Examples of the the word, decimal , in a Sentence Context
The word ( decimal ), is the 8293 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Europe was an outgrowth of the enormous simplification of computation through, decimal ,notation. Various types of tools exist to assist in numeric calculations.
- Direct contact with India, allowing them to acquire the concept of zero and the, decimal ,point from Indian merchants and mathematicians. Indian abacus First century
- To read and to remember. MOV AL,61h; Load AL with 97, decimal , ( 61 hex) At one time many assembly language mnemonics were three letters
- Denote fives – five units, five tens etc., essentially in a bi-quinary coded, decimal ,system, obviously related to the Roman numerals. The short grooves on the right
- Could solve simple sets of simultaneous equations. Mathematical notation was, decimal , and based on hieroglyphic signs for each power of ten up to one million. Each
- Year numbering is based on AD/CE year numbering, but follows normal, decimal ,integer numbering more strictly. Thus, it has a year 0,the years before that
- Numeral system employing Arabic numerals as the digits for a radix 10 (", decimal ,)" positional notation; however, any numeral system based on powers of ten, e.
- Positional notation, which combined the simpler methods for computations with a, decimal ,base and the use of a digit representing zero. This allowed the system to
- Syntaxes permitted it to use different keyword names and conventions for, decimal ,points (commas vs periods) for different languages. ALGOL was used mostly by
- Numbers, integers,rational numbers (fractions),and real numbers (using the, decimal ,place-value system). This study is sometimes known as algorithm. The difficulty
- Rapidly, even for small inputs. For example A (4,2) is an integer of 19,729, decimal , digits. History In the late 1920s,the mathematicians Gabriel Sudan and Wilhelm
- The results. Early number systems that included positional notation were not, decimal , including the sexagesimal (base 60) system for Babylonian numerals and the
- In a treatise by Syrian mathematician Abu'l-Hasan al-Uqlidisi in 952–953. The, decimal ,point notation was introduced by Find in Ali, he also wrote the earliest
- The 95 ASCII graphic characters are numbered from 0x20 to 0x7E (32 to 126, decimal , ). The space character is considered a non-printing graphic. The American
- Using all the original letters exactly once; e.g., orchestra carthorse, A, decimal , point I'm a dot in place. Someone who creates anagrams is called an
- Allow two four-bit patterns to efficiently encode two digits with binary coded, decimal , However, it would require all data transmission to send eight bits when seven
- Binary-coded decimal (BCD) is a digital encoding method for numbers using, decimal ,notation, with each decimal digit represented by its own binary sequence. In
- Time Standoff left the university for war-related work. Primary user input was, decimal , via standard IBM 80 column punched cards and output was decimal , via a front
- Hand. Where the Roman model (like most modern Japanese) has 4 plus 1 bead per, decimal ,place, the standard sampan has 5 plus 2,allowing use with a hexa decimal
- And the auxiliary carry (AC/NA) flag, which were used to implement, decimal ,arithmetic routines. These four-bit quantities are sometimes called nibbles
- In decimal form to an equal amount of precision. Degrees, given to three, decimal ,places (of a degree),have about the precision as degrees-minutes-seconds (
- And the West. In the 10th century, Middle-Eastern mathematicians extended the, decimal ,numeral system to include fractions, as recorded in a treatise by Syrian
- ASCII control characters ASCII reserves the first 32 codes (numbers 0–31, decimal , ) for control characters: codes originally intended not to represent printable
- 3° 30′ is equal to 3 + 30/60 degrees, or 3.5 degrees. A mixed format with, decimal ,fractions is also sometimes used,e.g. 3° 5.72′ 3 + 5.72/60 degrees. A
- Tray" ), imported from China around 1600. The 1/4 abacus, which is suited to, decimal ,calculation, appeared circa 1930,and became widespread as the Japanese
- Used for counting. In both cases, this origin resulted in values that used a, decimal ,base but did not include positional notation. Although addition was generally
- Was to be a store (that is, a memory) capable of holding 1,000 numbers of 50, decimal , digits each (ca. 20.7 KB). An arithmetical unit (the" mill" ) would be
- Back to the ancient Egyptians. The Egyptians created their own alphabet and, decimal ,system. Faience and glass Even before the Old Kingdom, the ancient Egyptians
- To values in binary prefixed with 011,making conversion with binary-coded, decimal ,straightforward. Many of the non-alphanumeric characters were positioned to
- Gradian, or on, is 1/400 of a turn, so a right angle is 100 grads. It is a, decimal ,subunit of the quadrant. A kilometer was historically defined as a centigrade
- Of symbols The numeral system employed, known as algorithm, is positional, decimal ,notation. Various symbol sets are used to represent numbers in the Hindu-Arabic
- 1,6) controls the format of the output with 1 digit before and 6 after the, decimal ,point. ALGOL 68 The following code samples are ALGOL 68 versions of the above
- It contains 93 GiB of storage space. While the numerical difference between the, decimal ,and binary interpretations is small for the prefixes kilo and mega, it grows to
- Could perform a few operations on four bits, such as the DAA (, decimal ,adjust) instruction, and the auxiliary carry (AC/NA) flag, which were used
- Wa-l-tafrīq bi-ḥisāb behind) on the use of Indian numerals, introduced the, decimal ,positional number system to the Western world. The development of mathematics
- Is a digital encoding method for numbers using decimal notation, with each, decimal ,digit represented by its own binary sequence. In BCD, a numeral is usually
- User input was decimal , via standard IBM 80 column punched cards and output was, decimal , via a front panel display. Comparison with other early computers Function The
- And 61 is a hexa decimal representation of the value 01100001,which is 97 in, decimal , Intel assembly language provides the mnemonic MOV (an abbreviation of move)
- Breakup of BDP. Discography In computing and electronic systems, binary-coded, decimal , ( BCD) is a digital encoding method for numbers using decimal notation, with
- Possible source of the sampan is Chinese counting rods, which operated with a, decimal ,system but lacked the concept of zero as a placeholder. The zero was probably
- As a whole number of degrees. Fractions of a degree may be written in normal, decimal ,notation (e.g. 3.5° for three and a half degrees),but the" minute" and "
- SOA, many people now prefer to give positions using degrees only, expressed in, decimal ,form to an equal amount of precision. Degrees, given to three decimal places (
- Operation to be performed, reading,writing, converting to or from binary to, decimal , or reducing a set of equations was made by front panel switches and in some
- Z-d.6d$,a, b,c) ) - formats output with 1 digit before and 6 after the, decimal ,point. Timeline: Hello world The variations and lack of portability of the
- A centigrade of arc along a great circle of the Earth, so the kilometer is the, decimal ,analog to the sexagesimal nautical mile. The grad is used mostly in
- Beads on each rod in the upper deck and five beads each in the bottom for both, decimal ,and hexa decimal computation. The beads are usually rounded and made of a
- Greek, Cyrillic,roman, or Chinese numerals may conceptually be described as ", decimal ,notation" or" decimal representation ". Positional notation (also known as "
- Or Chinese numerals may conceptually be described as" decimal notation" or ", decimal ,representation ". Positional notation (also known as" place-value notation "
- Had fallen out of use in Western Europe in the 16th century with the rise of, decimal ,notation and algorithmic methods. To Poncelet's French contemporaries, it was
- M ≥ 4,however, it grows much more quickly; even A (4,2) is about 2,and the, decimal ,expansion of A (4,3) is very large by any typical measure. If we define the
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