Examples of the the word, blizzard , in a Sentence Context

The word ( blizzard ), is the 12116 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And called his hybrid cattle. After seeing thousands of cattle die in a Kansas, blizzard ,in 1886,Charles" Buffalo" Jones, a co-founder of Garden City, Kansas,also
  2. 9 – Yugoslavia and Spain set trade relations (not diplomatic ones) ** A, blizzard ,causes a massive power outage in Newfoundland. * February 17 – The United
  3. Shortly after a power failure and his burned remains are found outside as the, blizzard ,approaches. Station chef Nails (T. K. Carter) returns to the others after
  4. He was misdirected by the Brahmins and thus he and his army perished in a snow, blizzard , His savage attack practically ended the Hindu rule in Kashmir. Raja Shade
  5. Of the current surge in NASCAR's popularity. The East Coast was snowed in by a, blizzard , giving CBS a captive audience. The win was part of Richard's seventh and last
  6. 27, 2011. At the time that Pinochet went into labor, there was a massive, blizzard ,where they lived in New York. Due to the intense weather, no cars or taxis were
  7. Portsmouth Spartans 9-0 in the first ever NFL Championship Game. Because of a, blizzard , the game is moved from Wrigley Field to the Chicago Stadium, the field
  8. Eagles was being postponed to Tuesday, December 28, 2010 because of, blizzard ,conditions. This marks the third consecutive venue or date change for a Viking
  9. Varying definitions in different parts of the world. In the United States,a, blizzard ,is occurring when two conditions are met for a period of three hours or more: A
  10. Despite Clapton's later admission that the tour took place amidst a veritable, blizzard ,of drugs and alcohol, it resulted in the live double album In Concert. The band
  11. Derived from a 1908 Christmas story about three black men who died in a, blizzard ,; the next day, the bodies of two were found at the foot of the mountain. A
  12. With economic and racial diversity. In 1975 a major tornado, along with a major, blizzard , caused more than $100 million in damages in 1975 dollars. Downtown Omaha has
  13. 12 – The first town council is established in Amateur. * November 26 – A 2-day, blizzard , known as the Portland Gale piles snow in Boston, Massachusetts,and severely
  14. Conflict occurred because of the instinctual migrations of cattle away from the, blizzard ,conditions of the Northern Plains to the warmer and plentiful Southern Plains
  15. 16–17th) across Oswego and Onondaga counties. This storm was an actual, blizzard ,due to the high winds, blowing snow and cold. 26.1 inches (66 cm) of snow was
  16. Were in effect all of Sunday until midnight. The changes were made after a 1991, blizzard , after which citizens were not able to purchase some needed goods and services
  17. British mail, and sends it to Japan. ** Armistice Day Blizzard: An unexpected, blizzard ,kills 144 in the Midwestern United States. * November 13 – Walt Disney's
  18. The term snow flurry is used to describe the lightest form of a snow shower. A, blizzard ,is a weather condition involving snow which has varying definitions in
  19. Snowstorm characterized by strong winds. By definition, the difference between, blizzard ,and a snowstorm is the strength of the wind. To be a blizzard , a snow storm
  20. On its western side due to massive flooding resulting from the North American, blizzard ,of 1996. Education Public schools The City of Harrisburg is served by the
  21. With $5 million worth of gold and money. * January 30–February 8 – A heavy, blizzard ,in Canada buries towns from Winnipeg, Manitoba,to Calgary, Alberta. * January
  22. Themselves by constructing a 6,000-foot ice runway on McCurdy Sound. Despite a, blizzard ,that once destroyed the entire project, the airstrip was completed in time for
  23. A 13-year-old girl. * February 5–February 7 – The Northeastern United States, blizzard ,of 1978 hits the New England region and the New York metropolitan area, killing
  24. Of 1993 dumped over of snow in under 24 hours, and the First North American, blizzard ,of 2010 dumped nearly of snow in less than 24 hours. An F2 tornado entered city
  25. Falling snow is not a requirement, as blowing snow can create a ground, blizzard , Density Many rivers originating in mountainous or high-latitude regions
  26. Game, a San Francisco victory over Cincinnati, may have been aided by a large, blizzard ,that had affected much of the northeastern United States on game day, leaving
  27. Do occur occasionally, and even more so in the northern suburbs. One notable, blizzard ,was the Blizzard of 1993,during which fell on the city within 48 hours, with
  28. Ackerman and Camisoles Minesweepers which vanished in Lake Superior during a, blizzard ,in 1918. 78 lives were lost making it the largest loss of life in Lake Superior
  29. Mail, and sends it to Japan. * 1940 – Armistice Day Blizzard: An unexpected, blizzard ,kills 144 in the U. S. Midwest. *1942 – World War II: Nazi Germany completes
  30. Gathered, a small group of Bismarck residents raided Jamestown in a January, blizzard , broke into the courthouse and took the state records, transporting them back
  31. Undisciplined and unfunny ". On February 3,1961,in the midst of a severe, blizzard , he gave a famous performance at Carnegie Hall in New York. It was recorded and
  32. To the previous command (the last word of the previous history entry). A, blizzard ,is a severe snowstorm characterized by strong winds. By definition, the
  33. Km) beyond the original intended location of the depot. The next day a fierce, blizzard ,prevented their making any progress. During the next nine days, as their
  34. Snowpack and the air. The term snow storm can describe a heavy snowfall while a, blizzard ,involves snow and wind, obscuring visibility. Snow shower is a term for an
  35. Between blizzard and a snowstorm is the strength of the wind. To be a, blizzard , a snow storm must have winds in excess of with blowing or drifting snow which
  36. And reads nausea blanks Herman gifts drift gim-slöngvir“ fire-brandisher of, blizzard ,of ogress of protection-moon of steed of boat-shed ”, which simply means "
  37. His players. The Blue Jays had initially been willing to stand by Johnson. A, blizzard ,of questions about his credibility during spring training, however,led Ash to
  38. Central Time on Tuesday,February 3. Contrary to popular belief, there was no, blizzard ,at the time but a very light snowfall with winds out of the south at 20 knots
  39. Officers tried to kill him. *1972 – The first day of the seven-day 1972 Iran, blizzard , which would kill at least 4,000 people, making it the deadliest snowstorm in
  40. Snowmobiles are often the best available means of transportation after a, blizzard ,) and as a tourist industry. The Bill Nichols Snowmobile Trail has a terminus
  41. Kingdom, the criteria are similar. While heavy snowfall often occurs during, blizzard ,conditions, falling snow is not a requirement, as blowing snow can create a
  42. Adelaide, South Australia. *1978 – The Great Blizzard of 1978,a rare severe, blizzard ,with the lowest non-tropical atmospheric pressure ever recorded in the US
  43. Brother Marlon Thaws. On December 13, 2010 Tricky's tour bus was caught in a, blizzard ,near Narnia, Ontario,Canada (near the U. S. /Canadian border). The band was
  44. Any Other Place You'd Rather Be? " Was in use to promote tourism. During a, blizzard ,early in 1971,highway travelers who were stranded at a Highway 401 service
  45. Islands. * April 3 – Argentina's Invasion of South Georgia * April 6 – A, blizzard ,unprecedented for April dumps 1–2 feet of snow on the northeastern
  46. Same-sex couples in an act of civil disobedience. ** Athens gets hit by a major, blizzard ,which blankets the entire city for days, causing widespread havoc. **
  47. Killing 25 and injuring more than 100. * February 17–February 20 – A nor'Easter, blizzard ,devastates Atlantic Canada, dumping more than 37.4 in. (95 cm. ) on some areas
  48. Days at a time, particularly where snowfall is unusual or rare. The 1972 Iran, blizzard , which caused approximately 4000 deaths, was the deadliest in recorded history.
  49. After this. Connolly also read The Day Bridge Disaster in the middle of a, blizzard , * Satirical magazine Private Eye has printed a number of McGonagallesque poems
  50. Weather conditions challenged the hosts. The opening ceremony was held in a, blizzard ,while warm weather conditions plagued sporting events throughout the rest of

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