Examples of the the word, generously , in a Sentence Context
The word ( generously ), is the 12102 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Properties. Numerous Merovingian's who served as bishops and abbots, or who, generously ,funded abbeys and monasteries, were rewarded with sainthood. The outstanding
- Penitents could confess their sins one day, re-commit the sin the next day, generously ,donate the following day, then return to re-confess their sins and only receive
- King his wish to leave. The king points out that this is a foolish idea, but, generously , helps them do so. The pair continue their journey, now accompanied by one
- Him because he is clearly a money saver of great ability, he can afford to give, generously ,to the King. If, however,the subject lives a life of great extravagance, tell
- Actual reasons are not known, other than the obvious: publishers offered to pay, generously , For whatever reason, Conan Doyle continued to write Holmes stories for another
- Going on and equal basis and unceasingly rework until you have got it. Paint, generously ,and unhesitatingly, for it is best not to lose the first impression. ” Corot
- The expectations of his age: he attended chapel regularly and gave alms, generously , Stubby' student T. F. Tout departed from this view. In Tout's opinion,"
- Stevens was widely rumored to keep a mulatto mistress-cum-housekeeper, who was, generously ,provided for in his will. The depictions of mass Klan paramilitary actions do
- Restaurants, such as Carpaccio’s, support the appeal year-round; Carpaccio’s, generously ,donate 50p for each Penne Jardiniere sold. New for 2011,Love Food Give Food
- To emancipate their companion, to make her a help meet for them! Would men but, generously ,snap our chains, and be content with rational fellowship instead of slavish
- A greeting to all gods and goddesses who are in the hall save to Bragg. Bragg, generously ,offers his sword, horse,and an arm ring as peace gift but Loki only responds
- King William gave the Abbey independence from its mother church and endowed it, generously , including income from 24 parishes, land in every royal burgh and more. The
- He met Mahmoud Abbas in 1961). These businessmen and oil workers contributed, generously ,to the Fatah organization. Arafat continued this process in other Arab
- In the year 1603 Shah Japan visited the province of Sindh; at That ta he was, generously ,welcomed by the locals after the death of his father Jahangir. Shah Japan
- The washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us, generously ,through Jesus Christ our Savior …. " * Judged by works:" And I saw the dead
- Own slaves, and these had to be baptized. Patronage of the arts The Sun King, generously ,supported the royal court and those who worked under him. He brought the
- Cut grilled lamb basted with hot tomato sauce over pieces of pita bread and, generously ,slathered with melted sheep butter and yogurt. Additionally, one cylindrical
- They had to uphold the legal fiction that they were merely an ordinary citizen, generously ,helping out a friend for free, and thus they could never organize into a real
- From The Fire bird onwards was written for specific occasions and was paid for, generously , Stravinsky proved adept at playing the part of" man of the world ", acquiring
- Truce among warring leaders, providing asylum to those being exiled and, generously ,lavishing funds on a state strapped for cash. Diplomatic relations were
- From Fort Evening on April 5,1754. When these arrived at the forks, Contrecœur, generously ,allowed Trent's small company to withdraw, after purchasing their construction
- Hospitality, and one that rule well his own house; a man from his childhood, generously ,brought up in the bosom of this Mother Church, and for the merit of his life
- Industries such as the Suzhou Industrial Park. Singaporeans have also donated, generously ,in the aftermath of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. Since 17 April 2011 Chinese
- Thoughts. They are free to engage in empirical research, which the Church, generously ,supports, but in matters of morality and religion, they are subjected to the
- Total — that very special form of personal friendship in which husband and wife, generously ,share everything, allowing no unreasonable exceptions and not thinking solely
- S" idiosyncratic" and" controversial" anthology, Hardy was the poet most, generously ,represented. There were twenty-seven poems by Hardy, compared with only nine by
- This trust was used to help finance the 1896 Games. George Aver off contributed, generously ,for the refurbishment of the stadium in preparation for the Games. Changes and
- Harmers of ring” =“ leaders, nobles,men of social standing (conceived of as, generously ,destroying gold,i.e. giving it away freely) ” (Anon.: Líknarbraut 42).
- Cookies made by kneading flour, butter and crushed roasted almonds, then, generously , dusted with powdered sugar. * Loukoumades, similar to small crusty donuts
- The piecemeal reconquest of the Papal States. Boniface IX certainly provided, generously ,for his mother, his brothers Andrea and Giovanni, and his nephews in the spirit
- To complex Los control mechanisms is to provide high quality communication by, generously ,over-provisioning a network so that capacity is based on peak traffic load
- Former allegiances. Of his supporters, Henry rewarded the Stanley's the most, generously , Aside from making William his chamberlain, he bestowed the earldom of Derby
- Some major business figures such as Fritz Thomsen were Nazi supporters and gave, generously , as well as alleged involvement of Wall Street figures; but many others
- To serve others by any invention of ours; and this we should do freely and, generously , " His inventions also included social innovations, such as paying forward.
- The washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit whom he poured out on us, generously ,through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace
- 14, 1967). 1970s At Dartmouth College Appleton's work in electronic music was, generously ,encouraged by the administration of President John G. Cement and by a generous
- Luxury in which he had indulged. He left both to his benefactor and friend, who, generously , made over the money to Corelli's relatives. Carelli is buried in the Pantheon
- God (2 Cor. 3:3),and the importance of being a person of Christ and giving, generously ,to God’s people in Jerusalem, and ends with his own experience of how God
- Bat in a fit of temper. One of the paradoxes of Williams life is that he gave, generously ,to those in need. He was especially linked with the Jimmy Fund of the
- Or Defense Force) was established. The Converse was usually treated, generously ,by the parliament in Budapest. By 1873 it already had over 2,800 officers and
- Parachurch agencies and evangelical educational institutions may be supported, generously ,or not at all, depending entirely upon the local congregation's customs and
- Professor Roy W. Cowmen, Director of the Hop wood Awards from 1933 to 1952,who, generously ,contributed a part of his library, which has grown through the addition of many
- Of criminal behavior. The characters were also morally ambiguous by appearing, generously ,compassionate, or nakedly and brutally self-serving, as the situation demanded.
- Towards the end. The resulting soup is served as a first course. The meat, generously ,salted, is then sliced and served as a main course, with the carefully cooked
- Toward the Indians. The Pacific railroad and similar vast enterprises have been, generously ,aided and successfully conducted, the public lands freely given to actual
- That usually lights up in response to food and sex. However, when volunteers, generously ,placed the interests of others before their own by making charitable donations
- Students, exiles,cripples and the sick, unfortunates of every description were, generously ,remembered, and more than 6,000 ducats were annually distributed in alms. As a
- It must come from a substantial codex book; as it is written on both sides in a, generously ,scaled script, with on one side and on the other. The surviving text agrees
- Met Arnold's on its way back to Ticonderoga near the foot of the lake. Arnold, generously ,opened his stores to Allen's hungry men, and tried to dissuade Allen from his
- poet's sister, Mrs Egg, to whose benefit the whole profits of the work were, generously ,devoted. Vestiges During the 1830s,Robert Chambers took a particularly keen
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