Examples of the the word, multinational , in a Sentence Context

The word ( multinational ), is the 6206 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Story, Newsweek magazine stated that the LDS church" resembles a sanctified, multinational ,corporation—the General Electric of American religion, with global ambitions
  2. Facto authorities from power. The country agreed to contribute personnel to the, multinational ,force, which restored the democratically elected government of Haiti in October
  3. Of Leeds United. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. () or AMD is an American, multinational ,semiconductor company based in Sunnyvale, California,that develops computer
  4. Central American model of neoliberalism. Costa Rica also participated in the, multinational ,Partnership for Democracy and Development in Central America. Regional
  5. The majority of commercial didgeridoo recordings available are distributed by, multinational ,recording companies and feature non-Aboriginals playing a New Age style of
  6. With developing countries in Africa and Asia. Brazil is currently commanding a, multinational ,U. N. stabilization force in Haiti, the MINUSTAH. Instead of pursuing
  7. And Singapore. Japan and South Korea continue to dominate in the area of, multinational ,corporations, but increasingly the PRC and India are making significant inroads
  8. Дружество),a Bulgarian name for a type of company * Analog Devices,a, multinational ,producer of semiconductor devices In linguistics, ablative case (abbreviated)
  9. The brewing industry is a global business, consisting of several dominant, multinational ,companies and many thousands of smaller producers ranging from brewpubs to
  10. Then of being fronts for the government, who want to open the rainforest up to, multinational ,corporations. Its economy is important to Mexico as a whole as well, producing
  11. A continuation of the existence of the Ottoman Empire, since both were troubled, multinational ,entities and thus the collapse of the one might weaken the other. The Habsburgs
  12. Of rich reserves of high grade crude oil elsewhere in Nigeria. At least eight, multinational ,oil companies have participated in the exploration of the peninsula and its
  13. Bangladesh has seen a sharp increase in foreign direct investment. A number of, multinational ,corporations, including Local Corporation and Tata, have made major
  14. 2008) and Kevin Murray (2010). Aon Corporation () is an American public, multinational ,corporation headquartered in Chicago, Illinois,USA that provides risk
  15. Slav populations that campaigned against German-Hungarian control of the, multinational ,state. Serbia, whose aspirations in the direction of Austrian-held Bosnia were
  16. Smaller numbers. Apple Inc. (; previously Apple Computer, Inc.) is an American, multinational ,corporation that designs and markets consumer electronics, computer software
  17. Of designing the first National roads plan with the support of many foreign, multinational ,construction companies. Aviation was born in Barranquilla with the creation of
  18. Domination (in a cultural sense) is the explicit goal of the nation-states or, multinational ,corporations that export the culture. And has been a focus of research since at
  19. Defects to the United States. *1982 – Lebanese Civil War: The first troops of a, multinational ,force lands in Beirut to oversee the Palestine Liberation Organization's
  20. With increased economic stability provided by the Plano Real, Brazilian and, multinational ,businesses have invested heavily in new equipment and technology, a large
  21. A presence in the Atlanta area, and the region hosts offices of about 1,250, multinational , corporations. As of 2006 Atlanta Metropolitan Area ranks as the 10th largest
  22. 2010 the open-access scientific journal Los Pathogens published a paper by a, multinational ,team who undertook a new investigation into the role of Yersinia pests in the
  23. Model at a national level, many corporations have become transnational or, multinational ,corporations: growing beyond national boundaries to attain sometimes remarkable
  24. Was announced by the Toronto Star newspaper. Egypt Bavarian Auto Group is a, multinational ,group of companies established in March 2003 when it was appointed as the sole
  25. Of Canada, businesses operating out of Canada, incorporated in Canada, or, multinational , companies with divisions located in Canada. This list excludes companies doing
  26. The Canadian journalist Naomi Klein who criticized the production practices of, multinational ,corporations and the omnipresence of brand-driven marketing in popular culture
  27. The brewing industry is a global business, consisting of several dominant, multinational ,companies and many thousands of smaller producers ranging from brewpubs to
  28. Clades (variant strains) of Y. pests were responsible for the Black Death. A, multinational ,team conducted new surveys that used both ancient DNA analyses and
  29. Pitch; in much of the world his name is" as instantly recognizable as that of, multinational ,companies like Coca-Cola and IBM. " Beckham's relationship and marriage to
  30. Said aerated waters produced by soft drinks manufacturers in India, including, multinational , giants PepsiCo and Coca-Cola, contained toxins including lineage, DDT
  31. Domain, a collection of hosts and routers into one network * Analog Devices,a, multinational ,producer of semiconductor devices * Analog-to-digital converter (A/D),a
  32. Memberships Canada and the United States both hold membership in a number of, multinational ,organizations such as: * Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
  33. Customization, and support. Small projects can require months;, multinational ,and other large implementations can take years. Customization can substantially
  34. From the album" Everything Counts ", a commentary on the perceived greed of, multinational ,corporations. The song got to number six in the UK, also reaching the Top 30 in
  35. As a political and economic hub for North Africa and the Arab World, with many, multinational ,businesses and organizations, including the Arab League, operating out of the
  36. Has seen a dramatic increase in foreign direct investment. A number of, multinational ,corporations and local big business houses such as Mexico, Square,Akin Group
  37. The brewing industry is a global business, consisting of several dominant, multinational ,companies and many thousands of smaller producers ranging from brewpubs to
  38. Between August 1988 and late 1989. It operates as a network comprising both a, multinational , stateless army and a radical Sunni Muslim movement calling for global Jihad.
  39. After the al-Qaida attacks on September 11, 2001. Canadian forces joined the, multinational ,coalition in Operation Anaconda in January 2002. On April 18, 2002,an American
  40. And influence in the process of globalizing. The typical" transnational" or ", multinational ," may fit into a web of overlapping shareholders and directorships, with
  41. Such as the" Libel" case have highlighted concern over the effects of, multinational ,corporations on society, labour relations and the environment (in that case
  42. Bailey, Michelle Mórrígan in Birmingham based soap, Doctors. Bulge y Born was a, multinational ,corporation based in Buenos Aires, Argentina,whose diverse interests included
  43. Barack Obama declared his intentions to curb the use of financial centers by, multinational ,corporations. In his speech, he singled out the Cayman Islands as a tax shelter
  44. In 2010 and was looking for a new location for its operations. Significant, multinational ,employers in the region include First source of India, DuPont,IN VISTA, Stream
  45. Open source to the world and advising several national governments and, multinational ,corporations regarding Open Source. In 2007 some of his government advisory
  46. Almost be called painful. ” Notes Chrysler Group LLC () is an American-based, multinational ,automaker headquartered in the Detroit suburb of Auburn Hills, Michigan.
  47. Own interests; this combination of the Bretton Woods institutions, states,and, multinational ,corporations has been called" globalization" or" globalization from above. "
  48. Accessible regardless of a geographic location. In 1989,Autodesk, an American, multinational ,corporation that focuses on 2D and 3D design software, developed a virtual
  49. Army maintains permanent combat and mobilization readiness. They become part of, multinational ,military formations in compliance with international treaties Armenia is a
  50. Sinister place with networked computers dominating every aspect of life. Giant, multinational ,corporations have for the most part replaced governments as centers of

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