Examples of the the word, payer , in a Sentence Context
The word ( payer ), is the 12114 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Government agencies, associations or insurance agencies to enroll members to a, payer , The payer is a healthcare organization that pays claims, administers insurance
- Upfront premium paid by the buyer of the option, of course. Therefore, buying a, payer ,option is not a good protection against an actual default, only against a rise
- The Fairfax, withdrawal of U. S. troops from Iraq within 120 days, a single, payer ,national health care system, and term limits. Gravel campaigned almost full
- Rent of premises (the lessor can, though,voluntarily register as VAT, payer , except for residential premises),and travel agency operations. In Finland
- Status Notification (277) This transaction set can be used by a health care, payer ,or authorized agent to notify a provider, recipient or authorized agent
- Commercial developments for College Station. It is currently the largest tax, payer ,in College Station, and the second largest in the Brazos Valley, even though
- From groups calling for single- payer health care. Opposition to single, payer ,health care Advocate groups attended a Senate Finance Committee meeting in May
- The United States) and are used at the point of sale like a credit card (with, payer ,'s signature). This type of debit card may be subject to a daily limit, and/or
- A few weeks later in June 2009 that it was a mistake to rule out a single, payer ,plan because doing so alienated a large, vocal constituency and left President
- In the United States. In the mid 1920s,he was the third-highest income tax, payer ,in the U. S. behind only John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford. During this period
- Problem" and was largely ignored by policymakers. Ryan White programs are ", payer ,of last resort," which subsidize treatment when no other resources are
- The Affordable Care Act. Other said that any effort to promote single, payer ,would be undercutting health reform. Other said. “ To go to a single- payer you
- To disbelieve a purchaser who says it is not a final user. That is to say the, payer ,of the tax has no incentive to collect the tax. Under VAT, all sellers collect
- The commission was created in 1966. Health care Brownback opposes a single, payer , government run health care system. He supports increased health insurance
- Additional health coverage as a benefit. Canada's system is known as a single, payer ,system, where basic services are provided by private doctors, ( since 2002 they
- Funded with an electronic debit from a bank account or by a credit card at the, payer ,'s choice. But sometime in 2010 or early 2011,PayPal began to require a
- Governor John G. Rowland stated that he did not want to spend Connecticut tax, payer ,dollars to fund a new arena in Hartford. Despite this, negotiations between the
- As a way to reduce unemployment. The hidden cost here is of course the tax, payer ,'s money, and the special interests are the jobs created by the public works. *
- No. Two months later, he changed his position, and he now supports it. Single, payer ,Specter believes single payer healthcare should not be" taken off the table,"
- His position and he now supports it. Single payer Specter believes single, payer ,healthcare should not be" taken off the table," according to an interview he
- IRC),which each document having a varying level of weight for which the tax, payer ,may rely on: *Treasury Regulations reflect the Treasury's interpretation of the
- Expenses were ranked 621st out of 645 in descending order of cost to the tax, payer , On 24 August 2009,he was quoted in The Times newspaper suggesting that MP's
- Urban outdoors men ". Built controversially refers to public education as" tax, payer ,funded child abuse" and accuses parents of child abuse for sending their
- That interest rates will not rise by more than a certain amount might sell a, payer ,station, aiming to make money by collecting the premium. Major investment and
- A corporation wanting protection from rising interest rates might buy a, payer ,station. A bank that holds a mortgage portfolio might buy a receiver station
- 2009 to protest their exclusion as well as statements by Caucus that" single, payer ,was not an option on the table. " Caucus later had eight protesters removed by
- Options on interest rate swaps. There are two types of station contracts: *A, payer ,station gives the owner of the station the right to enter into a swap where
- Agencies, associations or insurance agencies to enroll members to a payer . The, payer ,is a healthcare organization that pays claims, administers insurance or benefit
- Autres). However, elles is still used in other cases (CE sent ells quit font, payer ,LE PRI). *-actress In informal registers, the stress/tonic pronouns for the
- On Health, Employment,Labor, and Pensions to testify on the single, payer ,health care option. On June 24, 2009,he appeared before the House Committee on
- Cap ATM fees at $0.50 per transaction, and also to bar banks who borrowed tax, payer ,money through TARP funds to use those funds for their own benefit. Sen. Shelby
- Cover the anticipated future exposure. Properties From the point of view of the, payer , stations increase in value with the volatility of the underlying swap rate
- Default station or credit default option is an option to buy protection (, payer ,option) or sell protection (receiver option) as a credit default swap on a
- Relocation of current residents) of houses along the planned corridor. Tax, payer ,money would be spent to help finance the upgrade. NIMBY protests attract
- The only other resource being utilized. This is the resource which only Elite (, payer ,) Heroes can use for various reasons, including the purchase of Gold Weapons
- And from the point of view of the Muslim conqueror was a material proof of the, payer ,'s subjection to the state and its laws. During Muhammad's Era Pizza was
- ACTH://www.dol.gov/ebsa/publications/whcra.html,which mandated health care, payer ,coverage for breast and nipple reconstruction, contralateral procedures to
- The privately held Washington Town Center is the township's single largest tax, payer , Through a quirk in the town's tax code, the not for profit Washington
- Company paid $153,818 in city taxes that year and was Lawanda’s largest tax, payer , The plant was nearing its peak, but there was more expansion to come. In 1966
- By market convention, the counterparty paying the fixed rate is called the ", payer ," (while receiving the floating rate),and the counterparty receiving the
- Municipalities and not effectively used in the pantheists, mainly due to tax, payer ,resistance. Netherlands Property tax (Dutch: Onroerendezaakbelasting (OZ) )
- Used in this way, the narrow definition permits a clear distinction from single, payer ,health insurance systems, in which the government finances health care but is
- In Park Ridge. HTS: NYSE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE is the Boroughs the largest Tax, payer , Sony Corporation of America maintains an R&D and engineering facility in Park
- Of an increase in council tax (by approx £2 per year per council tax, payer ,), contributions from Manchester Airport, increased revenue from passenger
- Pay and Win gate, living life to the full, also gained a reputation as a late, payer ,of his bills. In 1926,because of his prowess in riding, Wingate was posted to
- The flag would fly above his official residence at" no extra cost to the tax, payer ," whilst England played in the contest. This was partly to gather support for
- And would also be subject to cuts under health care reform. Single, payer ,On the other hand, single- payer advocates have criticized AARP for not
- Tax policy proposal. During the 2007 election campaign, Rudd had described tax, payer ,funded political advertising as" a long-term cancer on our democracy ", but he
- He bitterly ridiculed" ... CES Angles. Nation route à Vendée à quit put la, payer , De control en control Allan AU mode entire, Offrir SA join ignoble et son
- Administration clinics and hospitals, military health care, nor the single, payer ,programs such as Medicaid and Medicare. Many conservatives use the term to
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