Examples of the the word, creatively , in a Sentence Context

The word ( creatively ), is the 12112 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For Norton; the isolation from Caldwell would allow him to break free of him, creatively ,; and he would clearly see what he considered the corruptness, priggishness,and
  2. Of Foreign Affairs),the National Theater, and several foreign embassies that, creatively ,embody features of their national architecture. The Brazilian landscape
  3. As the surface level and the underlying level. The surface level uses signs, creatively ,to create an image or personality for their product. These signs can be images
  4. The Palomino core actually debuted earlier in the mobile market —, creatively ,branded the Mobile Athlon 4 with the code name" Corvette ". It distinctively
  5. Was Norman McLaren, who brought in many other animators to create their own, creatively ,controlled films. Notable among these are the pin screen animation films of
  6. C Code Contest (abbreviated IOC CC) was a programming contest for the most, creatively ,obfuscated C code, held annually between 1984 and 1996,and thereafter in 1998
  7. A choreographer and sometimes an orchestrator. A musical's production is also, creatively ,characterized by technical aspects, such as set design, costumes,stage
  8. Beckett was rejecting the Joycean principle that knowing more was a way of, creatively ,understanding the world and controlling it ... In the future, his work would focus
  9. To civil rights and liberties, Canadian constitutional lawyers had to argue, creatively , such as by saying that the oppressive law violates division of federal and
  10. The Finnish native Linus Torvalds. Stephenson changed the name so as not to be, creatively ,constrained by the technical details of Linux-based operating systems.
  11. Were good at first, over time we found that we were not working well together, creatively , There is no fault in this, it happens. I've never blamed Rodney for this
  12. To the multitude of variables available in most professional digital cameras to, creatively ,or technically manipulate the resulting image. It may also be the
  13. In the vein of Hal Foster's Prince Valiant. Third marriage As Barks blossomed, creatively , his marriage to Clara deteriorated. This is the period referred to in Barks '
  14. In his autobiography, Cornwell stated that he felt the band was a spent force, creatively , and cited various examples of his increasingly acrimonious relationship with
  15. Lennon's biographer Bill Harry writes that Lennon began drawing and writing, creatively ,at an early age with the encouragement of his uncle. He collected his stories
  16. The others had only rudimentary horn skills, and achieved their sound simply by, creatively ,utilizing their limited technique. Rolling Stone lavished praise on the Band in
  17. Issues in 1955 and four issues in 1956). Feldspar was less well regarded, creatively , but kept the magazine on a regular schedule, leading to decades of success. (
  18. Of the divine will, and went from being a mere expressive character to acting, creatively , taking on roles of demiurge, an change which is mainly attributed to the
  19. Of gallery of these various literary genres. " In this spirit, Ovid engages, creatively ,with his predecessors, alluding creatively to the full spectrum of classical
  20. Simultaneously. The objective of the bullet time shots in The Matrix was to, creatively ,illustrate" mind over matter" type events as captured by a" virtual camera "
  21. Or hobby, and enable wool or unusual vegetable and animal staples to be, creatively ,used. *Checking: :This is the process where each of the bobbins is rewound to
  22. May be expressed in Byronic ideals of a gifted, perhaps misunderstood loner, creatively ,following the dictates of his inspiration rather than the standard ways of
  23. Associates officially broke from Webb and Knapp in 1960,which benefited Pei, creatively ,but pained him personally. He had developed a close friendship with Bettendorf
  24. Team Martin for skip Kevin Martin. Amateur league players can (and do), creatively , name their teams, but when in competition (a gospel) the official team will
  25. Lived in an area that was frequented by artists. Here, the young author thrived, creatively ,for a time, writing several unpublished works and reworking Happy Valley, a
  26. To enable these initiatives to develop and counterbalance each other, creatively , and as a catalyst for the emergence of new forms of associative activity and
  27. Is, in fact, not the most effective way. It can also help people to think more, creatively ,and find more effective ways to stop violence without more violence. In light
  28. And imaginative, and the stories do things that we haven't done before. So, creatively ,there's no reason to quit. " Other media Comic books Numerous Simpson-related
  29. Warner Bros. dropped Demo from their label. Shortly after, claiming to feel, creatively ,uninspired, Alan Myers left the band. This caused the band to abandon the plans
  30. M. I. A. and the Roots as socially conscious artists who push the envelope, creatively , " A lot of cats are out there doing it, on the Web and all over. They’re just
  31. brain-teaser for programmers. A number of programming contests reward the most, creatively ,obfuscated code: the International Obfuscated C Code Contest, Obfuscated Perl
  32. Comics and Atlas Comics, for two decades, found that the medium had become, creatively ,restrictive. Determined" to carve a real career for myself in the nowhere
  33. And lengthening phrases, interjecting improvisations, using his voice as, creatively ,as his trumpet. Colleagues and followers During his long career he played and
  34. Series Behind The Music in early 2000,McDaniel confirmed that he was, creatively ,frustrated and highlighted some songs that he was recording on his own. The
  35. He" couldn't believe it,it's a paradise ", which appeared to inspire him, creatively , In one month Guthrie wrote 26 songs, including three of his most famous: "
  36. However, most of the industry's major labels were in turmoil, bankrupt,or, creatively ,stagnant, and new labels representing the rap scenes in new locations sprang up
  37. Sideman to Elvis Presley and Ricky Nelson),and featured new songs from a, creatively ,revitalized Parsons such as" Big Mouth Blues" and" Kiss the Children," as
  38. Material to edit, because the editing of a picture was the most important and, creatively ,interesting part of the process for him. Kurosawa’s creative team believed that
  39. The show will become too financially cumbersome ... but right now, the show is, creatively , I think, as good or better than it's ever been. The animation is incredibly
  40. Of the creative staff from the magazine subsequently went on to contribute, creatively ,to successful media of all types. During National Lampoons most successful
  41. Back further to amateur radio enthusiasts. The amateur radio slang referred to, creatively ,tinkering to improve performance as“ hacking” already in the 1950s. A large
  42. Our record to be without imitating them of course, and show where we were at, creatively ,". One of the record's political elements is its samples of notable speeches
  43. Opinion among his friends that Capp's Shifting satire was, to some degree,a, creatively ,channeled, compensatory response to his disability. Capp's father, a failed
  44. Musician is to listen to each other and to the group sound, to be able to react, creatively ,within the group dynamic. A slightly similar method of continuous improvisation
  45. Film together, cut off film slates, or edit dialogue scenes. A film editor must, creatively ,work with the layers of images, story,dialogue, music,pacing, as well as the
  46. And dramatic works—with precise movement. At this time Beckett began to write, creatively ,in the French language. In the late 1930s,he wrote a number of short poems in
  47. In the allotted time. Jumper courses often are colorful, and at times, quite, creatively , designed. Jumper courses tend to be much more complex and technical than hunter
  48. Condition was sustained substantially by institutionalized, systematic,and, creatively ,planned accounting fraud, known as the" Enron scandal ". Enron has since
  49. British group the Pretty Things is generally considered to be among the first, creatively ,successful rock concept albums - in that each song is part of an overarching
  50. 2099 line of comics set in the future (Spider-Man 2099,etc.) and the, creatively ,daring though commercially unsuccessful Razor line imprint of superhero comics

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