Examples of the the word, cinematic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cinematic ), is the 12737 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Other countries around the globe. The genre translates fairly directly into, cinematic ,form. A Bildungsroman tells about the growing up or coming of age of a
  2. Its biggest advertising campaign in a decade, the centerpiece was a 90-second, cinematic , advertisement celebrating the airline's ninety year heritage, from its origins
  3. Over for the third. Albert Finney played Poirot in 1974 in the, cinematic ,version of Murder on the Orient Express. It was a very faithful adaptation of
  4. Abstract impressionism to photorealism and often includes references to his, cinematic ,work and to other artists. Ostracized by the Hollywood film studios due to his
  5. Middle fingers to the uptight middle-class hypocrisies, Easy Rider became the, cinematic ,symbol of the 1960s,a celluloid anthem to freedom, macho bravado and
  6. 1982 Uncle Scrooge Chuck: His Life and Times. In it, he calls Barks’s stories ", cinematic ," and" a priceless part of our literary heritage ". The Walt Disney Treasures
  7. Or the Dutch language (cf. Dutch uncle for discussion) *Dutch angle,a, cinematic ,technique in which the camera is placed at an angle to the horizon *Dutch book
  8. In terms of alternative distributors and also alternative content including, cinematic ,series. Alternative content An added incentive for exhibitors is the ability to
  9. Who would go on to produce the music for most of Lynch’s subsequent, cinematic ,works. Dino de Laurentiis loved the film, and it achieved support from some of
  10. Bequeathed by the Pharaohs. In modern times, Egypt has enjoyed a strong, cinematic ,tradition since the art of filmmaking was first developed, early in the 20th
  11. Edinburgh has been home to the actor Sir Sean Connery, famed as the first, cinematic ,James Bond; Ronnie Corbett, a comedian and actor, best known as one of The Two
  12. Entity in charge of the investigation, collection and diffusion of Andalusian, cinematic ,heritage. Other important contributors to this last activity are such annual
  13. In March 2011 it was reported that The Walt Disney Company had acquired the, cinematic ,rights to the Miss Marple character, and was planning a contemporary adaptation
  14. A collection of interested Industry parties. The Last Broadcast apparently made, cinematic ,history on October 23, 1998,when it became the first feature to be
  15. Joe Shutter told the Toronto Star, that the name derived from 1930s, cinematic ,leading men Clark Gable and Kent Taylor, but the persona from bespectacled
  16. S ear, rather than any extra-musical plot or story. Film essays (or ", cinematic ,essays" ) consist of the evolution of a theme or an idea rather than a plot
  17. Story; an" embedded text" bridges to a different angle. He also uses other, cinematic ,techniques of" cutting" quickly from one scene to the next; or of" splicing
  18. Actor. Known for his surrealist films, he has developed his own unique, cinematic ,style, which has been dubbed" Lynching ", and which is characterized by its
  19. His leading actress, Isuzu Yamaha, to regard the work as if it were a, cinematic ,version of a Japanese rather than a European literary classic. Appropriately
  20. The year when he appeared in two films which are regarded as important in Hindi, cinematic ,history. He starred in the Cash Chopra directed film Dewar, opposite Hash
  21. Released. The film went on to become the most successful martial arts film in, cinematic ,history, popularized the martial arts film genre across the world, and cemented
  22. Series, Vertov made liberal use of stop-motion, freeze frames, and other, cinematic ," artificializes," giving rise to criticisms not just of his trenchant
  23. Of human civilization in a nuclear holocaust was conveyed in a memorable, cinematic ,sequence in the final episode of. In March 1983,Reagan announced the Strategic
  24. The signature (rather than the life-story) of the filmmaker is apparent. The, cinematic ,essay often blends documentary, fiction,and experimental film making using a
  25. Kino-Pravda Dig Vetrov was central to the Soviet Kino-Pravda (literally,", cinematic ,truth" ) newsreel series of the 1920s. Vetrov believed the camera — with its
  26. Fragments it, in order to create an emotional effect. ” The wipe A form of, cinematic ,punctuation very strongly identified with Kurosawa is the wipe. This is an
  27. Is colluding with his audience to provide a shorthand learned through a common, cinematic ,cultural background. An establishing shot should be two or three seconds - long
  28. This chronology. Media Films Arnold Schwarzenegger films The very first Conan, cinematic ,project was planned by Edward Summer. Summer envisioned a series of Conan
  29. One actor may have years of training, they always strive for more lessons; the, cinematic ,and theatrical world is always changing and because of this, the actor must
  30. Gyrations" of the title dance sequence in Jailhouse Rock within a lineage of, cinematic ,musical numbers that offer a" spectacular eroticization, if not
  31. Welcomed the changed political climate and sought to fashion his own mature, cinematic ,voice. " The Japanese critic Radio NATO concurs:" With defeat in World War II
  32. Show (1957–1962) and he published two books of predictions. Creswell found, cinematic ,infamy in the movies of Ed Wood. Filmography and Television Appearances
  33. A much more favorable contract with Essay Studios, and further developed his, cinematic ,skills, adding new levels of depth and pathos to the Keystone-style slapstick.
  34. Gory, virtuoso,hyperkinetic horror sequel/remake uses every trick in the, cinematic ,book" and confirms that" Bruce Campbell and Rail are gods" and Cary James
  35. S comics was the characters' dialogue and this further lent his comics a, cinematic ,quality. Inspired by the work of Walt Disney, Tezuka also adopted a style of
  36. They have been known to use money and muscle power to get their way in, cinematic ,deals. In January 2000,Mumbai mafia hitmen shot Rakesh Roshan, a film director
  37. Photography. Beginning with Seven Samurai (1954),however,Kurosawa's, cinematic ,technique changed drastically, through his extensive use in that film of long
  38. Of a theme or an idea rather than a plot per se; or the film literally being a, cinematic ,accompaniment to a narrator reading an essay. From another perspective, an
  39. To another. Up to, and including, his film The Mirror, Tarkovsky focused his, cinematic ,works on exploring this theory. After The Mirror, he announced that he would
  40. The history of an America where the South won the Civil War. Other examples of, cinematic ,alternate history are: 2009 Lost Memories (2002),a Korean film supposing
  41. The Manchurian Candidate). During the immediate post-war years the, cinematic ,industry was also threatened by television, and the increasing popularity of
  42. Work as" film-essays ". Two filmmakers whose work was the antecedent to the, cinematic ,essay include George Relies and Bertolt Brecht. Georges Relies did a film about
  43. Giving rise to criticisms not just of his trenchant dogmatism, but also of his, cinematic ,technique. Vetrov explains himself in" On 'Kinopravda' ": in editing" chance
  44. Gregory Navy, Ira Sachs, Wes Anderson and Danny Boyle being influenced by his, cinematic ,style. According to Michael Dragon of The Atlantic Monthly, the " youthful
  45. Film world, which at the time was largely unaware of Japan's decades-old, cinematic ,tradition. After Data very briefly exhibited a subtitled print of the film in
  46. The highly popular murder mystery Twin Peaks (1990–1992),he also created a, cinematic ,prequel, Fire Walk With Me (1992); a road movie, Wild at Heart (1990) and a
  47. To exist on Earth were clay minerals—which were probably based on silicon. In, cinematic ,and literary science fiction, a moment when man-made machines cross from
  48. Babel. " In Vertov's view," art's tower of Babel" was the subservience of, cinematic ,technique to narrative, commonly known as the Institutional Mode of
  49. Tribes as he tries to settle his fellow Trojan refugees there. The most recent, cinematic ,portrayal of Aeneas was in the film Troy, in which he appears as a youth
  50. The emergence of more artistic and mature films, and significant improvement in, cinematic ,techniques among filmmakers. The studio system produced frenetic activity in

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