Examples of the the word, convener , in a Sentence Context

The word ( convener ), is the 6224 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Service to his own communion in connection with its service of praise. He was, convener ,of the committee which issued the Free Church hymn book, and he threw into this
  2. Many years as an Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union activist and, convener , which also gave him the strong interest in defense, the hallmark of his
  3. TDP, and AGP, came into being, called the National Front, with V. P. Singh as, convener , N. T. Rama Ran as President, and Leader of the Opposition, P. Kendra as a
  4. International community of nuclear physicists, Bohr came to play the role of, convener ,of discussion groups and lectures, as well as being a mentor and an advisor.
  5. The areas of music and worship with the Wild Goose Resource Group. He is a past, convener ,of the Church of Scotland’s Panel on Worship and also convened the Committee to
  6. Scottish Parliament (MSP),and a campaigner for Oxfam in Scotland. He is now, convener ,of the Scottish Fairtrade Forum. He was originally a member of the Scottish
  7. Until 2000. Political career During 1997-98 Ridgeway served as the state policy, convener ,for the New South Wales Branch of the Democrats. He was subsequently selected
  8. Party Congress. With the support of some KMT colleagues, Chen was also elected, convener ,of the National Defense Committee. He was instrumental in laying out and
  9. For Multilateral Nuclear Disarmament and Non-proliferation. He is also the, convener ,of the Top Level Group or UK Parliamentarians for Multilateral Nuclear
  10. Scallion (born 13 February 1948,Glasgow, Scotland ) is a former Labour Party, convener ,of Wayside Regional Council, Member of Parliament (MP) and Member of the
  11. Were required to elect a convener , and could choose to elect a deputed, convener , In the four city areas (Aberdeen, Dundee,Edinburgh and Glasgow) the
  12. Since the creation of the Union. " In December 2010 Alexander was appointed, convener ,of the Scottish Parliament's Committee to report on the bill. Scottish
  13. For not taking a greater role in the Lien-Soong campaign and acting as, convener ,for a private group of economic advisers for President Chen Shui-bian.
  14. Political positions: the failure, the SAU, and the MA. The failure acted as, convener ,and presiding officer over the council of district headmen and was responsible
  15. And East Latvian were used as the basis for the new Councils. The last, convener ,of Latvian Regional Council was Eric Milligan, who later served as Lord Provost
  16. Included in the list were" the websites of a Queensland dentist, a tuck shop, convener ,and a kennel operator ". 19 March 2009: Australian media sources report that
  17. Or the spirit, of the symbol. For three years before his death he was, convener ,of the church interests committee of the Church of Scotland, which had to deal
  18. And workshops for IGP, ILP,ICP, SCOR and JO IDE. Advisory work CSU was a, convener ,of numerous scientific conferences, founder of several scientific societies
  19. Letters patent were taken into the possession of the Highland Council by the, convener ,of the Inverness area committee. These letters patent, which were sealed in
  20. In the four city areas (Aberdeen, Dundee,Edinburgh and Glasgow) the, convener ,'s title was to be Lord Provost. In the other council areas the convener was to
  21. To the Iraq Inquiry on January 25, 2010. Activities post-government Browne is, convener ,of the European Leadership Network for Multilateral Nuclear Disarmament and
  22. The convener 's title was to be Lord Provost. In the other council areas the, convener ,was to be" known by such title as the council may determine ", other than Lord
  23. Those agents known as CAM Patrimonial. Potential Maple Street, an attractive, convener ,character through urban interventions, construction,environmental and
  24. Germany that was within the 1937 (pre-annexation) boundaries. *Ambulate –, convener ,of NSDAP Party committees. They were personally answerable to Hitler.
  25. Still a student, Brown was elected Rector of the University of Edinburgh,the, convener ,of the University Court. He served as Rector until 1975,and also edited the
  26. The Underground stations targeted, on 17 July 2005. At the latter STC national, convener ,Lindsey German condemned the bombings but added that“ The only way to end the
  27. Voting among the allies. Owing to ill health, George Fernandes, who was the NDA, convener , was discharged of his responsibility and replaced by Shared ADAV who is the
  28. Since 1975 local authorities have been free to choose the title of their, convener ,and provosts are appointed to chair a number of area and community councils.
  29. Should be made of his services on the education committee, of which he was, convener ,from 1846 to 1863,and in the unsuccessful negotiations for union among the
  30. As President of the International Association of Scientologists. CSU was the, convener ,of the Third Workshop on Marine Geology of BUGS; the First Earth Science
  31. Courts. Justices sit alone or in threes with a qualified legal assessor as, convener ,or clerk of court. They handle many cases of breaches of the peace, drunkenness
  32. Northern Colorado and serves as a think tank for community vision and a neutral, convener ,that creates community connections necessary for ideas to evolve into positive
  33. Votes or having their majority or share of the vote lowered. He is a former, convener ,of the European and External Relations Committee of the Scottish Parliament. In
  34. Among the general population in India and mean to expose them. Beijing DAL, convener ,Prakash Sharma stressed that they were not targeting any particular community
  35. Of association in Taiwan at that time. On September 1978 Ship becomes the, convener ,of the Gangway or non-Kuomintang candidates. On May 1979 this group of
  36. Were by and large dominated by the Labour Party. The first regional council, convener ,was the Rev Geoff Shaw, who died in 1978. It was largely due to his leadership
  37. Four of the buses, one ambulance and a van. A transport committee headed by a, convener ,takes care of the smooth operation of buses. A staff member in charge of the
  38. Politics. On 11 November 2004 Tommy Sheridan announced his resignation as, convener ,of the party, citing personal reasons, although it later emerged that he had
  39. Numerous appeals, with the result that in 1841,when he resigned his office as, convener ,of the church extension committee, he was able to announce that in seven years
  40. Former Labor politician John Scallion, Robin McAlpine, Scottish Young Greens, convener ,Peter McCall and former MEP Henry McCubbin. In their May/June 2008 edition, the
  41. Of Calcutta. In 1864,Duff visited South Africa, and on his return, became, convener , of the foreign missions' committee of the Free Church. He raised money to endow
  42. Conversion carried on by the Newline Missionaries. Later, Mahendra Kumar,the, convener ,of Beijing DAL was arrested in connection with it even after he publicly
  43. C++ front end. Other compilers such as GCC do not support it at all., former, convener , of the C++ standards committee, recommended that export be removed from future
  44. Timothy Ting *March 10 - DPP Legislator You Ching v. Green Party Taiwan acting, convener ,Key Cheng-yan; DPP Legislator CHO Jung-tai v. mainland exile Run Ming *March
  45. Of the Committee on Commercial and Industrial Policy. In 1917, he was appointed, convener ,of the Carnegie trust for the universities of Scotland. He became Lord Warden
  46. Ward returning a single councillor. The councillors were required to elect a, convener , and could choose to elect a deputed convener . In the four city areas (Aberdeen
  47. And I. K. Gujrat. Chandrakant Baidu of the Telugu Team Party served as the, convener ,of United Front. Background India's general elections in 1996 brought about a
  48. D-CA),and Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Then-Representative Bernie Sanders was the, convener ,and first chairman. The founding members were concerned about the economic
  49. Status after the 1975 reorganization. Features Provost The chief magistrate or, convener ,of a burgh, equivalent to a mayor, was called a provost. Many titles
  50. To set up the Scottish Poetry Library in Edinburgh and served as its first, convener , He also worked as an editor of Hugh MacDiarmid's prose. The Myth of The Blitz

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