Examples of the the word, crank , in a Sentence Context

The word ( crank ), is the 8292 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And planet gear in their relative engines, even long after the patent for the, crank ,expired in 1794. In 2009,The Bank of England announced their intention to
  2. Commonly used in distributors for ignition timing (and in some types of, crank ,and camshaft position sensors for injection pulse timing, speed sensing, etc.)
  3. Pierre Element took bicycle design in a new direction by adding a mechanical, crank ,drive with pedals on an enlarged front wheel (the velocipede). Another French
  4. The weapon featured a single barrel and fired through the turning of a hand, crank , The weapon was demonstrated to President Lincoln in 1861. He was so impressed
  5. A slightly adapted camera that exposes only one frame for each turn of the, crank ,handle, rather than the usual eight frames per turn. In 1906,Albert Edward
  6. BDC) to top dead center (TDC) the fresh air and fuel mixture enters the, crank ,chamber through the intake port. The mixture enters due to the pressure
  7. Mechanical necessity, crank s. The accompanying inscription is in Greek. The, crank ,and connecting rod mechanisms of the other two archaeologically attested
  8. Understand the concept of power conversion. In China, the potential of the, crank ,of converting circular motion into reciprocal one never seems to have been
  9. To convert the reciprocating motion into rotation, the crank shaft has ", crank ,throws" or" crank pins ", additional bearing surfaces whose axis is offset
  10. Internal differences. It produced. * 2,286 cc Diesel, overhead-valve,3-bearing, crank , : Appeared in 1961 alongside the redesigned 2,286 cc petrol engine at the start
  11. Downwards covering the intake port and causes the fuel-air mixture inside the, crank ,chamber to be compressed. When the piston is at bottom dead center the burnt
  12. First Gatling gun was capable of firing continuously, it required a person to, crank ,it; therefore it was not a true automatic weapon. The Maxim gun, invented in
  13. At JSTOR The crank shaft, sometimes casually abbreviated to, crank , is the part of an engine which translates reciprocating linear piston motion
  14. Turn of the pedals. With a chain drive transmission, a chaining attached to a, crank ,drives the chain, which in turn rotates the rear wheel via the rear sprocket (
  15. On a vertical axis that could be rotated by a worm gear driven by turning a, crank ,handle, and Paul put it on general sale the next year. Shots taken using such a
  16. The presence of others. This process often occurs in English (e.g. speed or, crank ,for meth) and is really slang formation, as it often is not intended to
  17. Gun was a field weapon, which used multiple rotating barrels turned by a hand, crank , and firing loose (no links or belt) metal cartridge ammunition using a
  18. A freewheel, coasting is impossible, so when the rear wheel is moving,the, crank ,is moving. To slow down, the rider applies resistance to the pedals – this acts
  19. And impractical. They include musical instruments, hydraulic pumps, reversible, crank , mechanisms,finned mortar shells, and a steam cannon. On May 17, 2006,the
  20. He wrote in November 1911 that he had at first thought Wittgenstein might be a, crank , but soon decided he was a genius:" Some of his early views made the decision
  21. Crankpins ", additional bearing surfaces whose axis is offset from that of the, crank , to which the" big ends" of the connecting rods from each cylinder attach. It
  22. Power and torque. * 2,286 cc petrol/diesel, overhead-valve type 11J: 5-bearing, crank , : In 1980,Land Rover finally did something about the crank failures which had
  23. Set of addition and carry operations happens once for four rotations of the, crank , Odd and even columns alternately perform an addition in one cycle. The
  24. May occur at the position of maximum bending; this may be at the center of the, crank ,or at either end. In such a condition the failure is due to bending and the
  25. The 'dead-spot '. In Renaissance Italy, the earliest evidence of a compound, crank ,and connecting-rod is found in the sketch books of Tacoma, but the device is
  26. 1430 in various northern European artwork. The rapid adoption of the compound, crank ,can be traced in the works of the Anonymous of the Hussite Wars, an unknown
  27. The configuration and number of pistons in relation to each other and the, crank ,leads to straight, V or flat engines. The same basic engine block can be used
  28. 120° apart, as in the GM 3800 engine. While production V8 engines use four, crank ,throws spaced 90° apart, high-performance V8 engines often use a" flat "
  29. Inside a glass globe, mounted on a shaft. The ball was rotated by means of a, crank ,and a static electric spark was produced when a pad was rubbed against the ball
  30. With a displacement of 69 cubic inch (1130 cc),producing at 8250 rpm at the, crank , with a redline of 9000 rpm. It was introduced for the new V-Rod line in 2001
  31. Poet Antonius; The three finds push back the date of the invention of the, crank ,and connecting rod back by a full millennium; The Lutterell Psalter, dating to
  32. Type 11J: 5-bearing crank : In 1980,Land Rover finally did something about the, crank ,failures which had plagued its four-cylinder engines for 22 years. These
  33. Rotation of the driving axle, or in the case of a bicycle to allow a varying, crank ,rotation speed with inversely varying mechanical advantage. Elliptical bicycle
  34. Fire cartridges from a magazine as fast as and as long as the operator turned a, crank , Eventually, the " rapid" firing mechanism was perfected and miniaturized to
  35. Later in the 15th century; Renaissance The first depictions of the compound, crank ,in the carpenter's brace appear between 1420 and 1430 in various northern
  36. Gun uses an external power source, such as an electric motor or even a hand, crank ,to move its mechanism through the firing sequence. Most modern weapons of this
  37. Performance cousins for this reason. Piston stroke The distance the axis of the, crank ,throws from the axis of the crank shaft determines the piston stroke measurement
  38. After he had run up Falwell's phone bill an estimated $500,000. At one point, crank ,callers, especially homosexual activists, made up about 25 % of Falwell's
  39. Port. At the time the transfer port is uncovered the compressed charge from the, crank ,chamber enters into the combustion chamber through the transfer port. The fresh
  40. To produce rotational power for grinding, weaving and milling. Although a, crank ,seemed the obvious solution to the conversion Watt and Boulton were stymied by
  41. Laws of thermodynamics, in particular—and was" roundly dismissed as a, crank ,". While most of his proposals -" to abandon the gold standard, let
  42. Other handle being lost. The earliest evidence, anywhere in the world, for a, crank ,and connecting rod in a machine appears in the late Roman Metropolis sawmill
  43. The intake port. The mixture enters due to the pressure difference between the, crank ,chamber and the outer atmosphere while simultaneously the fuel-air mixture
  44. Da Vinci (1452–1519) Middle and Far East Al-Jazari (1136–1206) described a, crank ,and connecting rod system in a rotating machine in two of his water-raising
  45. Is due to bending and the pressure in the cylinder is maximal. Second,the, crank ,may fail due to twisting, so the Conrad needs to be checked for shear at the
  46. Engine became standard for the entire VRSC line. Harley-Davidson claims at the, crank ,for the 2008 VRS CAW model. The RISE Destroyer is equipped with a stroke (75
  47. Type assisted by a fan driven from a pulley mounted at the front end of the, crank ,shaft. The F93 was produced until 1959,and was in turn replaced by the
  48. The 2008 VRS CAW model. The RISE Destroyer is equipped with a stroke (75 mm, crank ,) Screaming' Eagle 79 cubic inch (1,300 cc) Revolution Engine, producing over
  49. To provide evenly spaced power pulses by using a crank shaft with an individual, crank ,throw for each cylinder, spaced so that the pistons are actually phased 120°
  50. Motion into reciprocal one never seems to have been fully realized, and the, crank ,was typically absent from such machines until the turn of the 20th century.

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