Examples of the the word, badger , in a Sentence Context

The word ( badger ), is the 12109 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And Black-tailed God wit. Mammals to be seen include Red Fox Vulpes, badger ,Meles, Grey Squirrel Sciurus carolinensis, and Hazel Dormouse Muscardinus
  2. References to the dachshund, originally named the" Sachs Richer" ( ", badger ,crawler" ) or" Sachs Krieger" (" badger warrior" ), came from books
  3. The Hungarian name is tokomak or torkosborz which means" gluttonous, badger ,". In French-speaking parts of Canada, the wolverine is referred to as cacao
  4. Made with animal fibers, the cheaper models use boar bristles, while, badger , hair is used in much more expensive models. Boar hair is used in the
  5. Values hard work, tolerance,loyalty, and fair play. The house mascot is the, badger , and canary yellow and midnight black are its colors. The Head of this house
  6. The Badger Parade ", a parade of puppet badger s that included Gareth Southgate, badger ,and Tasman Archer badger , among others. But every week there would be some kind
  7. Flowers, fungi,and mosses. Wild animals include deer, wild boar, mouflon,fox, badger , hare, and small numbers of beavers. The national parks in Germany include the
  8. The translation of" Basso" to be the origin of the name" Taxis ", and the, badger ,is still represented in the family coat of arms. In 1624 the family became
  9. Highly. Their traditional cuisine consists of the flesh of bear, fox,wolf, badger , ox or horse, as well as fish, fowl,millet, vegetables,herbs, and roots. They
  10. Concept. He is credited with saying:" When an ecologist says 'there goes a, badger ,' he should include in his thoughts some definite idea of the animal's place
  11. Rocks to break open shellfish to eat. The marten is largely arboreal, while the, badger ,digs extensive networks of tunnels, called setts. Some Muslims have been
  12. Of problem resulting in the badger s being unable to perform. In place of the, badger ,parade, Hill would usually sing a song, with a guest he had invited onto the
  13. Of the name" dachshund" is of German origin and literally means ", badger ,dog ", from Sachs (" badger " ) and Hand (" dog" ). The pronunciation varies
  14. Argue that while more" working class" blood sports such as cock fighting and, badger ,baiting were long ago outlawed, fox hunting persists, although this argument
  15. Is of German origin and literally means" badger dog ", from Sachs (", badger ,") and Hand (" dog" ). The pronunciation varies widely in English:
  16. Philosophical debate on the importance of pacifism and restraint with a rabid, badger ,: Your opponent is not only unqualified from the start, but it's obviously just
  17. Crock, noggin,gob (cf. Gaelic gob),nook; and the dialectal term for a, badger , i.e. Brock (cf. Welsh Brock, and Gaelic Bros). Another legacy may be the
  18. Wealthy folk could afford silk robes, skirts,socks, and mittens, coats made of, badger ,or fox fur, duck plumes, and slippers with inlaid leather, pearls,and silk
  19. And African migratory birds, fallow deer, Spanish red deer, wild boar, European, badger , Egyptian mongoose, and endangered species such as the Spanish Imperial Eagle
  20. Missed his head. When word of this reached MGM, studio executives began to, badger ,the U. S. Army Air Corps to reassign their most valuable screen property to
  21. Named the" Sachs Richer" (" badger crawler" ) or" Sachs Krieger" ( ", badger ,warrior" ), came from books written in the early 18th century. Prior to that
  22. Pilot, Antoon and Tenon. The last, which mainly is used in Mexico, means, badger , It averages about 4–6 kg (8.8-13.2 lbs) in weight. However, males are much
  23. Mammals include subspecies of the Cretan marten, the Cretan weasel, the Cretan, badger , the long-eared hedgehog, the edible dormouse, and the Cretan shrew, a unique
  24. Was a boar that had been rendered gentle by God. This was followed by a fox,a, badger , a wolf and a stag. Neopaganism In Wicca and other forms of Neopaganism a
  25. When the island was connected to the mainland by the causeway, also fox and, badger ,became common. West of Salt a breeding area of Harbor Porpoises is located. In
  26. The Marbled Cat, the leopard cat, the wild dog, the Tibetan wolf, the hog, badger , the injuring, the jungle cat and the civet cat. Among the animals more
  27. Shellfish, fallow deer, hare,partridge, pheasant,francolin, quail,fox, badger , clam, crab,and many others. Dairy products were absent from Chinese cuisine
  28. If Bob plays the nine of diamond or a joker, he might say," that's the, badger , " Failure to say this would result in a penalty card.
  29. Written in the early 18th century. Prior to that, there exist references to ", badger ,dogs" and" hole dogs ", but these likely refer to purposes rather than to
  30. Has been speculated this mane gives a cheetah cub the appearance of the honey, badger ,(rate),to scare away potential aggressors. Cubs leave their mother between
  31. In overall appearance, and a diet perhaps more similar to that of a, badger , Parities does not appear in Eurasia and Africa until the Miocene. It is
  32. There are several species of diverse mammalian fauna, including the fox, badger , Iberian lynx, Iberian Wolf, wild goat (Capra Prentice),wild cat (Felix
  33. Their seeds dispersed by several mammals, such as the red fox and the Eurasian, badger , as well as by small birds. Cultivation and uses Primary cultivation takes
  34. Loanwords were common in late (pre-revival) Manx,e.g. boy (boy), badger (, badger ,), rather than the more usual Gaelic grille/Villa and Bros. Henry Jenner on
  35. Corner of the pitch after the referee had commenced the game. Billy blamed his, badger ,hearing and eyesight for the incident, and apologized to referee Chris For. On
  36. And so on 18 May she left for Moscow. In Moscow, Natalia continued to, badger ,Bolshevik Commissars, including Lenin, Trotsky and Sverdlovsk, for Michael's
  37. All of which have perfectly round doors, like barrel tops (much like a, badger ,sett). Ravenclaw values intelligence, creativity,learning, and wit.
  38. Opening supermarkets, swimming (in his 50K pool),Guinness, dog fighting, badger ,fighting, his favorite pub, and golf. His favorite newspaper is the News of
  39. Rattlesnake, bobwhite quail, mourning doves, armadillo,coyotes, an occasional, badger , beaver, fox,mountain lion, and even javelin is seen. Song birds and others
  40. iPods *Sound Devices 7-Series Professional Audio Recorders with ", badger ," firmware update (v.2.24) *Sony PlayStation Portable when running the
  41. Of opinion as to when dachshunds were specifically bred for their purpose of, badger ,hunting, as the American Kennel Club states the dachshund was bred in the 15th
  42. Clearing ', or a wood where badger s are seen (Bros is the Old English for, badger ,). The oldest surviving house in the area is the 'Stone House' on Lewis ham Way
  43. Deer (Praemegaceros pretenses),giant rodents and insectivores as well as, badger , beech marten and a kind of terrestrial otter. Large carnivores were lacking.
  44. Powers such as the Hatsune (fox),tank (raccoon dog),mutiny (, badger ,), bakeneko (transforming cat),and Baku (tapir),as well as sacred objects
  45. Of puppet badger s that included Gareth Southgate badger and Tasman Archer, badger , among others. But every week there would be some kind of problem resulting in
  46. Societies to Trusts for Nature Conservation, and then to Wildlife Trusts. The, badger ,logo was adopted by the movement to establish its common identity. As the
  47. Made to his boss for his late arrival at work; one of the claims made is that a, badger ,ate the signal box there. * The house on the corner of Dukes Avenue/Howard Road
  48. Of several days during which Wolfe refuses to work, or even to listen to Archie, badger ,him about work. The cause is unknown. Wolfe either takes to bed and eats
  49. Relationships; direct action against genetically modified crops and, badger ,culling; family break-ups; and civil partnerships. According to some of the
  50. UK. Philosopher Roger Scrutiny believes that the analogy with cock fighting and, badger ,baiting is unfair because these sports were more cruel and did not involve any

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