Examples of the the word, airlines , in a Sentence Context

The word ( airlines ), is the 8028 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Pilot Neill Vincent. Tata Airlines was also one of the world's first major, airlines ,which began its operations without any support from the Government. With the
  2. Against spring breakers were reported. Transportation From the U. S., many, airlines , now fly to Acapulco Airport year-round. While in the city, there are many buses
  3. World War II, like World War I, brought new life to the airline industry. Many, airlines ,in the Allied countries were flush from lease contracts to the military, and
  4. Effect on structure of the industry there. The shift towards 'budget ', airlines ,on shorter routes has been significant. Airlines such as EasyJet and Ryanair
  5. Heritage and unlike most other airlines at the time, became a major investor in, airlines ,outside of Europe, providing capital to Va rig and Avian ca. German airliners
  6. Pioneers, such as Rufus Porter and Frederick Marriott, attempted to start, airlines ,using airships in the mid-19th century, focusing on the New York–California
  7. 1933,Aéropostale went bankrupt, was nationalized and merged with several other, airlines ,into what became Air France. In Finland, the charter establishing Aero O/Y (
  8. Depressed. As the first major market to deregulate the industry in 1978,U. S., airlines ,have experienced more turbulence than almost any other country or region. Today
  9. A single aircraft carrying mail or cargo, through full-service international, airlines ,operating hundreds of aircraft. Airline services can be categorized as being
  10. Airways (which began flights to Canada in the 1920s) were the only U. S., airlines ,to go international before the 1940s. With the introduction of the Boeing 247
  11. Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Nicaragua). All the previous, airlines ,started regular operations before World War II. The air travel market has
  12. Way). * 1989 – 1,645 Australian domestic airline pilots resign after the, airlines ,threaten to fire them and sue them over a dispute. *1990 – Saddam Hussein
  13. Also overseas flights to North America, Europe,Australia, and Asia. Just three, airlines ,: LAN (Latin American Networks),Ocean air and TAM Airlines have international
  14. 25 years. 1978's U. S. airline industry deregulation lowered barriers for new, airlines ,just as a downturn occurred. New start-ups entered during the downturn, during
  15. And Eastern Air Lines. Service during the early 1920s was sporadic: most, airlines ,at the time were focused on carrying bags of mail. In 1925,however, the Ford
  16. De Aviation, Mexico with Mexican de Aviación, and TAXA as a brand of several, airlines ,of Central American countries (Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala
  17. Traditional national airlines . There has also been a trend for these national, airlines ,themselves to be privatized such as has occurred for Aer Lingus and British
  18. Infusions to carriers for both the cost of the four-day federal shutdown of the, airlines ,and the incremental losses incurred through December 31, 2001 as a result of
  19. Travel kits and the educational game programs have been utilized by most major, airlines ,for 25 years. 1978's U. S. airline industry deregulation lowered barriers for
  20. With TAXA. Regulatory considerations National Many countries have national, airlines ,that the government owns and operates. Fully private airlines are subject to a
  21. To Schiphol, Amsterdam from London in 1920. Like other major European, airlines ,of the time (see France and the UK below),KLM's early growth depended on
  22. Anchorage itself, and to a lesser extent Fairbanks, are served by many major, airlines , Because of limited highway access, air travel remains the most efficient form
  23. To various other Caribbean islands via regional carrier LIST, local charter, airlines ,and others; and although there are no direct scheduled flights to or from
  24. New aircraft will begin service over the next five years in this region. These, airlines ,serve domestic flights within their countries, as well as connections within
  25. Corporation. Its headquarters were in Frankfurt. The four oldest non-dirigible, airlines ,that still exists are Netherlands' KLM,Colombia's Avian ca,Australia's
  26. Week later. Germany's Deutsche Left Hans was created in 1926 by merger of two, airlines , one of them Junkers Luftverkehr. Left Hans, due to the Junkers heritage and
  27. Bulk of remaining commercial flight offerings come from small regional commuter, airlines ,such as Era Aviation, PenAir, and Frontier Flying Service. The smallest towns
  28. Subject to tax. ) In addition, the ASB approved loan guarantees to six, airlines ,totaling approximately $1.6 billion. Data from the US Treasury Department show
  29. Luftverkehr. Left Hans, due to the Junkers heritage and unlike most other, airlines ,at the time, became a major investor in airlines outside of Europe, providing
  30. Have national airlines that the government owns and operates. Fully private, airlines ,are subject to a great deal of government regulation for economic, political
  31. Brazil, Mexico,India, the United Kingdom and Japan have" deregulated" their, airlines , In the past, these governments dictated airfares, route networks, and other
  32. Staff from other airlines . As the business cycle returned to normalcy, major, airlines , dominated their routes through aggressive pricing and additional capacity
  33. From the Adelaide city center. The airport is serviced by five international, airlines ,in addition to domestic, regional and charter operators, including: Air New
  34. 1962. Latin American airline industry Among the first countries to have regular, airlines ,in Latin America were Bolivia with Lloyd Aero Bolivian, Cuba with Cuban de
  35. With PAL as the surviving entity. Soriano has controlling interest in both, airlines ,before the merger. PAL restarted service on March 15, 1941 with a single Beech
  36. Investing large sums of capital in air carriers,to rescheme an, airlines ,assets into a profitable organization or liquidating an air carrier of their
  37. As EasyJet and Ryanair have grown at the expense of the traditional national, airlines , There has also been a trend for these national airlines themselves to be
  38. In the first government bailout of the 21st century. Between 2000 and 2005 US, airlines ,lost $30 billion with wage cuts of over $15 billion and 100,000 employees laid
  39. L-188 Electra inaugurated turboprop transport. The next big boost for the, airlines ,would come in the 1970s,when the Boeing 747,McDonnell Douglas DC-10,and
  40. Flying is allowed. Due to the length of these routes and the small number of, airlines ,flying to the islands, fares have traditionally been relatively expensive
  41. To supply these services and may form partnerships or alliances with other, airlines ,for mutual benefit. Generally, airline companies are recognized with an air
  42. That started to have flights with Albania until 1960. During 1960–1978,several, airlines ,ceased to operate in Albania due to the impact of the politics, resulting in a
  43. Carriers began to represent a serious challenge to the so-called" legacy, airlines ,", as did their low-cost counterparts in many other countries. Their commercial
  44. And may be operated as scheduled services or charters. History The first, airlines ,American aviation pioneers, such as Rufus Porter and Frederick Marriott
  45. Services, trained new employees, and recruited laid off staff from other, airlines , As the business cycle returned to normalcy, major airlines dominated their
  46. And other operational requirements for each airline. Since deregulation, airlines ,have been largely free to negotiate their own operating arrangements with
  47. Such as has occurred for Aer Lingus and British Airways. Other national, airlines , including Italy's Animalia, have suffered - particularly with the rapid
  48. These, ATA and Sky bus have since ceased operations. Increasingly since 1978,US, airlines ,have been reincorporated and spun off by newly created and internally led
  49. It handles about 46 million passengers per year and is the home base of four, airlines , KLM, transavia. Com, Martinair and Briefly. Schiphol was, in 2006,the third
  50. Indian authorities notified Britain of an al-Qaeda plot to hijack an Indian, airlines ,or Air India plane and crash it into a British city. This information was

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