Examples of the the word, brutal , in a Sentence Context
The word ( brutal ), is the 6436 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- dictatorship's opponents, including urban guerrillas, was harsh, but not as, brutal ,as in other Latin American countries. Due to the extraordinary economic growth
- De Las Cases, as a settler in the New World, was galvanized by witnessing the, brutal ,torture and genocide of the Native Americans by the Spanish colonists. He
- Galleries, a native of Felix Romanian. According to Acanthus, Galerius was a, brutal , animalistic man. Although he shared the paganism of Rome's aristocracy, he
- The Dead Sea Scrolls. In the Nahum Pusher, the Judea Civil War and Antaeus ’, brutal ,retribution are specifically mentioned. “ (2) The interpretation of it
- In view of the vast increase of the forces of the enemy, of the savage and, brutal ,policy he has proclaimed, which leaves us no alternative but success or
- December 1931,the year of the coup in which Martínez came to power, there was, brutal ,suppression of rural resistance. The most notable event was the February 1932
- A result, the older children acting as disciplinary monitors tended to become, brutal ,task masters. Also, the schools did not teach submission to orthodox Christian
- In the most powerful country in the world, which spends billions of dollars on, brutal ,wars ... people do not have enough money to stay in their homes. " During an
- The maiden into a statue of pure crystalline quartz to protect her from the, brutal ,claws. Dionysus wept tears of wine in remorse for his action at the sight of
- Germany and elsewhere. Summer campaigns saw him not only retake, sometimes with, brutal ,reprisals, what he had lost in the 'close' season, but also seek to widen his
- New musical phenomenon. In a magazine article, he decried rock and roll as ", brutal , ugly, degenerate,vicious. ... It fosters almost totally negative and
- Of Egypt in response to the Suez Crisis, while at the same time condemn the, brutal ,Soviet invasion of Hungary in response to the Hungarian Revolution. Therefore
- Of reproduction of other people and traits. Today it is widely regarded as a, brutal ,movement which inflicted massive human rights violations on millions of people.
- Tree tradition in the Soviet Union. *1943 – World War II – After eight days of, brutal ,house-to-house fighting, the battle of Norton concludes with the victory of the
- As the only one that stood the test of time. Speer could not avoid seeing the, brutal ,excesses of the Nazi regime. Shortly after Hitler consolidated power in the
- Enabled them to re-establish control over most regions. The Russian forces used, brutal ,force, killing sixty Chechen civilians during a mop-up operation in Andy
- And unrealistically 'good' that his values are never subverted by either, brutal ,orphanages or coerced involvement in a gang of young pickpockets. While later
- The clash between the law enforcement ranks themselves and the more violent and, brutal ,fringes of protesters, who repeatedly hid themselves amongst peaceful
- By police special operatives known as" Blade Runners ". The plot focuses on a, brutal ,and cunning group of recently escaped applicants hiding in Los Angeles and the
- Independence. In addition, Ethiopia had just begun to emerge from a long and, brutal ,famine; Harold Marcus reminds us that the army was restive over its long
- Companies do not view Equatorial Guinea's military – a product of decades of, brutal ,dictatorial rule – with much confidence. The army is believed to have only
- Among a population that, for many, had spent more than a decade under often, brutal ,foreign occupation. American troops and weapons soon bolstered KMT forces
- Force sallied out of the city, and then took the city itself by a direct and, brutal ,frontal attack, and burned it to the ground to prevent its use again as a
- To avoid an NC-17 rating from the MPAA. The final version was rated R for ", brutal ,medieval warfare. " In addition to English being the film's primary language
- Movement State. The State regime introduced anti-Semitic laws and conducted a, brutal ,campaign of ethnic cleansing against Serb and Roma inhabitants of NDH
- Stance against punishments by Islamic edict (fatwa),following complaints of, brutal ,sentences carried out against women by extra-legal village courts. Culture
- Companies employed European and African agents who frequently used extremely, brutal ,methods to force Central Africans to work for them. At the same time, the
- Moved to Philadelphia for a pre-Broadway tryout period. The reviews were, brutal ,and the audiences hostile, talking back to the cast and walking out in droves.
- A military base to train the young men to fight against the vicious, arrogant, brutal , terrorizing Soviet empire ... So this place was called" The Base" "
- Britain during a time of mistrust, rebellion and suppression symbolized by the, brutal ,acts of the imperial notary Paulus Camera. He may have had to deal with the
- A currency nor a banking system. Life in 'Democratic Kampuchea' was strict and, brutal , In many areas of the country people were rounded up and executed for speaking
- Unworkable for governing it in peacetime. The Qin Emperor presided over the, brutal ,silencing of political opposition, including the event known as the burning of
- Workers for (among other things) Speer's armament factories, using the most, brutal ,methods. On December 10, 1943,Speer visited the underground Mittelwerk V-2
- Encouraging coups d'état, especially in Africa, that have led many countries to, brutal ,civil wars and consequent manifestations of authoritarianism. In Latin America
- Was led by Alcatraz family in an aim to gain independence, but ended in, brutal ,suppression of the Drupe, significant depopulation of the Human region and
- The Julio-Claudian dynasty came to an end. Chaos ensued, leading to a year of, brutal ,civil war known as the Year of the Four Emperors, during which the four most
- Support of the local population, forcing the Marines to rely on increasingly, brutal ,counterinsurgency methods. However, rivalries between various Gallegos often
- Had been sold at Kabul markets each at the price of 20–21 AFS. Abdul Rahman's, brutal ,suppression compelled many Hazards to seek refuge in Iran, India
- The guerrilla war against the U. S. forces was met with a vigorous, often, brutal , response. The Trujillo Era In February 1930,when Vásquez attempted to win
- Haitian occupation that followed is recalled by Dominicans as a period of, brutal ,military rule, though the reality is more complex. It led to large-scale land
- With typically higher-pitched growls, as opposed to traditional death metal's, brutal ,riffs and much lower death grunts. Carcass is sometimes credited with releasing
- First Prime Minister. After Mujib declared independence of Bangladesh, Yahyah’s, brutal ,crackdown, including a virtual massacre of the intelligentsia in the
- Of the corporation, as well as new methods of business that could be both, brutal ,and exploitive. On 31 December 1600,the English monarchy granted the company a
- Farming predominates. The deterioration of the rural economy under successive, brutal ,regimes has diminished any potential for agriculture-led growth. In July 2004
- Merits. In abolitionist countries, debate is sometimes revived by particularly, brutal ,murders, though few countries have brought it back after abolishing it. However
- The right to secede and form an independent state in 2001 after the long and, brutal ,Sudanese civil war that cumulatively lasted more than 40 years and claimed over
- Of the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia, German occupation was a period of, brutal ,oppression. Czech losses resulting from political persecution and deaths in
- Armed employees of private companies and the colonial state continued to use, brutal ,methods to deal with local populations who resisted forced labor but the power
- Granted a German patent for his engine design. *1888 – The first of 11 unsolved, brutal ,murders of women committed in or near the impoverished Whitechapel district in
- Death of Ashurbanipal in 627 BC — the nation descending into a prolonged and, brutal ,series of civil wars involving three rival kings, Ashur-etil-ilani
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