Examples of the the word, baptism , in a Sentence Context

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  1. S mother may have dedicated him to the priesthood. Vivaldi's official church, baptism ,(the rites that remained other than the baptism itself) did not take place
  2. Merits) and the character indelible (sacramental character) of, baptism , confirmation, and ordination. That doctrine had been written about much
  3. Perform confirmation, which they call Christian, on infants immediately after, baptism , while the Catholic Church delays the rite until adolescence or adulthood
  4. Other religious anointing occur in relation to other sacraments, in particular, baptism , confirmation and ordination, and also in the coronation of a monarch. Names
  5. Effects the power and authority to administer the sacraments except for, baptism ,and matrimony. (Baptism may be administered by anyone and matrimony by the
  6. Forces in Italy and operated there for about seven months, this was the FAB, baptism ,in a real conflict. In 1999 after a creation of the Ministry of Defense (Mod)
  7. In areas including his view of Scripture, doctrine of the church, and views on, baptism , Apostolic succession Baptist secessionists have, at times, pointed to 16th
  8. Anabaptists) shared some similarities with General Baptists (believer's, baptism , religious liberty, separation of church and state, and Arminian views of
  9. Persons make a profession of faith but fail to follow through with believers ', baptism , In such cases they are considered saved and usually eligible for membership.
  10. That candidates be able to make their own confessions of faith and so refused, baptism ,to infants. As a result, Anabaptists were heavily persecuted during the 16th
  11. Foresaw, national churches would each maintain the six signs of Catholicity:, baptism , Eucharist, the creeds, Scripture,an Episcopal ordered ministry, and a fixed
  12. His life was somehow in danger. Though not known for certain, the immediate, baptism ,was most likely due either to his poor health or to an earthquake that shook
  13. Adhered to a literal interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount and believer's, baptism , The name Anabaptist is derived from the Latin term Anabaptist, or " one who
  14. Traditional approximate birthdate in Julian calendar based on April 26, baptism , ) *1598 – Marten Tromp, Dutch admiral (d. 1653) *1621 – William Penn
  15. Expecting a child, the specter of Kirk told Graham that he would appear at the, baptism , whereupon Graham was to throw an iron knife at the apparition, thus freeing
  16. That baptism should be performed only for professing believers (believer's, baptism , as opposed to infant baptism ),and that it must be done by immersion (as
  17. And converted many of the king's subjects, including thousands during a mass, baptism ,on Christmas Day in 597. Pope Gregory sent more missionaries in 601,along with
  18. Or King Æthelbert of Kent, who first among the English people received, baptism , " It is difficult to know exactly what Alfred meant by this. He appended
  19. Only for professing believers (believer's baptism , as opposed to infant, baptism ,), and that it must be done by immersion (as opposed to affusion or sprinkling
  20. Christian belief that Jesus was adopted as God's son (Son of God) at his, baptism , According to Epiphanius's account of the Ebonies, the group believed that
  21. Authority to connect the sacraments, or at least all the sacraments aside from, baptism ,and matrimony (the first of which may be administered by anyone, the second of
  22. S children unexpectedly accompanied Schwarzenegger to the lovechild's, baptism ,; and he was photographed teaching the boy how to play golf and swinging him
  23. Or" one who baptizes over again ", in reference to practicing adult, baptism , because, as a new faith, they baptized converts who already had been baptized
  24. By the Neo-Platonism of Platinum. After his conversion to Christianity and, baptism ,(AD 387),Augustine developed his own approach to philosophy and theology
  25. His generally favorable view of Neoplatonic thought contributed to the ", baptism ," of Greek thought and its entrance into the Christian and subsequently the
  26. Strongly stressed the importance of infant baptism . About the question if, baptism ,is an absolute necessity for salvation however, Augustine appears to have
  27. When Constantine, who had been a catechumen much of his adult life, accepted, baptism , on his deathbed, it was from Eugenics of Comedian. Theological debates The
  28. Parts of the world confirmation is administered to infants immediately after, baptism ,by Catholic bishops. ** The Roman Catholic Church insists (although not as a
  29. Of prayer which are unique to Luke include Jesus's prayers at the time of his, baptism ,(), his praying all night before choosing the twelve (), and praying for the
  30. In a Baptist church is a public profession of faith in Jesus, followed by water, baptism , Baptist churches do not have an age restriction on membership, but will not
  31. Of Jerusalem, that he lived like other men, and was most pious; but that at his, baptism ,in the Jordan the Christ came down upon the man Jesus in the likeness of a dove
  32. Before he discovered that they were imitating the elaborate ritual of Christian, baptism , He sent for the children and, in the investigation that followed, it was
  33. Mentions the number of converts made by Augustine, but does not mention any, baptism ,of the king. However, it is clear that by 601 the king had been converted. His
  34. Executed Michael Settler. King Ferdinand declared drowning (called the third, baptism ,)" the best antidote to Ana baptism ". The Tudor regime, even those that were
  35. Support the notion that the title" Son of God" is not used of Jesus until his, baptism , and that Mark reflects an adoptionist view. The words," Today I have begotten
  36. Century as a general epithet for churches which denied the validity of infant, baptism , including the Campbellites, Mennonites and Schwarzman Brethren or German
  37. Used in the Rite of Baptism (for both children and adults). The minister of, baptism ,asks the following questions (ICE,1974):: Do you believe in God, the Father
  38. Vivaldi's official church baptism (the rites that remained other than the, baptism ,itself) did not take place until two months later. Vivaldi's parents were
  39. Of the king. However, it is clear that by 601 the king had been converted. His, baptism ,likely took place at Canterbury. Augustine established his episcopal see at
  40. Against the Belgians Augustine strongly stressed the importance of infant, baptism , About the question if baptism is an absolute necessity for salvation however
  41. Smith was born. Although the exact date of Smith's birth is unknown, his, baptism , was recorded on 5 June 1723 at Kirkland. Though few events in Smith's early
  42. With racial antisemitism," Now the assimilated Jew was still a Jew, even after, baptism ,.... From the Enlightenment onward, it is no longer possible to draw clear
  43. Group of Christian denominations and churches that subscribe to a doctrine that, baptism ,should be performed only for professing believers (believer's baptism , as
  44. Language was quite different from Latin. Other significant examples include: a, baptism ,formula (Unite pageant present AIT et Brit et spirit sent) from 1462
  45. Antisemitism, however," ... the assimilated Jew was still a Jew, even after, baptism ,.... From the Enlightenment onward, it is no longer possible to draw clear
  46. Are numerous references to the Holy Spirit throughout Acts. Act features the ", baptism ,in the Holy Spirit" on Pentecost and the subsequent spirit-inspired speaking
  47. Spoke and taught accurately enough about Jesus, even though he knew only the, baptism ,of John. " He came to Ephesus (probably in the year 54). After Christians in
  48. Was the possibility of effective conversion... a Jew ceased to be a Jew upon, baptism , " However, with racial antisemitism," Now the assimilated Jew was still a Jew
  49. Second," anti-Christian converted are to be admitted into the true Church by, baptism , " Shortly thereafter, Smyth left the group, and layman Thomas Helps took over
  50. Was the possibility of effective conversion... a Jew ceased to be a Jew upon, baptism , " From the perspective of racial antisemitism, however," ... the assimilated

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