Examples of the the word, concede , in a Sentence Context

The word ( concede ), is the 6435 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Taken from an earlier recording by Minicam Yogeswaran. When Warner did not, concede , the American Hindus Against Defamation threatened to protest. Eventually
  2. With conceding in curling. In fact, in many competitions, a team is required to, concede ,when it is mathematically impossible for them to tie a game. In more social
  3. Of John II (who had been captured at the Battle of Poitier's in 1356),and, concede ,English ownership of the lands of Normandy, Touraine,Enjoy, Brittany and
  4. Same-sex relationships are due to growing social acceptance, but also, concede ,that" only a certain kind of lesbian—slim and elegant or butch in just the
  5. Square. Meanwhile, Gaddafi asserted that he was still in Libya and would not, concede ,power to the rebels. The portion of the Mediterranean Sea north of Libya is
  6. Continuing scandal confirmed the Coalition in their stance that they would not, concede ,supply. Whitley on the other hand, convinced that he would win the battle, was
  7. Primary to Bill McBride. Voting problems arose in the election, and she did not, concede ,defeat until a week later. She has since retired from public life but
  8. Intellectual maturity of all but the exceptional undergraduate; some defenders, concede ,the difficulty, but insist that cultivating interdisciplinary as a habit of
  9. Of Kuwait. " The issue is a red line for Kuwait and no Kuwaiti will ever, concede ,these loans," al-Omari has been quoted as saying. On November 8,2008
  10. Scotland. As well as obtaining a guarantee that the Scottish government would, concede ,territories and diplomatic benefits to the English crown,Richard's campaign
  11. Decay, Biscay ). Several English verbs end in -cede (for example: accede, concede , precede, and intercede),but only two English words end in -see: supersede
  12. Defeated Malay Açai Santa in a runoff-election, but Santa refused initially to, concede , claiming that the elections had been fraudulent in two constituencies
  13. One concession after another, why should Japan now yield the" heart? "" If we, concede ,this, what is diplomacy? It is surrender … a stain on the history of our empire
  14. As noted above in the game play section, it is not uncommon for a team to, concede ,a curling match after it believes it no longer has a reasonable chance of
  15. Union, Ribbentrop was forced to telephone Berlin for permission from Hitler to, concede ,Latvia to the Soviets. After finishing his talks with Stalin and Molotov
  16. In second. The PNH challenged the election results, and Logo Sosa did not, concede ,until 7 December. Towards the end of December, the government finally released
  17. Evidence to support the case for Linebarger's being" Allen," but both, concede ,there is no direct proof that Linebacker was ever a patient of Lindner's or
  18. ODI at Nagpur. He also admitted another offer of $15,000 to Henry Williams to, concede ,more than 50 runs in that same match. Gibbs scored 74 off 53 balls and Williams
  19. Are too small to be statistically significant. On the other side are those who, concede ,that an observation has occurred and that a universal statement has been
  20. May concede after finishing any end during a round-robin game, but can only, concede ,after finishing eight ends during the knockout stages. Unlike other sports
  21. Printing press from Haarlem. Since the late 1890s,Haarlem has been willing to, concede ,that perhaps Mainz printed earlier, in the person of Johann Gutenberg.
  22. Carry the stigma associated with quitting, and allows for more socializing. To, concede ,a match, members of the losing team remove their curling gloves (if they wear
  23. But usually happens near the final end. In the Winter Olympics, a team may, concede ,after finishing any end during a round-robin game, but can only concede after
  24. Election at the same time as the half-Senate election, the Coalition would, concede ,supply. Whitley rejected this offer, stating that he had no intention of
  25. In Brussels" on that day. Griffin had written to BNP members preparing to, concede ,the case because it would be too expensive to fight and would" strip the party
  26. Of meaningfulness (e.g. emotive, expressive,figurative),and most authors, concede ,that the non-cognitive statements of the history of philosophy possess some
  27. Each other more than the above descriptions might suggest, and they may, concede ,certain points to the other" side ". Identifying a particular theorist as a
  28. Up Armstrong’s career and income. He was content in New York but later would, concede ,that she was right and that the Henderson Orchestra was limiting his artistic
  29. For four decades. However, not even Russian liberals were prepared to, concede ,autonomy similar to that that had already existed in Estonia and Latvia, albeit
  30. As the one with whom the Lord spoke face to face. The failure to recognize or, concede ,this prerogative of their brother was the sin of Miriam and Aaron. The validity
  31. Himself a capable military leader, then married Isabella, but Guy refused to, concede ,the crown. When Richard arrived in 1191,he and Philip took different sides in
  32. Against him. " It is possible that the literary establishment was unwilling to, concede ,that a writer could do both poetry and fiction well. Literary criticism and art
  33. Following the 1526 alliance treaty, Charles III of Savoy was not willing to, concede ,defeat in Geneva, and constantly plotted to take over that city again. The fear
  34. 2-0,putting in a seemingly impossible situation to score 3 goals and, concede ,none in game 2 of aggregate goal series. However, amazingly,the Wizards did
  35. And the defeated Qing Empire is forced to renounce its claims on Korea and to, concede ,the southern portion of the Lengthen province, Taiwan and the Picadors
  36. Axioms, postulates,propositions, theorems ) and definitions. One must, concede ,the need for primitive notions, or undefined terms or concepts, in any study.
  37. Taught in science classes, the public outcry caused the minister to quickly, concede ,that the correct forum for intelligent design, if it were to be taught, is in
  38. The 1980s. Mass protests from both camps in autumn 1988 forced Bendjedid to, concede ,the end of one-party rule. Political events (1991–2002) The first round of
  39. Ontology, logic,biology, rhetoric,and aesthetics. Many philosophers today, concede ,that Greek philosophy has shaped the entire Western thought since its inception
  40. The Government to intervene directly in providing local services, or to, concede , However, all 15 councils which initially refused to set a rate eventually did
  41. To these demands or to resign from his post. Arose adamantly refused to either, concede ,or resign and on December 5,President, Ratu Josefa Lilo, was said to have
  42. To win a game, they will usually shake hands with the opposing team to, concede ,defeat. This may occur at any point during the game, but usually happens near
  43. By 1914,this issue was at an impasse, with the British government prepared to, concede ,Home Rule or self-government to Ireland. This led to the formation of first
  44. Christ, Scientist; Second; but the article The must not be used, presumably to, concede ,the primacy of the Boston Mother Church. An international daily newspaper, the
  45. Country. Outside Japan, critics have been much more divided. Most commentators, concede ,its technical merits and some praise it as among Kurosawa's best, while others
  46. Square. Meanwhile, Gadaffi asserted that he was still in Libya and would not, concede ,power to the rebels. Relative article *History of the Jews in Libya Notes
  47. To take the results of my philosophy as the standard of truth, I should have to, concede ,to Buddhism pre-eminence over the others. In any case, it must be a pleasure to
  48. Charité In Mülheim. Ali's son Hasan was elected as the fifth Caliph only to, concede ,his title to Mu'aliyah a few months later. Mu'aliyah became the sixth Caliph
  49. Eligible. The PNH challenged the election results, and Logo Sosa did not, concede ,until December 7. Towards the end of December the government finally released
  50. Require eight ends to be completed before allowing a losing team to, concede ,in this manner. Competitive games will usually end once the losing team has "

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