Examples of the the word, proactive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( proactive ), is the 8295 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Billions in workers’ compensation. Workplaces may either take the reactive or, proactive ,approach when applying ergonomics practices. Reactive ergonomics is when
  2. Peace through goodwill and by sharing the faith with others, as well as being, proactive ,and doing good works and forgiving those who do try to break the peace. Below
  3. 2 different reports, and while the politicians split into sides and fought, no, proactive , measures were taken. This conflict brought prominence to Admiral Yi Sun-sin as
  4. Attacks at much nearer line speed than a software based system. Prevention via, proactive ,testing Test platforms such as Mu Dynamics' Service Analyzer are available to
  5. It to reveal, or 'conceal' itself to us. He came to believe that our, proactive ,interference and manipulation of reality is often harmful and hides our true
  6. Was that their insistence on consultation stood in the way of effective, proactive ,government. Tracks, according to critics, achieved little, and lost the
  7. Vladimir Gatlin. Part of Godard’s political shift after May 1968 was toward a, proactive ,participation in the class struggle. 1980 – 1999 His return to somewhat more
  8. Ad-hoc networks is the Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OSR). OSR is, proactive ,; it uses Hello and Topology Control (TC) messages to discover and disseminate
  9. Is an local guide for the upcoming events in Karachi. Karachi has always been, proactive ,in organizing large events but because of the political and economic crisis in
  10. This is where my anger takes me, to places like this, not into abuse but into, proactive , clean movement ". Personal life Rollins stated in a 1998 interview with NY
  11. Mailing list, informal groups aimed to achieve privacy and security through, proactive ,use of cryptography. Cyberpunks have been engaged in an active movement since
  12. Base in December 2002 stood at 10.5 millions. However, after a number of, proactive ,initiatives were taken by regulators and licensors, the total number of mobile
  13. Both objections and nearly all have failed to meet even one. Key escrow is, proactive , anticipating the need for access to keys; a retroactive alternative is key
  14. Interest in Yiddish culture among secular Israelis, with the flourishing of new, proactive ,cultural organizations like YOUNG Yiddish, as well as Yiddish theater (usually
  15. Will throw an alarm showing the device as unavailable and allows for the, proactive ,correction of the problem. Fault management includes any tools or procedure for
  16. Of mundane office tasks, usually internally oriented and reactive rather than, proactive , The world's first business school, the Cole Superior de Commerce de Paris
  17. As scheduled overhaul or scheduled replacement provides two of the three, proactive ,failure management policies available to the maintenance engineer. Common
  18. Socio-economic and ecological systems can, to some degree, be reduced through, proactive ,adaptation measures. These are the fundamental conclusions, taken from already
  19. Practice at any time, right from their home. This causes the viewer to become, proactive ,and actually choose what advertisements they want to view. Crowdsourcing The
  20. Live in. The magazine stands for a journalism which detects and anticipates, is, proactive , and even preemptive - a journalism which uncovers potentialities, rather than
  21. In service ISLAM HIV/AIDS program The ISLAM HIV/AIDS program has been very, proactive ,and successful in its campaign against the spread of HIV/AIDS within and among
  22. Citing that the rules do not apply to cable companies and that they constituted, proactive ,rate regulation by the CRTC, which goes against government official policy
  23. Applicable to the loans and deposits of the various banking units, this, proactive , is applied to all assets and liabilities of the business segment. Once transfer
  24. Denial-of-service mitigation products from Arbor Networks. An example of, proactive ,testing of denial-of-service throttling capabilities in a switch was performed
  25. Consists of pupils, staff,parents and members of the wider community and is, proactive ,in promoting conservation initiatives throughout the school. A parent council
  26. Security exploits. I must protect against those I do know of, and then I must be, proactive , ". Other techniques * One of the most common problems is unchecked use of
  27. Resort also aided this turnaround. The Bahamian Government also has adopted a, proactive ,approach to courting foreign investors and has conducted major investment
  28. Publicized formaldehyde scandals in the early 1980s and 1992,IKEA took a, proactive ,stance on environmental issues and tried to prevent future incidents through a
  29. Of Accra, such as Ga Mas hie, are experiencing decay. Calls are being made for, proactive ,efforts of inner city revitalization to address this issue. Peripheral
  30. Malaysia and ASEAN with the military junta. LIM had said Malaysia must play a, proactive ,role in pursuing regional initiatives to bring about a change in Burma and
  31. Information (memories) interferes with older information. On the other hand, proactive ,interference is when old information interferes with the retrieval of new
  32. Simple friendships. WriteAPrisoner. Com and many other prison pen pal sites are, proactive , though, in offering full disclosure of inmates' crimes and providing advice
  33. Life less encumbered by their condition. The cornerstones of management are, proactive ,treatment of airway infection, and encouragement of good nutrition and an
  34. Of consumer fireworks sold in the US. Together with US Customs, they are very, proactive ,in enforcing these rules, intercepting imported fireworks that don't comply
  35. Application of diplomatic, economic,military, and informational means. Thus,a, proactive ,and comprehensive approach to HD is required for US's response.
  36. And sometimes confusing ", drawing calls for the agency to" take a more, proactive ,role in nuclear safety ". But nuclear experts say that the agency's
  37. Of criminal wrongdoing, and other patterns of illegal activity. #Make, proactive ,attempts during crime surveys to identify criminal activity in Indian gaming
  38. Sobriety, Robin Williams found himself drinking again and has decided to take, proactive ,measures to deal with this for his own well-being and the well-being of his
  39. To prevent high blood sugar due to the dawn effect in adults and teens. *In a, proactive ,plan before regularly scheduled exercise times such as morning gym for
  40. In clarifying values and priorities. * Fourth generation: being efficient and, proactive ,using any of the above tools; places goals and roles as the controlling element
  41. Advising the owners, which did not reveal any conspiracy. Bell, however,was, proactive ,in ensuring games were not tampered with by gamblers. He announced plans to get
  42. Briefings as appropriate from time to time ", but diplomats would not be ", proactive ," in dealing with the BNP MEPs and that any requests for policy briefings from
  43. Scientific unions. When appropriate, the President and officers of the IAU are, proactive ,in persuading the authorities of the importance of astronomy for development
  44. The way some large government agencies approach safety engineering from a more, proactive ,and proven process perspective, known as" system safety ". The system safety
  45. The Caribbean's robust trade in smuggled arms, drugs and people. " This is a, proactive ,measure designed to quell the rising tide of crime in the islands. Corruption
  46. And ASEAN with the Burmese military junta. LIM had said Malaysia must play a, proactive ,role in pursuing regional initiatives to bring about a change in Burma and
  47. The Cossack army moved to battle positions following his plans, Cossacks were, proactive ,and decisive in their maneuver and attacks, and most importantly, he not only
  48. Of transhumanist thought characterized by a set of principles advocating a, proactive ,approach to human evolution. * Immortalism, a moral ideology based upon the
  49. International terrorist attacks, President Guelph continues to take a very, proactive ,position against terrorism. http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/5482.htm#relations
  50. community's response to the Rwandan Genocide was that it was reactive, not, proactive , The international community has developed a mechanism for prosecuting the

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