Examples of the the word, affiliation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( affiliation ), is the 6173 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To be the Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost. Vernon Howell's (David Koresh's), affiliation , with the Branch In 1981 Vernon Wayne Howell (later renamed David Forest)
  2. By the method of suggestion or even hypnotic trance observations. In law, affiliation ,(from Latin affiliate, to adopt as a son) is the term to describe a
  3. Akin to the one between Harvard College and Radcliffe College. Despite the, affiliation ,Barnard is legally and financially separate from Columbia, with an independent
  4. Are conducted by the university at the same time for all colleges under its, affiliation , There are several hundred universities and each university has affiliated
  5. Act (1879) makes due provision for the enforcement of an order of, affiliation , In the case of soldiers an affiliation order cannot be enforced in the usual
  6. Chautauqua is owned by Republic Airways Holdings, a separate company with no, affiliation ,to AMR. History Formation American Airways was developed from a conglomeration
  7. Was the first college in the nation to accept students regardless of religious, affiliation , Academically, Brown consists of The College, Graduate School, Alpert Medical
  8. Officials suggested that the name was merely a reference to his tribal, affiliation , The film was thought to have been made in March 2001. In it, he talked about
  9. Dominant religion in Ballarat, with over 65 % of residents claiming Christian, affiliation , slightly above the national average of 64 %. Catholics (27.1 %),Anglicans (
  10. For the enforcement of an order of affiliation . In the case of soldiers an, affiliation ,order cannot be enforced in the usual way, but by the Army Act (1881),if an
  11. Attests to the fact that Baha'is are persecuted solely for their religious, affiliation , The Iranian government also accuses the Bahá'í Faith of being associated with
  12. Religious groups,1.9 % other religious groups, and 6.5 % claim no religious, affiliation , Indigenous religions include local animistic religions in the Dakota (
  13. 0.7 %). Religion Approximately 24 % of the population expressed no religious, affiliation , compared with the national average of 18.7 %, although ironically the large
  14. Home to clubs or leagues who play regularly, with around 20 that have either, affiliation ,or working agreements with the AFL. There have been several players in the
  15. Maintain Columbia facilities used by Barnard students, such as Dodge Gym. The, affiliation ,continues although Columbia College, the university's original undergraduate
  16. Denominations in Ballarat. Over 21.6 % of Ballarat residents claim no religious, affiliation , Minority religious groups include Buddhism, Judaism and Islam and total less
  17. Were re-instated; an attempt was made to restore the Church to its Roman, affiliation , Cranmer was punished for his work in the English Reformation by being burned
  18. A family that was part of the larger, al-Ghamdi tribe, sharing the same tribal, affiliation ,with fellow hijackers Speed al-Ghamdi, Hamza al-Ghamdi, and Ahmed al-Ghamdi. He
  19. Religion More than 60 % of Berlin residents have no registered religious, affiliation ,and Berlin has been described as the atheist capital of Europe. The largest
  20. Partial union with Turkey may have persuaded Makarios to steer clear of close, affiliation ,with either side. In any case Cyprus became a high-profile member of the
  21. To the acquired, but not to the inherited, property of the deceased. In India, affiliation ,cases are decided by section 125 of Criminal Procedure Code (Cr. P. C.).
  22. A role in the founding of the BWA, the Southern Baptist Convention severed its, affiliation ,with BWA in 2004. Membership Statistics Today,46 million Baptists belong to
  23. Parties – five of fourteen appointed chairmen have been accused of political, affiliation ,or friendship, include Richard Downing and Ken Mayer (both of whom publicly
  24. Negotiations with the Libyan regime. While Amman al-Zawahiri announced the, affiliation ,of the group with al-Qaeda in November 2007,the Libyan government released 90
  25. Would be able to order BMWs with different colored badges to show their, affiliation ,with the political party they supported. Overseas subsidiaries South Africa
  26. Up a position at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, New Jersey,an, affiliation ,that lasted until his death in 1955. He was one of the four first selected (
  27. Governments have often resulted in criticism of the appointees' political, affiliation , background, and relative merit. Past appointments have associated directly
  28. Certainly legal. Newspapers, taxpayer-funded entities with some religious, affiliation , and political parties can obtain fairly clear guidance on the boundaries
  29. In the area becoming Steeler fans after the Colts move, then retaining their, affiliation ,with the Steelers after the arrival of the Ravens. Although the Steelers
  30. Eureka Stadium compete in the Victorian Football League and currently have an, affiliation ,with national Australian Football League (AFL) club the North Melbourne
  31. Majority of trade unions in Australia are affiliated to the party, and their, affiliation ,fees, based on the size of their memberships, makes up a large part of the
  32. And left of the political spectrum. In particular,Chipp's former conservative, affiliation ,was frequently recalled by opponents on the left. This problem was to torment
  33. Down in discharge of the liability of the father is a bar to the making of an, affiliation ,order. In the case of twins it is usual to make separate applications and
  34. Units, and a complex system of social differentiation by class and religious, affiliation , " High Austro-Hungarian military authorities desired an ... immediate major
  35. Much of Inge's principles, above,still apply to the New Agrarianism,the, affiliation ,with a particular religion and patriarchal tendency have subsided to some
  36. This may not be the case. The Zuni people, who claim a strong ancestral, affiliation ,with Chico, marked their sun-watching station with a crescent, star,hand and
  37. Of critical and financial success in the 1980s,partially due to his, affiliation ,and friendships with a number of prolific younger artists, who were dominating
  38. Can be both a major studio release and a cult film, particularly if despite its, affiliation ,with a major studio, it failed to achieve broad success on either the
  39. Established at Colville, Nova Scotia in 1838 has a strong Baptist religious, affiliation , It was designed to prepare men for the ministry and to supply education for
  40. As well as national dailies of varying sizes, each with a different political, affiliation , such as Die Welt, Junge Welt, Neues Deutschland, and Die Tageszeitung. The
  41. And Roma. Religion There are no official statistics regarding religious, affiliation ,in Albania. The CIA World Factbook gives a distribution of 70 % Muslims,20 %
  42. By a vast number of the old Benedictine abbeys, who placed themselves in, affiliation ,to the mother society, while new foundations sprang up in large numbers, all
  43. Non-denominational ". Often founded by individual pastors, they have little, affiliation ,with historic denominations. Non-Trinitarian Non-Trinitarianism includes all
  44. The people Proclaims mentions as the ancestors of the Slavs. Ethnolinguistic, affiliation ,The Roman historian Livy, writing in ca. AD 10,may imply that the Pasternak
  45. Schools. An American parochial school covers costs through tuition and has, affiliation ,with a religious institution, most often a Catholic Church or diocese. (
  46. All registered voters have chosen" Non-Partisan" or" Undeclared" as their, affiliation , despite recent attempts to close primaries. Because of its population relative
  47. Groups within a culture, perhaps defining status, gender,clan or guild, affiliation , religious belief or cultural alliances. Variations may also simply reflect the
  48. Right woman are today not to be confused with gay culture, as they represent no, affiliation ,with that lifestyle. That said, the term confirmed bachelor was a code or
  49. Colleges in the United Kingdom. These colleges act independently, but in, affiliation ,or federation with the university that actually grants the degrees. For example
  50. CW). KALB, the oldest television station in central Louisiana, has signed an, affiliation ,deal with CBS, and has begun carrying CBS programming on digital channel 5.2 /

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