Examples of the the word, hegemony , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hegemony ), is the 12113 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Revolution and the French Revolution introduced an era of European world, hegemony ,that included the domination of most of the lands of Islam. At the end of the
  2. The US; *They hadn't foreseen the fierce negative reaction to its 'benevolent, hegemony ,'. From the very beginning they had shown a negative attitude toward the United
  3. Outside their empire). The Goths appear to have established a loose political, hegemony ,over the existing tribes in the region, or at least to have played the leading
  4. And geography Settlers acted as the link between the natives and the imperial, hegemony , bridging the geographical, ideological and commercial gap between the
  5. Aristocracy to overthrow the Umayyads. The Abbasid's sought to combine the, hegemony ,of the Arabic tribes with the imperial, court,ceremonial, and administrative
  6. Emerged as a literary language in the Middle Ages. However, in the face of the, hegemony ,of Castilian Spanish, during the so-called Secular Escudos (" Dark Centuries "
  7. Mexican Empire 1864–1867) each attempted establishing a western imperial, hegemony ,based in France. The German Empire (1871–1918),another“ heir to the Holy
  8. Euro, in 1999,established discrete military forces, and exercised its limited, hegemony ,in parts of Eastern Europe and Asia. This behavior, the political scientist
  9. The Utah War. The settlers and the United States government battled for, hegemony ,over the culture and government of the territory. Tensions over the Utah War (
  10. The climate of change throughout Eastern Europe during the 1980s,the communist, hegemony ,was challenged (at the same time, the Milosevic government began to gradually
  11. Period, eclipsing lesser kingdoms such as Alemannic. In England, the Wessex, hegemony ,as the nucleus of the unification of England, Scandinavia is in the Mendel
  12. Between 1843 and 1933 during which the Assyrian Christians lost their land and, hegemony ,in their habitat in the Hakka (or Flamer) region in southeastern Turkey
  13. Resigned his post on 25 May after disagreements with the Senate about German, hegemony ,over the country, and about his planned attacks on Petrograd to repulse the
  14. Way for further expansion by his successors. Until it was eclipsed by European, hegemony ,in the 18th century, the Timur Mogul emperors oversaw a period of coexistence
  15. Around 906,Conrad of the Coraline dynasty succeeded in establishing his ducal, hegemony ,over Franconia. At the failure of the direct Carolingian male line in 911
  16. Rights, but without its illusions about the efficacy of American power and, hegemony ,to bring these ends about. " And called for Donald Rumsfeld's resignation as
  17. 1965. In 1979,the rebels conquered the capital and put an end to the south's, hegemony , However, the rebel commanders fought amongst themselves until Dissent Hare
  18. To practice the traditional religions of antiquity in the face of Christian, hegemony ,through at least the 4th century, when Claudius Celsius Delphinus (see below)
  19. The vanquished states to its political union. A state could establish imperial, hegemony ,in other ways. A weak state may seek annexation into the empire. For example
  20. Logically becomes an“ Empire ”, despite having no additional territory or, hegemony ,such as Central African Empire or the Korean Empire proclaimed in 1897 when
  21. Efforts and uprisings that had the potential to compromise Soviet, hegemony ,inside the Eastern bloc, which was considered by the Soviets to be an essential
  22. For himself. " In addition, Saudi Arabia and Iran - as competitors for regional, hegemony ,- supported Afghan militias hostile towards each other. According to Human
  23. As a group, the " Political Christian World ", as an informal cultural, hegemony ,that Christianity has traditionally enjoyed in the West. History Early
  24. Or left wing. The State used the death of Stefan Radio as proof of Serbian, hegemony , and as an excuse for their treatment of Serbs, however many leading CPP
  25. Leaving the Peloponnesian League as the victor. Discontent with the Spartan, hegemony ,that followed led to the Corinthian War where an alliance led by Thebes crushed
  26. And his whole career coincided with the struggle between Athens and Sparta for, hegemony ,in Greece, but he didn't live to see the final defeat of his city. It is said
  27. Of the Delian league from an alliance into, in the words of Thucydides,a, hegemony , After two years Theists surrendered to the Athenian leader Simon. In result
  28. Over time, especially with the suppression of rebellions, Athens exercised, hegemony ,over the rest of the league. Thucydides describes how Athens's control over
  29. And Survival: In addition, Saudi Arabia and Iran – as competitors for regional, hegemony ,– supported Afghan militias hostile towards each other. According to Human
  30. Of political consolidation continued. The 7th century saw a struggle for, hegemony ,between Northumbria and Mercia, which in the 8th century gave way to Mercia
  31. Forces of Athens and Thebes in the Battle of Chaperoned, securing Macedonian, hegemony ,in Greece and the Aegean. *216 BC – Second Punic War: Battle of Can nae – The
  32. The Greek cities were vital trade outlets. In addition, he had established his, hegemony ,over neighboring Sarmatian and Pasternak tribes. At its peak, the GEPAN
  33. On Germanium had been seeking German aid in freeing Finland from Russian, hegemony ,since Autumn 1917,but the Germans did not want to prejudice their armistice
  34. Biology and evolutionary theory in order not to simply oppose their renewed, hegemony , but in order to understand the conditions that make this possible, and to have
  35. Field-effect transistor (MOS FET); the MOS FET has achieved electronic, hegemony ,and sustains the large-scale integrated circuits (Luis) underlying today's
  36. Guadeloupe, TAAF,Wallis and Futuna, Saint Barthélemy, Mayotte ) and exerts an, hegemony ,in Francophone Africa (29 francophone countries such as Chad, Rwanda,ET
  37. Church. Later, rapid social change and the dissipation of British cultural, hegemony ,over its former colonies contributed to disputes over the role of women, the
  38. Particularly by some Castilian historians — the affirmation of 'Castilian, hegemony ,' in Spain" by the rendering of homage for Zaragoza by Alfonso's eventual
  39. Those who apply the labels of" crime" or" criminal" intend to assert the, hegemony ,of a dominant population, or to reflect a consensus of condemnation for the
  40. Theorists such as Antonio Gram sci and Michel Foucault moved issues of power and, hegemony ,into the spotlight. Gender and sexuality became popular topics, as did the
  41. In internecine warfare. The Geto-Dacians did not again become a threat to Roman, hegemony ,in the lower Danube until the rise of Decimal 130 years later (AD 86).
  42. Of Westphalia in 1648,which legally ended the concept of a single Christian, hegemony , despite the Catholic Church's doctrine that it alone is the one true Church
  43. Architect Claude Perrault, signalling the waning influence of Italian artistic, hegemony ,in France. Bernini's projects were essentially rooted in the Italian Baroque
  44. United States has a special advantage in the global economy because of dollar, hegemony , and that dollar dominance is not just a consequence of US economic superiority
  45. And Charles Kraut hammer declared the beginning of a unipolar era under American, hegemony , “ All of these people around me were cheering wildly,” Fukuyama remembers.
  46. Misunderstand Tucker's claim of" socialism. " Before Marxists established a, hegemony ,over definitions of" socialism," the term socialism was a broad concept. "
  47. In the Alliance of Hanover to counter the danger to Europe of an Austro-Spanish, hegemony , For the next three years there was the continual threat of war between the
  48. Philip had brought most of the city-states of mainland Greece under Macedonian, hegemony , using both military and diplomatic means. Upon Philip's death, Alexander
  49. Local military leaders used by the Zhou began to assert their power and vie for, hegemony , The situation was aggravated by the invasion of other peoples from the
  50. Gold standard was undermined by inflation and the late 20th century fiat dollar, hegemony ,evolved, and as banks proliferated and engaged in more complex transactions and

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