Examples of the the word, drape , in a Sentence Context
The word ( drape ), is the 12101 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- To describe oral sex, the act of performing oral sex, or to refer to genitalia;, drape ,: (UK: curtain); driver license,driver's license: (UK: driving license);
- Version which covers the legs loosely and then flows into a long, decorative, drape , in front of the legs. No bodices are shown. Other sources say that everyday
- Areas of the brows and the mid-forehead, and the shape of the skull affects the, drape ,and contour of the skin. Changing the shape of the skull will assist in
- As a digital elevation model). The DLSM can then be used to visualize terrain, drape ,remote sensing images, quantify ecological properties of a surface or extract
- His bricolage approach to personal style: he" would wear a velvet collared, drape ,jacket (ted) festooned with safety pins (Jackie Curtis through the New York
- Or clingy fabrics are often worn with slips to make the material of the skirt, drape ,better and for modesty. The hemline of skirts varies according to the personal
- Drape: Fixed or telescopic uprights and horizontals provide a ground supported, drape ,system with removable panels. Boundary walls include privacy
- Fuzziness),its tendency to twist or untwist, its overall weight and, drape , its blocking and felting qualities, its comfort (breathability, moisture
- Such as ribbing, garter stitch or seed stitch) tend to lie flat and, drape ,well. Wales of purl stitches have a tendency to recede, whereas those of knit
- Of sewn bindings allow pages to open flat, while others cause the pages to, drape , Variations of notebooks that allow pages to be added, removed,and replaced
- S mouths (image 2). In a rarely observed display of his affection, he may, drape ,his trunk outside his tusks during the ritual (image 1). The interactions
- Appear in Japanese cuisine as well. An inside out roll allows the consumer to, drape ,sashimi on top of the entire roll. Examples include the Rainbow Roll (an
- The Trip). Several times throughout the show, George mentions a desire to ", drape ," himself in velvet (if only it were socially acceptable),which he does in
- Fuzziness),its tendency to twist or untwist, its overall weight and, drape , its blocking and felting qualities, its comfort (breathability, moisture
- As bootlace ties. They were popular with 1950s Teddy Boys, who wore them with, drape ,suits. Along with other 1950s fashions, bolo ties were revived as part of the
- Suits, sun dresses and Eastern folk costumes. Silk's attractive luster and, drape ,makes it suitable for many furnishing applications. It is used for upholstery
- These works provoked great controversy and were ultimately hidden behind a, drape ,with special permission given for viewers to see them. Fortunately, Bust of
- Silvered saran based tinsel was introduced later, although its inability to, drape ,as well as metal tinsel led to the demise of tinsel in tree decorating in the
- Slightly sloping pile. Unlike true velvet, this type has greater body, does not, drape ,as easily, and has less sheen. Name autogenerated1 /> Pen is a fictional
- Garment — are rarely needed in sweaters, thanks to the elasticity and, drape ,of knitted fabrics. Even when such shaping is needed, it can be knit into the
- It is proper to have the buttons unfastened while sitting down to avoid an ugly, drape , A good double-breasted suit is usually able to be left buttoned, to avoid the
- Past some jackets were cut so that it could be fastened without distorting the, drape , this is not the case with current clothing). A four-button suit is
- Gown for the examination and covers the lower part of the body with a sterile, drape , In most cases, patients lie on their backs with their knees slightly parted.
- The mother and share the experience. The anesthetist will usually lower the, drape ,temporarily as the child is delivered, so the parents can see their newborn.
- In which at least one slim female figure, naked except for a transparent, drape , and perhaps for a large hat, nearly always features. These are mostly in
- Jackets, gas-station shirts, black or white retro T-shirts, dark-colored, drape , jackets,and vintage motorcycle/work boots. Hair consists of a quiff or
- Carried flat, but should always be carried aloft and free, except when used to, drape ,a coffin; on such an occasion, the green should be at the head of the coffin.
- The yarn used in knitting, which can give the knitted fabric more bulk and less, drape ,than a woven fabric. If they are not secured, the loops of a knitted course
- Tight-cuffed described the foot suit as:" a killer-diller coat with a, drape ,shape, reet pleats and shoulders padded like a lunatic's cell ". Foot suits
- Stand in his hands, prompting the show's longtime MC, Danny Ray, to come out, drape ,a cape over Brown's shoulders and escort him off the stage after he had worked
- Home to 15 prisons. The artist Christ has announced controversial plans to, drape ,a portion of the Arkansas River in Fremont County in cloth. ADX Superman, the
- The stage fills. The group bows before the altar of the Nymphs. The girls, drape ,the pedestals with garlands. In the far background, Daphnis is seen following
- Ropes (the bottom one is the most common, as it is nearest the wrestlers) or, drape ,his foot across, or underneath one. Once this has been accomplished, and the
- An adorable (and delectable) species of swine, with a" foot snoot" and a ", drape ,shape. " The only known one in existence resides with the Forums—their beloved
- Garment comprises shape from the neck to the chest and shoulders then to, drape ,without wrinkles from tension. Shape is the essential part of tailoring that
- To" load" the solar magnetic field with plasma, such that the field lines ", drape ," around the comet forming the ion tail. If the ion tail loading is sufficient
- By a skirt of tinfoil. The skirt should start at the neck of the flask and, drape ,down to the surface of the plate, not touching the sides of the flask. Having
- Fabrics are usually integrated into one, giving it great warmth and excellent, drape , Knit and purl stitches In securing the previous stitch in a wale, the next
- The screen supported with legs for freestanding and easy movement. * Pipe and, drape ,: Fixed or telescopic uprights and horizontals provide a ground supported drape
- Guard, for the winner's presentation ceremony. In 1940,it was proposed to, drape ,the winning horse in a garland of black-eyed Susan's, the state flower of
- The Stray Cats also blended elements of 1950 rockabilly clothes such as wearing, drape ,jackets, brothel creepers and western shirts with punk clothes such as tight
- This erupted after a concert at Fins bury Park where Morrissey was seen to, drape ,himself in a Union Flag. The series of articles which followed in the next
- Thumb rests on the shaft of the bow, next to the frog while the other fingers, drape ,on the other side of the bow. Various styles dictate the curve of the fingers
- Cards with each other, they often remove their shirts or open them up and, drape ,them around their waists. This allows them to display their full-body tattoos
- Lining, plated fittings and brass decorations, topped with a decorated velvet, drape , In modern times coffins are almost always mass-produced. Some manufacturers do
- Traditional nomadic tents, such as the yurt. There are only so many ways to, drape ,a simple piece of cloth over a basic framework, however. Soldiers of George
- Makes a prostration before the bishop, after which the more senior subdeacons, drape ,a towel over his shoulders and present him with a ewer and basin, with which he
- Color on the coat of arms). A white and green band traverses diagonally the, drape ,in all its extension, from the upper hoist to the lower fly. The green color
- Counterparts, and patches of Kari were used to link together plates and to, drape ,over vulnerable areas such as the underarm. Riveted Kari was known and used
- In complex simulations. (image.3ds max. jpg): Local simulation lets artists, drape ,cloth in real time to set up an initial clothing state before setting animation
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