Examples of the the word, funder , in a Sentence Context
The word ( funder ), is the 12119 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- In the teacup of Silva and Euro way was Swedish Nordbanken, which was a major, funder ,of both Silva and Euro way. In September the Euro way route was extended to
- In this scenario, the life settlement investor is effectively the ultimate, funder ,of the secondary market transaction. However, in some life settlement
- MIPS. QED was started as a microprocessor design house. IDT was a major, funder ,and customer for the initial QED design. The original product plan for QED was
- Co. The Alfred Krupp von Bowler UND Halfback Foundation is the sole, funder ,of the €55 million project which was completed in early 2010. After its
- OA journals do charge processing fees, it is the author's employer or research, funder ,who typically pays the fee, not the individual author, and many journals will
- In philanthropy refers to the process through which an investor (or, funder ,) researches an organization’s financial and organizational health and capacity
- Study of human origins. The Leakey Foundation exists today as the number one, funder ,of human origins research in the United States. Prominent family members Louis
- Individual articles for which their authors (or their author's institution or, funder ,) pay an OA publishing fee. ) Public access to the World Wide Web became
- And net costs and benefits are widely debated. The World Bank was initially a, funder ,of the SSD, but withdrew in 1994. The Narmada Dam has been the center of
- Under Richard Nixon. He is most well known currently as founder and principal, funder ,of The Peter G. Peterson Foundation, which he established in 2008 with a $1
- Who with his wife in 1922 co-founded Reader's Digest. Wallace, who was a major, funder ,of the family's Colonial Williamsburg, appointed Laurence as an outside
- To the contrary by various Fox News commentators, I have not to date been a, funder ,of Media Matters. " Soros said concern over" recent evidence suggesting that
- On our decisions, direct or indirect or otherwise, by an outsider donor, funder , or individual and certainly not by a pharmaceutical company. " Ghost Writing
- Various production elements. Rounds was also the marketing genius; the initial, funder ,was California strawberry grower Tom Driscoll. The show began as a three-hour
- Malay (1822 or 1823 – July 19, 1890) was a California State Senator and the, funder ,of the city of San Fernando, California in the San Fernando Valley. History
- Been denounced by its subjects, by neutral experts and even by Microsoft,a, funder ,of Anti and the entity most likely to benefit from Brown's campaign.
- who became multi-millionaires. Philanthropy Ryan was an active and innovative, funder ,of university education in Ireland. He donated a marine science institute to
- Between Ford, Cosworth and Lotus was binding on all parties, and Ford as the, funder ,had no plans to sell or hire the DFV to any other teams. However, it occurred
- Saying is both scientifically and analytically defensible. " ExxonMobil was a, funder ,of the GMI until it pulled funding from it and several similar organizations in
- La Roque. Suspicious of the detailed knowledge of the site shown by ITC (their, funder ,), Johnston flies to ITC's headquarters in New Mexico to investigate. While he
- Organization. This is important in case the organization is audited or if a, funder ,requests information for a specific item or transaction. A system should also be
- 1st Baron Rothschild (Trinity) Managing Partner of N M Rothschild & Sons and, funder ,of the Suez Canal construction *Victor Rothschild,3rd Baron Rothschild (
- Perspective is in fact that of the European Commission - a major and growing, funder ,of Euronews. See references 8,9 and 10 below. Euronews is available in eleven
- Treatment and prevention of heart and circulatory disease. It is a major, funder ,and authority in cardiovascular research, education and care, and relies on
- To publish this research. For instance, the Templeton Foundation, a former, funder ,of the Discovery Institute and a major supporter of projects seeking to
- President in 1939,at the age of thirty, he became the prime instigator and, funder ,of its publicity, acquisitions and subsequent expansion into new headquarters
- Charges a publication fee to be paid by the author or the author's employer or, funder , In the United States, institutions such as the National Institutes of Health
- For an extra publication fee paid by the author or the author's institution or, funder ,); and open access self-archiving, in which authors themselves make a copy of
- The name American Muslim Society. Founders included Mouse Mohammed Abu Marquis, funder ,and 1989 member of IAP Board of Directors. It published a magazine, Tareeq
- Of Radio Kraków. Cultural Centers The City of Kraków is the largest public, funder ,of the community arts initiatives among the city districts. Many neighborhoods
- And Nexis Solutions. The NDA, as the owner of Sell afield site and the, funder ,of the majority of research required across the nuclear estate, was involved
- An heir to the Mellon banking, oil,and aluminum fortune. Scale is a major, funder ,of conservative organizations, including the Arkansas Project; accordingly, the
- BBSRC) is a UK Research Council and NDPB and is the largest UK public, funder ,of nonmedical bioscience. It predominantly funds scientific research
- Paul Sneezy, Marxist economist and, funder ,of the Monthly Review
- Vision and opinionated prejudice of an inadequate commissioning client, funder ,and/or curator. The scope of public art Monuments, memorials and civic statuary
- In France According to the NGO Alliance anticorrida, Pernod Richard is the major, funder ,of bullfighting in France, financing bullfighting clubs and sponsoring corridos
- A major individual campaign contributor to Ros-Lehtinen is Irving Moskovitz,a, funder ,of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The lobby group J
- Resident of New York City as of 2010. He is a major patron of the arts and a, funder ,of conservative and libertarian political causes, including some organizations
- 2006 and adopted it in September 2007,the first North American public research, funder ,to do so. In May 2006,the
- May have given more in order to be a patron. In the modern SPP, each, funder , chooses the amount they want to pay, and the work is released to the public and
- Scripting, animating,art direction, and the position of producer/project, funder ,). LA can be purchased using US Dollars and other currencies on the Index
- Reasonableness" given that" Evermore had no success at finding a purchaser or, funder ,for the Debtors. " Altman is married to journalist Curate Kicks. Lederberg
- Of the Carnegie Corporation, an influential PBS sponsor, and the original, funder ,of Sesame Street. He is the Walter Vandenberg professor emeritus at Northwestern
- As part of the Vote for a Change campaign. The Society was later a principal, funder ,of the YES! To Fairer Votes campaign in its unsuccessful bid for a Yes vote in
- Policy of military defeat of the FMLN. Since the U. S. government was the major, funder ,of the Salvadoran government and military, they exercised considerable
- Education, media and cultural initiatives. For decades, Ford has been a major, funder ,of efforts to give more students access to higher education, improve the
- Sustainable livelihoods. Established in 1991,the GEF is today the largest, funder ,of projects to improve the global environment. The GEF has allocated $9.2
- A public practice. The Philadelphia Eagles Football Club is the EYP's largest, funder , The Eagles also donate free office space, staff support and other resources in
- http://www.agudasachim.org Congregation Judas Achim in Bella. He was a major, funder ,of the Wegner Center for the Arts at The Ohio State University, the name of
- Later became ExxonMobil). After 25 years of support, the series added the, funder ,'s name to its title. ExxonMobil ended its sponsorship in 2004,and the series
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