Examples of the the word, extremist , in a Sentence Context

The word ( extremist ), is the 7425 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The assassin, Nathuram Gods, was a Hindu nationalist with links to the, extremist ,Hindu Mahayana, who held Gandhi responsible for weakening India by insisting
  2. Thoroughbred racehorse (b. 2003) * 2007 – Did Abdul Zara Karim, Iraqi, extremist , leader (b. 1970) *2008 – Raymond Jacobs, American soldier (b. 1925) * 2008
  3. Force. In any case, the economic and political situation had stabilized and the, extremist ,upsurge of 1923 had faded, so there was no prospect of further revolutionary
  4. With violence John Pagan claims that the BNP has conducted right-wing, extremist ,violence in order to gain" institutionalized power ". Critics of the BNP, such
  5. Two Armenian Christian clergy were expelled after a brawl erupted with a Jewish, extremist ,for spitting on holy Christian objects. In February 2009,a group of Christian
  6. Delegate Brian Harmaline, a Whitley supporter who was considered a right-wing, extremist , Whitley resigned the leadership, demanding a vote of confidence from caucus.
  7. Soon afterwards it became apparent that the bombing was the work of an, extremist ,Islamic group linked to Al-Qaeda. Many people believe that the fact that
  8. In its report, Terrorism 2000/2001,the FBI referred to the JDL as a" violent, extremist ,Jewish organization" and stated that the FBI was responsible for thwarting at
  9. Stopped by the kidnapping and murder of Moro in 1978 by the Red Brigades,an, extremist ,left-wing terrorist organization. The Communist party was at this point the
  10. The FBI has described the LTTE as" amongst the most dangerous and deadly, extremist ,outfits in the world ". Other countries have also proscribed LTTE under the
  11. Stolen by Polish thieves paid by and working on behalf of a Swedish right-wing, extremist ,group hoping to use proceeds from the proposed sale of the sign to a collector
  12. Towards Maoism. Along with adherents known as the New Communist Movement, some, extremist , illegal factions also emerged, such as the Weather Underground Organization.
  13. Democracy" produced few lasting reforms, it permitted the growth of unofficial, extremist ,parties on both the left and the right. These included the communist People's
  14. Either through corruption, war or otherwise. Although many hard-line and, extremist ,Muslim societies have adopted the capital punishment for other than the crime
  15. Was followed by the Afghan civil war (1992-1996),the rise and fall of the, extremist ,Taliban government and the 2001-present war. In December 2001,the United
  16. Part in the murder. In the 2009 film Agora, Cyril is played by Sami Samir as an, extremist ,that opposes Orestes's attempts to harmonize the different communities of
  17. Politics. The Years of Lead On 12 December 1969 a roughly decade-long period of, extremist ,left- and right-wing political terrorism, known as the years of lead (as in
  18. In La Flange, said," We are not here in the presence of an extravagant or an, extremist ,undertaking: Matisse's art is eminently reasonable. " Analytic cubism (see
  19. Been a few reports of attacks on Palestinian Christians in Gaza from Muslim, extremist ,groups. Gaza Pastor Manuel Muslim has voiced doubts that those attacks were
  20. Impacted by ups and downs in India-Bangladesh relations and in the influence of, extremist ,Islamist groups in Bangladesh. West Bengal singers and actors complained about
  21. For victims of hate groups; monitoring of hate groups, militias and, extremist ,organizations; and educational programs that promote tolerance. The SPLC
  22. Sinhalese and Tamil political leaders. Bandaranaike was assassinated by an, extremist ,Buddhist monk in 1959. The policy of standardization by Shimano government in
  23. Wide Web. *1995 – Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin is assassinated by an, extremist ,Orthodox Israeli. *2002 – Chinese authorities arrest cyber-dissident He Dept
  24. Page 163. ). ”“ Only 4 percent of hate crimes were linked to an organized or, extremist ,group (Silver et al.,2004). ” As of 2004,Jewish people were the largest
  25. Against the late Emperor have received threatening phone calls from Japan's, extremist ,right wing. " Ken taro Away argues that post-war Japanese public opinion
  26. Students, was shot in the head in an assassination attempt by the right-wing, extremist ,Josef Eichmann. Although badly injured, Dutschke returned to political activism
  27. His twenty-second novel, Terrorist (2006),the story of a fervent young, extremist ,Muslim in New Jersey, garnered media attention but little critical praise. This
  28. In the programs. He further remarked that someone who is deemed an ", extremist ," in a religiously moderate country may well be considered" mainstream" in a
  29. From 1935 to 1939 that sought to serve as a co-ordinating body for the various, extremist ,movements whilst also seeking to promote Nazism * Nordic aliens, also referred
  30. On controversial subjects, such as war, Jihad,and Shimmies (particularly by, extremist ,preachers),sometimes get wide coverage in the media because of their
  31. Republican government had been restored, Munich subsequently became a hotbed of, extremist ,politics, among which Adolf Hitler and the National Socialism rose to
  32. Said it had intelligence that the Iraqi diplomat has ties to the Islamic, extremist ,group. The decision was taken more than a month before the 2003 invasion of
  33. In the Margin War. Currently, the military is engaged in an armed conflict with, extremist ,Islamic militants in the north-west of the country. Since 2004,Pakistani armed
  34. Created major political unease. As a result of these economic difficulties, extremist ,movements gained strength; and there was no regional superpower in central
  35. It is" not in their interests to see the Taliban, a Sunni ultra-conservative, extremist ,element, return to take control of Afghanistan ". Iran has historically been an
  36. Widespread social conflicts and terrorist massacres carried out by opposing, extremist ,groups, with the alleged involvement of US intelligence. The Years of Lead
  37. Priority for Ronald Reagan. Gaddafi was firmly anti-Israel and had supported, extremist ,groups in Palestine and Syria. There were reports that Libya was attempting to
  38. Have arrested Victor Moore Infant in Zambian for selling weapons to the, extremist ,group. The 34-year-old man was tagged by authorities as" one of the United
  39. Were investigated nor punished. Turkish government also encouraged an Islamic, extremist ,group called Hezbollah to assassinate suspected PKK members and often ordinary
  40. Number of Sunni foreign fighters to arrive in Pakistan. General Via UL Haq's, extremist ,views towards the Ships caused tensions to rise between Sunni and Shia
  41. On Begin's personality. Demonized by the Alignment as totalitarian and, extremist , his self-portrayal as a humble and pious leader struck a chord with many who
  42. Sinhalese and Tamil political leaders. Bandaranaike was assassinated by an, extremist ,Buddhist monk in 1959. Shimano Bandaranaike, the widow of late S. W. R. D.
  43. Was expelled from Sudan. As a result of his dealings in and advocacy of violent, extremist ,jihad, Osama bin Laden lost his Saudi citizenship in 1994 and was disowned by
  44. Thresholds argue that they discourage fragmentation, disproportionate power, or, extremist , parties. Opponents of thresholds argue that they unfairly redirect support from
  45. Members of the Communist Youth movement expelled from the parent party for, extremist ,views In the beginning the Red Brigades were mainly active in Reggio Emilia
  46. Depicts William A. Donahue of the American Catholic League as a megalomaniac, extremist ,that takes over the Roman Catholic Church with an army of ninjas. While Pope
  47. Non-violent freedom struggle is assassinated by Pandit Natural Gods, a Hindu, extremist , *1956 – American civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. is home is bombed
  48. And present far-right organizations in the United States, which have advocated, extremist ,reactionary currents such as white supremacy, white nationalism, and
  49. Abuses of its own citizens and its material and political assistance to Islamic, extremist ,groups across the Middle East and Eastern Africa. *2007 – Perez Musharraf
  50. Revolution, and their redistribution to the needy. In the spring of 1794,both, extremist ,enrages such as Hebert and moderate Montana indulgent such as Danton were

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