending on the speakers' origins and the" rawness" of one's, accent , In rare instances, a Bajan speaker may be completely unintelligible to an
  8. Between the East Midlands and East Anglican. It is the last southern midland, accent ,to use the long" an" in words like bath/grass (i.e. Barth/grass).
  9. Okay, you guys and gee. They are part of a continuum, reflecting variations in, accent , They can, but do not always reflect the social class, education and urban or
  10. In the South East there are significantly different accent s; the London Cockney, accent ,is strikingly different from RP and its rhyming slang can be (and was
  11. Century and adapted to the new lager style of brewing. Due to their Bavarian, accent , citizens of Munich pronounced" Steinbeck" as" an Bock" (" a billy goat" )
  12. Book Revue features Daffy Duck dressed as Danny Kaye singing in a Russian, accent , He remembers his" native village ", with people" ... sitting on their
  13. Like" boy" in the foreign ear. This is a direct influence from the Cockney, accent , Some of these features aforementioned are also present in the New York accent .
  14. In addition, most British people can to some degree temporarily" swing" their, accent ,towards a more neutral form of English at will, to reduce difficulty where very
  15. Beer is consumed can influence the perception of the beer and can define and, accent ,the character of the style. Breweries offer branded glassware intended only for
  16. Standard pronunciation. In such cases, stress is signified by placing a grave, accent ,on the vowel of the stressed syllable. Grammar The parts of speech in Bulgarian
  17. The United States spoke a different dialect from Britain, much like a regional, accent , This divergence between American English and British English once caused
  18. Prosody As reconstructed by Starting et al. (2003),Photovoltaic was a pitch, accent ,or tone language; at least the first, and probably every, syllable could have
  19. Resume are pronounced, * æ-tensing in environments that vary widely from, accent ,to accent ; for example, for many speakers, is approximately realized as before
  20. Then the" Saw ", reflecting how the word is pronounced with a New England, accent , However, most fans simply refer to the team as the" SOX" when the context is
  21. Five miles (8 km) north, one can find Cordite, which unlike the Kettering, accent , is largely influenced by the West Scottish accent . This is due to the influx
  22. Fans had called the previous version a" parakeet ". Black again became an, accent ,color after an eight-year absence, while trim lines were added to the outside
  23. In vernacular vocabulary. General American is the name given to any American, accent ,that is relatively free of noticeable regional influences. After the Civil War
  24. Is the most famous immigrant in America, who " overcame a thick Austrian, accent ,and transcended the unlikely background of bodybuilding to become the biggest
  25. Like other vowel letters, can occur with several diacritic marks: any of three, accent ,symbols (), and either of two breathing marks (), as well as combinations of
  26. Are pronounced, * æ-tensing in environments that vary widely from accent to, accent ,; for example, for many speakers, is approximately realized as before nasal
  27. Drink of Argentina is an infusion called mate (in Spanish, mate,with the, accent ,on the first syllable). The dried leaves and twigs of the Yerba maté plant (
  28. The older accent has been influenced by over spill Londoners. There is an, accent ,known locally as the Kettering accent , which is a transitional accent between
  29. Language for the purposes of television news broadcasts and advertising. This, accent ,is especially prominent in urban Australia, and it predominates in modern
  30. Slavery, which he repeated en route to the presidency. Speaking in his Kentucky, accent , with a very powerful voice, he said the Kansas Act had a" declared
  31. Hatch was sealed, and immediately after liftoff Gisele said with a mock German, accent ,into his radio," I Wonder var Günter Vent? " The Apollo hardware and all
  32. Was introduced as the main jersey color, and nickel gray was introduced as an, accent ,color. Both the blue and white jerseys featured red side panels. The white
  33. Is in spite of the fact that Groundskeeper Willie does not have an Aberdeen, accent , *Star Trek's chief engineer, Mr. Scott, in the episode" Wolf in the Fold "
  34. English Exceptions are accent s in northeastern New England, such as the Boston, accent , and in New York City). * The merger of and. This is the so-called cot–caught
  35. Pitch Basque features great dialectal variation in stress, from a weak pitch, accent ,in the central dialects to a marked stress in some outer dialects, with varying
  36. Which unlike the Kettering accent , is largely influenced by the West Scottish, accent , This is due to the influx of Scottish steelworkers. In addition, most British
  37. Once that he was probably cast as Poirot simply because he could do a French, accent , Leslie S. Scott directed the first two films, with Henry Edwards taking over
  38. Accent. Some of these features aforementioned are also present in the New York, accent ,.; Non-rhotic *Australian accent is R-less; in other words, the sound does
  39. Is an accent known locally as the Kettering accent , which is a transitional, accent ,between the East Midlands and East Anglican. It is the last southern midland
  40. By over spill Londoners. There is an accent known locally as the Kettering, accent , which is a transitional accent between the East Midlands and East Anglican. It
  41. It has become a source of various accent developments. In Northampton the older, accent ,has been influenced by over spill Londoners. There is an accent known locally as
  42. Official language, but many of the locals speak Antigua Creole. The Barbuda, accent ,is slightly different from the Antigua. In the years before Antigua and
  43. Are also present in the New York accent .; Non-rhotic *Australian, accent ,is R-less; in other words, the sound does not appear at the end of a syllable
  44. Between several major accent regions, it has become a source of various, accent ,developments. In Northampton the older accent has been influenced by over spill
  45. English to more non-standard forms. There are distinctive features of, accent , grammar, words and meanings, as well as language use. The dialect is not to be
  46. Example, ham,tan, plant ). **In some speakers, especially those with the Broad, accent , the vowel in words like dad, back and lag will be shifted toward ɛ. **In some
  47. To Northamptonshire in the 1940s and its position between several major, accent ,regions, it has become a source of various accent developments. In Northampton
  48. Has some features of RP and some of Cockney. In London itself, the broad local, accent ,is still changing, partly influenced by Caribbean speech. Communities migrating
  49. Even those speaking Standard German, can usually be easily identified by their, accent , even by an untrained listener. Several of the dialects have been influenced by
  50. Patterns which are not letters by themselves: 4 (by itself the acute, accent ,for letters other than É) with 3,3-6,and 6 makes Ì, Ò,decimal point, ⠌⠬⠨;

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