Examples of the the word, tangle , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tangle ), is the 12110 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Webs' of macros ", to produce the compilable source code with one command (", tangle ,"),and documentation with another (" weave" ). The preprocessor also
  2. Of Savoy, while the Dauphins had the Facing and territories in Italy. This, tangle ,between Dauphiné and Savoy resulted in several conflicts. The last Dauphin
  3. Such a stain, brain tissue under a microscope appears as an impenetrable, tangle ,of protoplasmic fibers, in which it is impossible to determine any structure.
  4. Involved in kite-flying, more so with power kites. Kite lines can strike and, tangle ,on electrical power lines, causing power blackouts and running the risk of
  5. Care British Short hairs do not require a lot of grooming as their fur does not, tangle ,or mat easily. However, it is recommended that the coat be brushed occasionally
  6. Barrier (i.e. the central nervous system). It consists of a dense, tangle ,of axon terminals, dendrites and glial cell processes. It is where synaptic
  7. LaTeX. It does it in a single invocation; it does not have separate weave and, tangle ,commands. It does not have the extensibility of no web, but it can use the
  8. Be used by witches (and perhaps elves) to injure people and cattle. So too a, tangle ,in the hair was called an elf-lock, as being caused by the mischief of the
  9. Nomination for President, but was unable to negotiate his way through a, tangle ,of conflicting loyalties to different Party bosses; the nomination went to Alton
  10. And eastern, beautiful and ugly, taut yet sprawling and epic, they are a, tangle ,of contradictions. " Describing their general sound, Allmusic refers to them as
  11. Every appearance of imminent collapse. It is surrounded on three sides by a, tangle ,of stables, outbuildings,and enclosures. It is known to have at least four
  12. Imminent tirade, saying " When I started this picture, you said that we would, tangle ,asses before this was over. I'm ready now – are you? " Ford walked away, and
  13. Legacies of its rich Mughal past, which can be found among the old city's, tangle ,of snaking lanes and teeming bazaars. The dingy markets of the Old City have an
  14. Aboard his yacht, they launch a rescue mission using the Bat copter. After a, tangle ,with an exploding shark which seizes Batman's leg but is repelled by shark
  15. Confiscated by the police, of sexually abused children in an early pedophile, tangle , The statement she made to the press became an eye-opener for many people that
  16. Interstate 5 and the north end of Interstate 405 in Washington, it is the final, tangle ,of population on the north end of" greater Seattle" before one continues on
  17. 2 −3 2 is a sequence describing the continued fraction associated to a rational, tangle , One inserts this tangle at the vertex of the basic polyhedron 1 A more
  18. In complexity and completeness. However," organic strategies" may result in a, tangle ,of elements and subsystems, developed in isolation and subject to local
  19. As slips of the tongue resulting from unintentionally getting one's words in a, tangle , they can also be used intentionally as a play on words. In some cultures
  20. Around Basin City. *The Projects, the run-down and poor side of Sin City, is a, tangle ,of high-rise apartments where crime runs rampant. Its inhabitants have
  21. Bizarre looking example of a hetero morph is Opposites, which appears to be a, tangle ,of irregular whorls lacking any obvious symmetrical coiling. However, upon
  22. Around the periphery, while the neural signal processing takes place in a, tangle ,of protoplasmic fibers called neuronal, in the interior. " Identified" neurons
  23. Vertex is oriented, so there is no arbitrary choice in substitution). Each such, tangle ,has a notation consisting of numbers and + or − signs. An example is 1*2 −3 2.
  24. Kennedy Interchange, where it intersects Interstate 65 and Interstate 71 in a, tangle ,of ramps often referred to as the" Spaghetti Junction. " Moving eastward,I-64
  25. Site in Hong Kong's Central District for the tower was less than ideal; a, tangle ,of highways lined it on three sides. The area had also been home to a
  26. Phase" and, essentially,James's career in the novel. The book explores the, tangle ,of interrelationships between a father and daughter and their respective
  27. The continued fraction associated to a rational tangle . One inserts this, tangle ,at the vertex of the basic polyhedron 1 A more complicated example is 8*3.1.2
  28. For his third opera, The Knot Garden. Set in a modern city garden, its complex, tangle ,of relationships and open exploration of sexuality are clearly influenced by
  29. Was taken over by the lawyer Christopher Rich. Rich attempted to finance a, tangle ,of" farmed" shares and sleeping partners by slashing salaries and
  30. The passage between the third, fourth and fifth floors is done through a, tangle ,of escalators arranged in the center of the building. These escalators are
  31. And Louis XV to get rid of Bestuzhev (making the Russian court the center of a, tangle ,of intrigue during the earlier years of Elizabeth's reign. ) Ultimately, the
  32. Suitable for short spans such as repairs and gates, where it is less likely to, tangle , In high soil-fertility areas where dairy cattle are used in great numbers 5-
  33. Presbyterian's fixation? For the Delphic Oracle to perform, it must, tangle ,itself in a web of predestination. Yet predestination negates surprises and, in
  34. Bragging rights, is at stake every year when the two Curtain County schools, tangle , Currently, the Savages own a 12-game winning streak (through the 2011 season
  35. French cleared away a crest of a" summit ridge ", removing " an impenetrable, tangle ,of wild vines ... and myriads of rattlesnakes," to build a house with a view
  36. Bob goes through the Gate. His future self claims that Viktor is just trying to, tangle ,them up so badly that they can never get un tangle d, but Joe goes through and
  37. Easier, but it is not nearly as powerful as one of the WEB tools where ", tangle ," can reorganize in arbitrary ways. The logistic map is a polynomial mapping (
  38. We will work toward restoring them. ' But we all know that could lead to a, tangle ,with the Israelis. " Rusk met with Foreign Minister Nikolić on August 30, 1967.
  39. 10-vertex polyhedron on Conway's list. Each vertex then has an algebraic, tangle ,substituted into it (each vertex is oriented, so there is no arbitrary choice
  40. Understanding. Systems analysis takes a complex problem and sorts out the, tangle ,of significant factors so that each can be studied by the method most
  41. To work in the 1980s on the novel knot polynomials. Conway further developed, tangle ,theory and invented a system of notation for tabulating knots, nowadays known
  42. Removal of CO2 and delivery of nutrients to the cells. The resulting, tangle ,of blood vessels, often called a sides (Latin for" nest" ) has no
  43. By the flash and falls to his death, while Sheet and PALU are hurled into the, tangle ,of roots from the giant tree and survive. Afterwards they find their way back
  44. As Ford met Cagney at the airport, the director warned him that they would ", tangle ,asses ", which caught Cagney by surprise. He later said," I would have kicked
  45. Survive. Afterwards they find their way back to the glider, also lodged in the, tangle ,of roots, and leave Laura. The Doll pirates also survive Laputa's destruction
  46. Is a faithful portraiture of the conditions it represents, showing how the, tangle ,of human life is knotted thread by thread” but that it was“ too realistic
  47. While foraging for hours in water below. The platypus is an under a protective, tangle ,of roots. Females are thought likely to become sexually mature in their second
  48. A basic polyhedron with 8 vertices. The periods separate the notation for each, tangle , Any link admits such a description, and it is clear this is a very compact
  49. Used and confused. The Jargon File concludes: The result of this history is a, tangle , Many younger U. S. hackers pronounce the word as /blood/ but spell it
  50. Remained strong,Laurel's dealings with producer Roach were strained amid a, tangle ,of artistic differences. Roach insisted that his feature-length comedies should

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