Examples of the the word, purification , in a Sentence Context

The word ( purification ), is the 12115 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For a comfortable life: power, climate control, food production, air and water, purification , sewage treatment, etc. It is supposed to supply these items for a large
  2. Hall-Heroult process produces aluminum with a purity of above 99 %. Further, purification ,can be done by the Hope process. The process involves the electrolysis of
  3. Half of the annual human-caused carbon additions to the atmosphere. Natural-gas, purification ,plants often already have to remove carbon dioxide, either to avoid dry ice
  4. In the Jewish Bible and other Jewish texts, immersion in water for ritual, purification ,was established for restoration to a condition of" ritual purity" in specific
  5. Place of cleansing) is used for the first time to describe a state of painful, purification ,of the saved after life. The same word in adjectival form (purgatories -an -um
  6. Etc. Purification and disinfection Chlorine is an important chemical for water, purification ,(such as water treatment plants),in disinfectants, and in bleach. Chlorine
  7. Peroxide. In spas, the high water temperatures render chlorinated water, purification ,and buffering compounds unstable, and bromine compounds may improve the life of
  8. Mandalas revere John the Baptist and practice frequent baptism as a ritual of, purification , not of initiation. Gnostic Catholicism and Thelma The Ecclesial Gnostic
  9. By a previously unidentified decay product, one that was separated during, purification , but emerged again out of the pure actinium-227. Various tests eliminated the
  10. Articulated over a century earlier by Gregory of Nyasa that the saved suffer, purification ,after death, in connection with which he wrote of" purgatorial flames ". The
  11. H2O These reactions require catalysts, specialized apparatus, and additional, purification ,measures since the selectivity can be problematic. The same amines can be
  12. Of juniper were sometimes thrown on the fires to add an element of, purification ,and blessing to the smoke. People would also pass between the two fires to
  13. Baptismos (βαπτισμός) refers in to a water-rite for the purpose of, purification , washing, cleansing,of dishes; and in perhaps also to baptism, though there it
  14. Of the art. For example, many alchemists during this period interpreted the, purification ,of the soul to mean the transmutation of lead into gold (in which they
  15. His life to Christ: either entrance into the blessedness of heaven -- through a, purification ,or immediately -- or immediate and everlasting damnation. (Sect. 1022)
  16. From God, but are still imperfectly purified from the effects of sin, undergo, purification , through the intermediate state of purgatory to achieve the holiness necessary
  17. Conversion. Immersion in the Micah represents a change in status in regard to, purification , restoration, and qualification for full religious participation in the life of
  18. Written by the Roman Lucretius in 50 BC. Much of the early development of, purification ,methods is described by Pliny the Elder in his Naturalist Historian. A tentative
  19. Were not well understood—it was thought to be a transformation rather than, purification , Many scholars in those days thought it's reasonable to believe that there exist
  20. Ancient India). The greed for gold led to the discovery of the process for its, purification , even though the underlying principles were not well understood—it was thought
  21. Worthy of hell, but not quite ready for heaven, go through a final process of, purification ,before their full acceptance into heaven. Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestantism
  22. Had to be a plebeian. Despite this, no plebeian censor performed the solemn, purification ,of the people (the" lust rum "; Livy Periscope 13) until 280 BC. In 131 BC
  23. In 1928,Alexander Fleming discovered the mold Penicillin. His work led to the, purification ,of the antibiotic by Howard Flora, Ernst Boris Chain and Norman Heatley
  24. Freshwater species are occasional nuisances in water pipes, drinking water, purification ,equipment, sewage treatment facilities, and the cooling pipes of power stations
  25. Very low magnetic field gradients have been demonstrated in point-of-use water, purification ,with high-surface-area and monodisperse magnetite (Fe3O4) monocrystals. Using
  26. It is a measure used mainly for quantifying values in waste treatment and water, purification ,systems, as well as a measure of the health of natural and man-made water
  27. The Lord comet with fire '? " (Isaiah 64:15). " Fire is the true element of, purification , according to Numbers xxi.23," was his answer (Sanhedrin 39a). Another
  28. Church (above),except the parenthetical phrase," through a, purification ,or immediately. " This alludes to the Catholic belief in a spiritual state
  29. Craters connects the name with (analysis)," redeem ", with (apoptosis),", purification ,", and with (aloud)," simple ", in particular in reference to the
  30. And the Salesians started at Beltane. Great bonfires would mark a time of, purification ,and transition, heralding in the season in the hope of a good harvest later in
  31. Associated with the use of ayahuasca. In the rainforest, these tend towards the, purification ,of one's self - abstaining from spicy and heavily-seasoned foods, excess fat
  32. Although the term" baptism" is not used to describe the Jewish rituals,the, purification ,rites in Jewish laws and tradition, called " Vila ", have some similarity to
  33. Aluminum hydroxide (Al (OH)3) is used as an antacid, as a mordant, in water, purification , in the manufacture of glass and ceramic and in the waterproofing of fabrics.
  34. In his later writings, some believe that he proposed ideas such as, purification ,of venial sins after death in purgatory (The Great Divorce and Letters to
  35. Of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and teaching about new life lead to, purification ,and new birth. This, in turn, is followed by eating and drinking God's food
  36. Deals with the treatment of chemical, biological,and/or thermal waste,the, purification ,of water and air, and the remediation of contaminated sites, due to prior waste
  37. It, the portion boiling between 125 and 140 °C. Being collected. For further, purification ,it may be shaken with hot lime water, the oily layer separated, dried with
  38. The catalyst, yielding clean SWNT material (purity >99.98 %) without further, purification , For comparison, the as-grown Hippo Cuts contain about 5–35 % of metal
  39. Gehenna not as a place of punishment for the wicked but as a place of spiritual, purification ,for souls. Reform and Reconstructionist Judaism rejection of Resurrection
  40. State of mankind. Augustine taught the redemption,i.e. transformation and, purification , of the body in the resurrection. Some authors perceive Augustine's doctrine
  41. Of lead into gold is presented as an analogy for personal transmutation, purification , and perfection. This approach is often termed 'spiritual ','esoteric ', or
  42. A skip, not step. He wrote that" the effect of this discipline" was" one of, purification , " Other aspects of composition, such as rhythm, could be" dissipated" by
  43. But still carry venial sin go to a place called Purgatory where they undergo, purification ,to enter Heaven. Islam The Islamic belief in the afterlife as stated in the
  44. Centuries Gregory of Nyasa discusses the long-before believed possibility of, purification ,of souls after death. Saint Augustine counters Pelagic, arguing that original
  45. Of the" tares ", fitting her for the final work of evangelism. # After the, purification ,of the church, the saints will return to the promised land where Christ will
  46. Their various duties and taken the five-yearly census, the lust rum, a solemn, purification ,of the people, followed. When the censors entered upon their office, they drew
  47. In artificial vitamin B12 contains a cyanide ligand as an artifact of the, purification ,process; this must be removed by the body before the vitamin molecule can be
  48. And the low solubility of cesium aluminum sulfate is exploited in the, purification ,of Cs from its ores. The double salt with antimony (such as),bismuth
  49. Compounds may improve the life of the free-halogen antimicrobial. * Water, purification ,compounds, disinfectants and insecticides, such as tralomethrin (C22H19Br4NO3
  50. The topics covered by environmental engineering are pollutant transport, water, purification , waste water treatment, air pollution, solid waste treatment and hazardous

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