Examples of the the word, aggressively , in a Sentence Context

The word ( aggressively ), is the 8170 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 20 million. The IT services company is free to leverage their balance sheet as, aggressively ,as they and their banker agree to. This is the reason behind the trend towards
  2. Estonia has styled itself as the gateway between East and West and, aggressively ,pursued economic reform and integration with the West. Estonia's market
  3. Contrasts with the behavior of sympatric wolves, which will defend their prey, aggressively ,against humans. It is also claimed that whole skulls bear more similarities to
  4. Hillock, which continued over the next week, Meade did not pursue Lee's army, aggressively ,enough to destroy it before it crossed back over the Potomac River to safety in
  5. Are initiated by coyotes, and there are few reports of red foxes acting, aggressively ,toward coyotes except when attacked or when their pups were approached.
  6. In addition, the navy's riverine brigade has been patrolling waterways more, aggressively ,in order to establish safer river transport in the more remote areas in the
  7. And fundamentalism began to refer to two different approaches. Fundamentalism, aggressively ,attacked its liberal enemies; Evangelicalism downplayed liberalism and
  8. Travelled throughout Switzerland studying its cantons' constitutions; and, aggressively ,mined the works of Hugo Grotius, Samuel von Dübendorf, John Locke, Pierre Boyle
  9. Activity by the Brotherhood for his first two terms, but then moved more, aggressively ,to block its influence (arguably leading to its recent rise in public support
  10. US President James K. Polk announces to Congress that the United States should, aggressively ,expand into the West. *1848 – Franz Josef I becomes Emperor of Austria. *1851 –
  11. In 1959,Sight and Sounds Peter John Dyer described his onscreen persona as ", aggressively ,bisexual in appeal ". Brett Farmer places the" orgasmic gyrations" of the
  12. It has a weight in world affairs far beyond its size. The country lobbied, aggressively ,for the establishment of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for
  13. Beckham's association in places such as China, where the company had been working, aggressively ,in Shanghai and Beijing for years to receive clearance to build arenas and
  14. People with affray has been used as part of a strategy by HM Government to, aggressively ,address problems with drunken individuals who cause serious trouble on
  15. Scenes. The visual gags were pure Keystone, however; the tramp character would, aggressively ,assault his enemies with kicks and bricks. Moviegoers loved this cheerfully
  16. Groups. Behavior and ecology of the embryo. While northern fur seal males, aggressively ,select and defend the specific females in their harems, males of southern
  17. Recognizable and successful computers during the 1980s and early 1990s. It was, aggressively ,marketed through volume discounts and manufacturing arrangements to educational
  18. Polar bears preyed on nesting colonies of the auk. The auks used their bills, aggressively ,both in the dense nesting sites and when threatened or captured by humans. It
  19. Him for being overly reconciliatory with the Porphyrins and with not moving, aggressively ,forward with reforms: thus, on November 25, 1911,Emiliano Zapata issued his
  20. The German people as villains to seeing them as victims of the Nazis, while, aggressively , purging ex-Nazis. In November 1945,Eisenhower returned to Washington to
  21. Before the official adoption of that name in 1977. The company began to move, aggressively ,against what it saw as copyright-violating imitations from other companies
  22. Commodore treats its dealers and its customers. " The VIC-20 and C64,although, aggressively ,marketed, were arguably more successful because of their price than their
  23. And vomiting of clear fluid. If the severe diarrhea and vomiting are not, aggressively ,treated it can, within hours, result in life-threatening dehydration and
  24. Stemmed from the fact that they, like Boas, actively trained students and, aggressively ,built up institutions that furthered their programmatic ambitions. This was
  25. Favored the" inside game" and the game was played more violently and, aggressively ,than it is today. This period ended in the 1920s with several changes that gave
  26. Be less exciting and less risky. A good drawing team will usually opt to play, aggressively , while a good hitting team will opt to play defensively. If a team does not
  27. 30 million. Huizen stated his intention to pursue an expansion franchise, aggressively , MLB had announced a few months earlier that it intended to add two new teams
  28. End with a team that holds the lead killing the clock rather than competing, aggressively ,against the opposing team. In contrast, baseball has no clock; a team cannot
  29. VAX and MIPS architectures; OSF/1 on Alpha),and began to advertise more, aggressively , DEC was simply not prepared to sell into a crowded Unix market however, and
  30. Game ", which demanded that players" scratch for runs ", was played much more, aggressively ,than it is today: the brilliant and often violent Ty Cobb epitomized this style
  31. The team has last-stone advantage (the hammer). A team may play an end, aggressively ,or defensively. Aggressive playing will put a lot of stones in play by throwing
  32. Stations, Radio HK and Tetradic start broadcasting. Dell and Cisco begin to, aggressively ,use Internet for commercial transactions. eBay is founded by computer
  33. King Charles I appointed William Laud as the Archbishop of Canterbury; Laud, aggressively ,attacked the Presbyterian movement and sought to impose the full Anglican
  34. If offenders have sufficient wealth, a rent-seeking government will act more, aggressively ,than a social-welfare-maximizing government in enforcing laws against minor
  35. In Australia, he caused an uproar by describing journalists there – who were, aggressively ,pursuing his every move and pushing for a press conference – as" fags ","
  36. Composition. To achieve this goal, experts advise not to reduce carbohydrates, aggressively , Fat can be lost by reducing the calorie intake by 20 % of daily needs for two
  37. The profession responded by marketing natural products and devices more, aggressively , and by reaching deeper into alternative medicine and primary care. Evidence
  38. Baptized in the Episcopal Church in 1812. John Allan alternately spoiled and, aggressively ,disciplined his foster son. Poe moved back with the Allan's to Richmond
  39. That Stonewall Jackson, if he had survived Chancellorsville, would have, aggressively ,seized Culp's Hill, rendering Cemetery Hill indefensible, and changing the
  40. Feeding coyotes. In such situations, some coyotes have begun to act, aggressively ,toward humans, chasing joggers and bicyclists, confronting people walking their
  41. The previous year in producing Yes's" Owner of a Lonely Heart ". TT, aggressively ,marketed the single in terms of its topical political angle, promoting it with
  42. Kevin Brownlow's alarm that academic film theorists are typically" quite, aggressively ,Marxist. " In 2008,German filmmaker Werner Herzog suggested that" Theoretical
  43. HERD, and pre-ulcerative conditions in the stomach are treated much more, aggressively ,since both, if untreated, could lead to esophageal or stomach cancer. It is
  44. For food, eagles will usually dominate other fish-eaters and scavengers, aggressively ,displacing mammals such as coyotes and foxes, and birds such as corvids, gulls
  45. Soft metals of low density. In chemical terms,all the alkali metals react, aggressively ,with the halogens to form ionic salts. They all react with water to form
  46. II, Centipede,Joust, Dig Dug, Desert Falcon, and planned to push the 7800, aggressively , in time for Christmas that year. One month later, Warner Communications sold
  47. 2006,Gates had primary responsibility for the company's product strategy. He, aggressively ,broadened the company's range of products, and wherever Microsoft achieved a
  48. Structure Priesthood Correlation Program: *During the 1960s,the Church, aggressively ,pursued its earlier Correlation Program that had begun in 1908,which
  49. Environments where the computer is being supervised, and the content filter is, aggressively ,blocking Websites that need to be accessed. An encrypted VPN can also be used
  50. Was displeased with Prime minister Nikola Basic. They thought he did not act, aggressively ,enough towards the Pan-Serb cause. They engaged in a bitter power struggle over

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