Examples of the the word, gpa , in a Sentence Context
The word ( gpa ), is the 12118 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Strasdauskas graduated from the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee with a 3.8,GPA, with a B. S. in Education (specializing in Physical Education and a. A.
- Advances Placement and Honors courses that are weighted in the student's, gpa , calculation. Students are required to take one core course each year in English
- Selected to the All-Independent Academic Team in 2009. Erik Braxton had a 3.42,GPA, in Business Administration. Jason Unlock had a 3.38 GPA in Psychology. Major
- Awards to students who receive 100 block b points and students with a 3.5-3.9,GPA, and a Principal's Award to students with a 4.0 GPA. Ms. Freedman, Mrs. Bravo
- An academically rigorous yet supportive community. Students must maintain a 3.5,GPA, to remain in the program. Classes within the Honors Program are smaller
- Braxton had a 3.42 GPA in Business Administration. Jason Unlock had a 3.38,GPA, in Psychology. Major League Baseball Draft In CSUB's first year of eligible
- Of 25 credits for a BOE recognized diploma-students must have a minimum 3.0,GPA, to earn this type of diploma). Passing all 4 years of citizenship (equivalent
- And students with a 3.5-3.9 GPA and a Principal's Award to students with a 4.0,GPA, Ms. Freedman, Mrs. Bravo, and Mrs. Markham's 6th grade classes have also
- To be considered for membership, a candidate must have at least a 2.5,GPA, on a 4.0 scale. For consideration into Kappa Alpha Psi on the alumni level, one
- MIM passed her S. S. C from science group from Camilla board securing, gpa ,5. Then she has completed her H. S. C in Humanities group with the excellent
- States to have a KDP chapter. To be a member a student must maintain a 3.0,GPA, Recent service events include a Literacy Alive program with elementary age
- Medallion at graduation commencement. Those graduating with a 3.5 or higher, gpa , also wear the gold stole with the society emblem.: is an honor society honoring
- Intention to enter and obtain a degree from a four-year school. A 2.5 on a 4.0,GPA, scale is required. The Founders Grand Basilar National Programs Sigma Gamma Rho
- To Memphis. He was given the Academic All-Big Ten again averaging over a 3.5,GPA, Nay mick Graduated with honors from Michigan State University in 2008. Nay mick
- Is a national math honor society. Members are expected to maintain a 3.5,GPA, in college math classes. You do not need to be a math major to join the society
- International honor society for two year colleges. Members must maintain a 3.5,GPA, At commencement members of Phi Theta Kappa wear gold stoles marked with the
- In a reply he has also got 2 Irish news all stars 2003.2010 to go and the is on, gpa , team 2010 is a railway station on the Tokyo Corporation's Took Line located
- A course in either language to live in it. It is suggested you have a 3.0,GPA, to be selected. German House was once counted among these but currently no
- Fajel madrasa is established 1921. There are 100 % passing every year and, gpa ,5 get. Once this madrasa is famous Nadia district of 1no. Other collage and
- To internal statistics showing that 40 % of L. A Matheson students achieve a, gpa , of 3.0 and above. Athletics Sports and athletic activities are governed by the
- In 2007. In 2010,Hanoi graduated from Abuse Pacific University with a 3.5,GPA, to earn a Master of Business Administration degree. Amateur career As an
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