Examples of the the word, audition , in a Sentence Context

The word ( audition ), is the 7840 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Left by the departure of drummer Kent Star. In order to be lined up for the, audition , Growl had lied about his age, claiming he was 20. To Grohl's surprise, the
  2. Player can come to this is in the case of classical bass players who win an, audition ,at a professional orchestra or the tiny number of top session pros that are
  3. Neil grew anxious to try something else. When Lee made one final appeal to, audition , Neil accepted and was hired April 1,1981. The newly formed band did not yet
  4. Grossman described how they imagined the characters' voices and Barry sought, audition ,tapes of voice actors to meet the criteria. She presented the best audition s to
  5. System — vestibular system — neuron — axon — dendrite — brain — eye — vision —, audition ,— proprioception — olfaction — memory ***nerve signaling: action potential —
  6. Since the pair had met in a bank during 1967 and in February 1968 he passed an, audition ,for the band, being initially recruited as a jazz pianist but soon switching to
  7. Out to Provincetown, Massachusetts,where Williams was spending the summer, to, audition , for the part. Williams recalled that he opened the screen door and knew
  8. Tried to get Curtis to leave the band and join Panic and even got Curtis to, audition ,for the band. In July 1977,Warsaw recorded a set of five demo tracks at
  9. Of music, speech,and art, disciplines in which ability could be measured by, audition ,or portfolio rather than through paper qualifications. By the early 2000s
  10. Barney Rap, who was looking for a girl vocalist and asked if Day would like to, audition ,for the job. According to Day, Rapp had audition ed two hundred vocalists when
  11. Talent agent, Johnny Hyde, who agreed to represent her. He arranged for her to, audition ,for John Huston, who cast her in the drama The Asphalt Jungle as the young
  12. With her boyfriend, Jim Kilgore. There, she met Angela Atwood at an acting, audition ,where they both won lead roles. They became inseparable during the play's run.
  13. Series, Ally McBeal. Kelley, having heard of Flockhart, wanted her to, audition ,for the contract part. Though Flockhart at first hesitated due to the necessary
  14. Light, for the reason that at the several points of notation, performance,and, audition , action is provocative. Cage completed Williams Mix in 1953 while working with
  15. Out acting before breaking into the music industry. In 1987,she submitted an, audition ,tape to director Alex Cox, which earned her a bit part in the Sid Vicious
  16. S Cathedral in Vienna, who happened to be visiting Hamburg. Haydn passed his, audition ,with Reuther, and in 1740 moved to Vienna, where he worked for the next nine
  17. Both members of Graham Parker's backing band The Rumor (whom he had used to, audition ,for The Attractions). On 17 December 1977,Costello and The Attractions
  18. The formation of Jamiroquai, deciding to form the band after an unsuccessful, audition ,to become the singer of the Brand New Heavies. Despite his self-professed
  19. 14 years old) was too young to join the band, so McCartney engineered a second, audition ,on the upper deck of a Liverpool bus, where Harrison played" Raunchy" for
  20. She called Shearer's parents and told them that she had gotten Shearer an, audition ,for the radio show The Jack Benny Program. Shearer received the role when he
  21. When audition ing for The Most Dangerous Game. He almost walked out of his Kong, audition ,(mistakenly believing he was trying out as a stunt double for Joel McCrea)
  22. To get into university or Conservatory programs or degrees. At a classical bass, audition , the performer typically plays a movement from a Bach suite or a movement from
  23. Either obtain a graduate degree and go on to teach at the college level, or, audition , for one of the major or regional military service bands. Because these bands
  24. Went to hear Wait, then urged the others to bring Wait to New York for an, audition , Wait asked to sing Largo all factotum,Figaro's song from The Barber of
  25. Jobs. The first step to getting most performance jobs is by playing at an, audition , In some styles of music, such as jazz-oriented stage bands, bassists may be
  26. Knew the three from meeting at earlier gigs, responded and was hired without, audition , Buzz cocks manager Richard Boon and frontman Pete Shelley have both been
  27. Perform Skynyrd's" Saturday Night Special" in their set),was invited to, audition ,onstage with Skyward at a concert in Kansas City on May 11, 1976. Liking what
  28. March 3 on the KDKA-TV broadcast of Louisiana Hayride. Soon after, he failed an, audition ,for Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts on the CBS television network. By August
  29. Innocence. Senior vice president of A&R Jeff Fester stated about Spears's, audition ,that" It's very rare to hear someone that age who can deliver emotional
  30. Flotsam and Jetsam. Nested learned Metallica's entire set list, and after the, audition ,Metallica invited him to Tommy's Joint in San Francisco. Hatfield, Ulrich,and
  31. May Vary (2002–2004) With Borland's absence, Limp Bizkit began a nation-wide, audition ,for a new guitarist called Put Your Guitar Where Your Mouth Is in 2002. Durst
  32. S work. The teacher asked Shearer's parents for permission to take him to an, audition , Several months later, she called Shearer's parents and told them that she had
  33. Director and screenwriter Marc Alleged who offered Bar dot the opportunity to, audition ,for" Les carriers sent coupés" thereafter. Although Bar dot got the role, the
  34. To Rudolph. Senior vice president of A&R Jeff Fester stated about Spears's, audition ,that" It's very rare to hear someone that age who can deliver emotional
  35. Visited production offices dressed in a homemade Cat woman costume, demanding an, audition , Burton was unfamiliar with Michelle Pfeiffer's work, but was convinced to
  36. Until they were both working on an off-Broadway show in 1939. Sylvia was an, audition ,pianist at the time. Danny and Sylvia discovered that the dentist whose office
  37. Involving, but not limited to, singing,scene-work, monologue techniques, audition ,techniques and partner work. Professional actors Not all people working as
  38. Performers may be asked to sight-read orchestral music. The final stage of the, audition ,process in some orchestras is a" test week ", in which the performer plays
  39. Take part. Jed O'Toole took over guitar duties for the event, whilst an open, audition ,was held for a new singer for the concert. Ryan Molly was recruited as a
  40. Same Without You"—but again nothing came of it. Not long after, he failed an, audition ,for a local vocal quartet, the Song fellows. He explained to his father," They
  41. Anton Chekhov's Three Sisters. Ally McBeal In 1997 Flockhart was requested to, audition ,for the starring role in David E. Kelley's Fox television series, Ally McBeal.
  42. Produced a demo, with which Perelman was able to get the renamed band another, audition ,with Columbia Records. Clive Davis liked what he heard, and signed the band to
  43. Contract, she was swayed by the script and traveled to Los Angeles to, audition ,for the part, which she won. She earned a Golden Globe Award for the role in
  44. Outside a train station, where she is worrying aloud that she will miss an, audition ,because she has forgotten her money and railcard. Pro hands her his own
  45. Involves by inviting potential Actors to read an excerpt from the script for an, audition , Directing * Director: The Director is responsible for overseeing the creative
  46. Do exist. In many cases boy bands are brought together by a producer through an, audition ,process, although many of them form on their own. Some such bands can evolve
  47. Later had a profound effect on electronic music, was Lee DeForest's trade, audition , This was the first thermionic valve, or vacuum tube, invented in 1906,which
  48. His mentor Yamamoto, had intervened to persuade Too to sign Minute, during an, audition ,in which the young man greatly impressed Kurosawa, but managed to alienate most
  49. Becoming an actress. Moreover, her acquaintance with Vadim, who attended the, audition , influenced her further life and career. Bar dot withdrew to the seclusion of
  50. Cheery, upbeat energy ", which was not how they envisioned Monica; after Cox's, audition , though, Kauffman agreed with Cox, and she got the role. When Matt LeBlanc

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