Examples of the the word, repeated , in a Sentence Context

The word ( repeated ), is the 6207 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. X^=X. \, : The reason exponentiation is right-associative is that a, repeated ,left-associative exponentiation operation would be less useful. Multiple
  2. And that the South was preparing for war. Donald concludes that," His, repeated ,efforts to avoid collision in the months between inauguration and the firing on
  3. Accusations of imposture or of imbecility, as of any weight when opposed to the, repeated ,observation of facts by other men, admittedly sane and honest. The whole
  4. Of the new priests, according to the divine instructions (Exodus 29),and, repeated ,these rites for seven days, during which Aaron and his sons were entirely
  5. That the device was a feasible weapon under these conditions. The MIT group, repeated ,the experiment for the television show MythBusters, using a wooden fishing boat
  6. And replaced by poly morph and polymorphism. Although many other chemists have, repeated ,this advice, IUPAC and most chemistry texts still favor the usage of allotrope
  7. Stories, ran from 4 July 2004 through 15 May 2005,and has since been shown in, repeated ,reruns on NHK and other networks in Japan. Poirot was voiced by Satori Potato
  8. As Eric Forename, made jokes about this at the team's expense. The theme was, repeated ,in the 1997 film The Full Monty, in a scene where the lead actors move in a
  9. Between 1294 and 1621,with an average of about forty cardinals engaging in, repeated ,rounds of voting until one candidate was listed on at least two-thirds of
  10. Successfully in a test against a replicated Shahab-3 missile. This feat was, repeated ,on February 11, 2007. Iron Dome (Hebrew: כיפת ברזל‎) is a mobile air defense
  11. Last Borgia pope. * Walter M. Miller's novel A Canticle for Leibowitz makes, repeated ,reference to an" Antipope Mission ", leader of the Vissarionist Schism of ca
  12. Robert Chambers. Wallace's very public advocacy of spiritualism and his, repeated ,defense of spiritualist mediums against allegations of fraud in the 1870s
  13. An important role in the scientific tradition of medieval Europe. Many authors, repeated ,explanations that attempted to solve the problem of the Moon appearing larger
  14. Haste: the string parts are simple, the music of the first three movements is, repeated ,in the next three, and not all the text is set. Nevertheless, perhaps in part
  15. In his" Peoria Speech ", Lincoln declared his opposition to slavery, which he, repeated ,en route to the presidency. Speaking in his Kentucky accent, with a very
  16. Application of inductive reasoning, etc. Observe that steps 4,5 and 6 are, repeated ,in steps 11,12 and 13. Comparison with" Elegant" provides a hint that these
  17. Her as the character 'Mr Stringer '. The Rutherford films are frequently, repeated ,on television in Germany, and in that country Miss Marple is generally
  18. Of marine cultured organisms is to reduce stress to a minimum, as prolonged or, repeated ,stress can cause a range of adverse effects. Attempts to minimize stress can
  19. Liturgy entitled" Fiber 671 ", and later dubbed" Fiber Pyramids ". The pair, repeated ,this ritual again on 9 October, when they had made some alterations to it. In
  20. Goddess with Cretan connections in her mythos. Other commonly received and, repeated ,types of Athena in sculpture may be found in. Apart from her attributes, there
  21. Clicks anyway. However, music spanning several octaves could be played by, repeated ,calls to a machine-language tone generator. Sample code Hello World in
  22. Of the drives or wear out the disk faster, and these warnings were frequently, repeated ,in magazines of the day. In practice, however,this method was an inexpensive
  23. Finances, first promoted in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and later, repeated ,by Henry Ford and his Dearborn Independent. In the modern era, many such myths
  24. 18 and 19, 1966,and the backup crew of Shirr, Eisele and Cunningham had, repeated ,it is on December 30. When designing the Mercury spacecraft, NASA had considered
  25. Holmes shouted at him," Get down, you damn fool, before you get shot! " After, repeated ,calls on Grant to defend Washington, Sheridan was appointed and the threat from
  26. George III and desiring to govern themselves while remaining in the empire,the, repeated ,pleas by the First Continental Congress for royal intervention on their behalf
  27. Then is possible with the naked eye. Flemish astronomer Godfrey Wendell, repeated ,Aristarchus' measurements in 1635,and found that Ptolemy's value was too low
  28. Serial number, British people will usually use the terms double followed by the, repeated ,number. Hence, 007 is double oh seven. Exceptions are the emergency telephone
  29. One of which carries a recognizable portrait of Turing against a background of, repeated ,0s and 1s,and is captioned:" 1937: Alan Turing's theory of digital computing
  30. However tuneful: there is no name, with whatever emphasis of passionate love, repeated , of which the echo is not faint at last. Joachim du Belly mentioned the herb
  31. The language was not fast enough to produce more than a baritone buzz from, repeated ,clicks anyway. However, music spanning several octaves could be played by
  32. Race, devoid of any spiritual pursuit," and" polytheists" to boot. Crowley, repeated ,his claim that Jews in Eastern Europe practice ritual child-murder in at least
  33. 13, 1862,when over 12,000 Union soldiers were killed or wounded during, repeated ,futile frontal assaults against Marye's Heights. After the battle, Burnside
  34. Prison. There he remained for about twelve years, during which time he made, repeated ,but unsuccessful attempts to escape. Exile At last, in 1165,he was successful
  35. With" --" will skip all that code, while being clearly denoted as a column of, repeated ," --" down the page. There is no limit to the nesting of comments, thereby
  36. Ordering of the data and can give poor results for very large data sets due to, repeated ,round off error in the accumulation of the sums. Techniques such as compensated
  37. Of late 19th/early 20th century England. Take for instance the highly, repeated ,quote from his thickly veiled Book Four:" It would be unwise to condemn as
  38. Stories, most recently twenty-seven of them on BBC Radio 4 (and regularly, repeated ,on BBC 7),starring John Matt (Maurice Den ham and Peter Wallis have also
  39. Checking from the main execution path, such compilation also streamlines the, repeated ,entry and exit of user-defined functional operands. This avoids the stack setup
  40. Its own and yet it always unfolded within a formal, dramatic structure that was, repeated ,with minor variations from one play to another. The different, structural
  41. To the peninsula and then overland to the Confederate capital. McClellan's, repeated ,delays frustrated Lincoln and Congress, as did his position that no troops were
  42. Normality. And the Friedman test is the nonparametric alternative for a one-way, repeated ,measures ANOVA. The separate assumptions of the textbook model imply that the
  43. And a constant term and eliminate one of the variables. This process would be, repeated ,manually for each of the equations, which would result in a system of equations
  44. A system of equations with one fewer variable. Then the whole process would be, repeated ,to eliminate another variable. Patent dispute J. Prosper Expert and John
  45. Discovered that the heavens are less dense than the air. These views were later, repeated ,by Widely and had a significant influence on the Copernican and Tectonic
  46. Shrimp populations across entire regions. Increasing ecological problems, repeated ,disease outbreaks, and pressure and criticism from both NGOs and consumer
  47. Soil. The Arkansas Delta is a flat landscape of rich alluvial soils formed by, repeated ,flooding of the adjacent Mississippi. Farther away from the river, in the
  48. His immediate protection. It has been related by an Italian writer and since, repeated ,by several biographers, that Canola was indebted to a trivial circumstance –
  49. Of salicylic acid and acetyl chloride. In 1869,Schröder, Prinzhorn and Kraut, repeated ,both Gerhardt 's (from sodium salicylate) and on Gilm's (from salicylic
  50. And historian of that time, wrote scathingly of the Jews and his themes are, repeated ,in the works of Chairman, Lysimachus, Poseidonius, Apollonius Moon, and in

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