Examples of the the word, awhile , in a Sentence Context

The word ( awhile ), is the 8030 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the region, in what now is western Holstein. KNU Lava rd had also gained, awhile ,parts of Holstein, and thereby came in conflict with Count Adolf (Schaumburg
  2. Of Mantra. He followed his young deliverer to the city by the Mini, basked, awhile , in liberty and courtly pleasures, enjoyed a splendid reception from his
  3. Doing all its manufacturing and testing in those final two weeks. Exciting for, awhile , but this made it difficult to manage parts inventory. And it just encouraged
  4. And interesting now; and Lawrence went off in a very political direction for, awhile , which none of us had any objection with, except that wasn't my main focus. It
  5. May 1942) with a series of newspaper reprints; original Bucky stories started, awhile ,later, in issue #39 (December 1943). Bucky's stories were monthly through 1950;
  6. Bangor even elected an anti-EST mayor (J. F. Snow),and the city had, for, awhile , two times. Some people set their watches to EST, and some to 'local time '.
  7. Me brigadier-general in their service, is an event which must put an end, for, awhile , perhaps forever, to the quiet scheme of life I had prescribed for myself; for
  8. Equipment to grind hard wheat and flour. They had a splendid business for, awhile ,until the Interstate Commerce Commission issued new rules on freight rates that
  9. Debt (approximately $250,000 in 2009 money). According to Emily Both," for, awhile ,the widow Kate ran his Oscar's business and flirted outrageously with local
  10. And lost most of his sight; Game subsequently took his place in productions for, awhile , FO recovered almost fully within a year. On October 9,1997, he was announced
  11. Heavy casualties in the war, which lessened Johnson's prestige among them for, awhile , In 1748,Johnson built a new stone house upriver from Mount Johnson, which
  12. Revelations tour until 2007,because he wanted to" let the album come out for, awhile ," and also concentrate on his second solo album. The rest of the band went
  13. Have some personal things going on. You're not going to see a Disturbed tour for, awhile , " Disturbed will be releasing a b-side compilation album, titled The Lost
  14. Museum among the statues of their defeated foes. Daphne remarks it's been, awhile ,since she's seen him before Fred pulls her away, reminding her they all
  15. Wife supposedly refused to allow his body to be buried or to part from it for, awhile , Philip I is entombed at the Royal Chapel of Granada (Camilla Real de Granada
  16. Business district's appearance. The local OIL had a blue tarp on it for quite, awhile , mainly because of a squabble with someone who claimed ownership of the
  17. Alchemy contains many elements that in the modern are now considered magical, awhile ,other sciences unknown by practitioners of the past have been incorporated into
  18. The 1930s countless carloads of onions were also being shipped from Grant, for, awhile , earning it the title of“ Onion Capital of the World. ” Since then area growers
  19. To Cincinnati. Pinckney left school and traveled on river and canal boats. For, awhile ,he resided in Terre Haute, Indiana,working as a hotel porter. During that time
  20. Caverns previous to their course alone, : They leave their channel dry, and hide, awhile ,: Their silent flow; like bitter tears, unshed: From the dim eye, before a
  21. Along the waterway. The village itself was laid out by Marvin Benjamin, and for, awhile ,it was called Dupage, after the river that cut through the area.1 In the 1840s
  22. Reportedly the first to do so in August 1994) lost their CBS affiliate for, awhile , CBS ratings were acceptable, but the network struggled with an image of
  23. They need to listen to a lecture a second time, or think about a question for, awhile , they may do so without fearing that they will hold back the rest of the class.
  24. S relief, Scarlett learns she is pregnant, which curtails her activities for, awhile , She twists Ashley's arm to come to Atlanta and manage the mill, all the while
  25. Client/server application development framework called" Crystal" continued, awhile ,longer and was spun off as the" Ellipse" product of Cooperative Systems Inc.
  26. Of her grandchild Princess Margret on 29 June 1943 in Ottawa and stayed, awhile ,with her family before returning to England. During the war, the Queen was
  27. Lennartson, Lord of Forster, who was supporter of king Sigismund and, for, awhile , the commandant of Augsburg Fortress. Young Lennart's parents fled to exile in
  28. And he" came to mourn for Sarah, and to weep for her. " (Genesis 23:2) After, awhile , he stood up and spoke to the" sons of Heath" and requested they give him a
  29. Then, allowing programs to be assembled on one processor (large programs took, awhile ,) while files were edited in the other. It had a bubble memory option and
  30. 25th anniversary. After that,we're probably going to call it (quits) for, awhile , So we're looking forward to next year and going out on a high note. " Live
  31. Of the semi-nomadic Chichewa indigenous tribes of northern México in 1591 for, awhile , This allowed expansion into the 'Province of New Mexico' or Provincial de
  32. If you want to express yourself you must present something tangible. But after, awhile ,this has only the function of a historic document. Objects aren’t very
  33. Here. A lone blinking yellow light directs the downtown traffic. Come and stay, awhile ,in this wonderful, walkable,watery hamlet. Try the pace on for size. "
  34. He peered sideways up and gave a long low whistle of call, then paused, awhile ,in rapt attention, his even white teeth glistening here and there with gold
  35. Solutions, more accurately called symptomatic solutions, may even work for, awhile , But until the true root causes are resolved, powerful social agents will
  36. Wander through the wilderness without food or water. They try splitting up for, awhile , they try to retrace their steps, they try to follow some animal tracks, all to
  37. Which, with people all around the world in different time frames, could take, awhile , The development of online chat rooms allowed people to talk to whoever was
  38. Unwavering Fact of Tomorrow Tour 2010 ". Guitarist Karl comments:" It's been, awhile ,since our last headline show in London, so you can expect as much as you want!!
  39. Linguist, musician,and chemist, good-looking,and a perfect lady' man. For, awhile ,he gave them paints and cosmetics; he flattered them, not that he would make
  40. Sessions. We all hopped upon that cloud, and the cloud took us away for, awhile , and we made this album, and we landed when it was done. " In a Rolling Stone
  41. O paradise (n. 1443,Hymn Book),written in 1849 * Oh, come and mourn with me, awhile ,(n. 464,Hymn Book),written in 1849 * Oh, gift of gifts (n. 676,Hymn Book
  42. The narrator says:: But I, who still pursue a varying tale, : Must leave, awhile ,the Paladin, who wages: A weary warfare with the wind and flood;: To follow a
  43. Was and takes 5 coins from the player who passes by, although every once in, awhile , he'll sometimes reward the player 5 coins instead. Boo, can still take coins
  44. That Abraham and Lot travelled together in the Land of Canaan, but that after, awhile ,they decided to part ways. Lot decided to move to the east of the Jordan, while
  45. Economy. But the tobacco industry was bustling, and the population shot up for, awhile ,before settling back down as farming became less and less profitable. The state
  46. Buy. Another example is person A offering another person B a place to stay for, awhile ,because person B (hypothetically speaking) has financial problems. Person B
  47. And his family were staying, and they fled by night and stayed in Egypt for, awhile , and returned after Herod died in 4 BC and took up residence in Nazareth. Mary
  48. This is going to be the last tour that the American people get to see us in for, awhile , if not indefinitely. We have some things going on internally, we have some
  49. That we should get together and try them out, to see ...: I have been looking around, awhile ,: You got something for me: Oh! I got a brand-new pair of roller skates, : You
  50. Unusual for a minor league team to be" promoted" to major league level for, awhile , The 1884 club was the only major league team with black players (Moses

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