Examples of the the word, zoning , in a Sentence Context

The word ( zoning ), is the 9187 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1970s,the county has had in place a Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit (APDU), zoning , plan that requires developers to include affordable housing in any new
  2. Meeting house – Frieze – Frontage – Frontispiece – Function hall – Functional, zoning ,G Gabon – Gable – Gallery – Gabriel – Garden hotels – Wardrobe – Gargoyle –
  3. Is important. It is required at most competitive swimming meets, and is a, zoning ,requirement for most residential pools in the United States. Lessons Children
  4. Legislature to get simple local policies such as waste disposal to land use, zoning , Alabama is an alcoholic beverage control state; the government holds a
  5. Although the lack of consistent enforcement and absence of province-wide, zoning ,and land-use planning recently resulted in aesthetically displeasing
  6. In 2010,Denver adopted a comprehensive update of its zoning code. The new, zoning ,was developed to guide development as envisioned in adopted plans such as
  7. Group has been inactive and Welsh nationalist violence has ceased. Exclusionary, zoning ,The gentrification of a mixed-income community raises housing affordability to
  8. Specifically for use as a fraternity or sorority house, but in practice this, zoning ,code has not been awarded for at least 50 years. Only Sigma Phi Epsilon's
  9. Municipalities, and counties have countered gentrification with exclusionary, zoning ,(exclusionary housing) ordinances requiring the apportionment of some new
  10. The police department. In the mid 1920s the city established the first, zoning ,ordinances, electrical traffic signals and street lighting. They city also
  11. Park systems, broad boulevards and parkways and, after the turn of the century, zoning ,laws and planned suburbs. Examples of the City Beautiful movement's works
  12. Space, waterways,and other infrastructure. The infill structure may contain, zoning , building codes, quality guidelines, and Solar Access based upon a solar
  13. That calls for a return to traditional city planning methods where mixed-use, zoning ,allows people to walk from one type of land-use to another. The idea is that
  14. Of inclusions),cut, unusual optical phenomena within the stone such as color, zoning , and asteria (star effects). The Greeks, for example, greatly valued asteria
  15. Owners say the second building was considered in the original design. City, zoning ,does not permit construction of such a tall tower there. The Sky deck The Sears
  16. Funds are directed to the Finance Committee; articles dealing with planning and, zoning ,to the Planning Board; articles relating to by-laws to the By-Law Committee.
  17. Outdoor car dealerships are allowed in the municipality, according to the city, zoning ,code. Additionally, no billboards are permitted in the city. The only billboard
  18. Emergent self-organization appears frequently in cities where no planning or, zoning ,entity predetermines the layout of the city. The interdisciplinary study of
  19. Would not have had if it were simply the two cities) was an exemption to state, zoning ,and land use laws. When the state later established the Development of Regional
  20. Been awarded for at least 50 years. Only Sigma Phi Epsilon's building has this, zoning ,code due to its consistent ownership since the 1920s. Student publications
  21. And the operator of the movie theater was able to use a quirk of the site, zoning ,to legally operate a movie theater. The theater had only one screen, but
  22. The 2022 Winter Olympics. In 2010,Denver adopted a comprehensive update of its, zoning ,code. The new zoning was developed to guide development as envisioned in
  23. Significantly long average trip distances—brought about by strict low-density, zoning ,laws—somewhat restrict cycling for utilitarian purposes. Older and denser
  24. Sculptor: Lee Laurie),to represent the state's agricultural heritage. City, zoning ,rules prevent any other building from rivaling it in height, making it a
  25. Los Altos. Economy History By 1949,many residents were dissatisfied with the, zoning ,policy of Santa Clara County. Also, there was a constant threat of being
  26. Brooklyn Heights. The growth of suburbs was facilitated by the development of, zoning ,laws, redlining and numerous innovations in transport. After World War II
  27. Hazards. Planners can help manage the growth of cities, applying tools like, zoning ,and growth management to manage the uses of land. Historically, many of the
  28. Economy. He doesn't even have a job. " *" Candidate Jane's proposal about, zoning ,is ridiculous. She was caught cheating on her taxes in 2003. " *" John's
  29. Businesses, as well as creating and maintaining industrial zones. Designing, zoning ,to allow new housing near to a commercial corridor but not on top of it
  30. The view from a Parisian window always includes the tower. In reality, since, zoning , restrictions limit the height of most buildings in Paris to 7 stories, only a
  31. And speed. * Safety fencing and equipment is mandatory at public pools and a, zoning ,requirement at most residential pools in the United States. On coins Swimming
  32. Out. Though Houston is the largest city in the United States without formal, zoning ,regulations, it has developed similarly to other Sun Belt cities because the
  33. Reverse sensitivity" matters, i. e.," noisy neighbors" who then must meet, zoning ,requirements mitigating their noise, or leave. Zoning ordinances and other
  34. Costs, and the Port would create a marina, clean up the site, and retain all, zoning , The City and Port have entered into a partnership to redevelop the property
  35. Urban aspects of Manhattan. Times Square is the only neighborhood with, zoning ,ordinances requiring building owners to display illuminated signs. The density
  36. The Bloomberg administration developed a program called FRESH that offers, zoning ,and financial incentives to developers, grocery store operators and landowners
  37. Area network and cultural heritage sites; and emphasizing the need for tourism, zoning ,and management plans for sites that will be developed as ecotourism
  38. Which in turn is spurring new residential development. Furthermore, a live-work, zoning ,overlay for the city's near east side has facilitated the transformation of
  39. Used systems of classifying biomes correspond to latitude (or temperature, zoning ,) and humidity. Biodiversity generally increases away from the poles towards
  40. For such stability is the community land trust; moreover, many exclusionary, zoning ,ordinances formally place the" exclusionary" housing units in a land trust.
  41. Regions of Europe, but still relatively free of urban sprawl. There are strict, zoning ,laws. Population pressures are enormous, property values are high, and new
  42. Cities to take aesthetics, history,and cultural associations into account for, zoning ,laws. The law, named after longtime MAS board member and chief advocate, Albert
  43. community's original low- and moderate-income residents. Because exclusionary, zoning ,is a new social concept, there are few reports qualifying its effective or
  44. And building codes. The architect might need to comply with local planning and, zoning ,laws, such as required setbacks, height limitations, parking requirements
  45. In 1893. Some of their early accomplishments include passing the city's first, zoning ,laws, contributing input to the planning of the city’s subway line, and
  46. Are pink, red,white, brown,black, and nearly every shade in between. Color, zoning ,or banding is commonly present. The color of the fluorite is determined by
  47. And businesses. These include local law enforcement, firefighting,planning and, zoning ,regulation, and provision for potable drinking water and wastewater. Economy
  48. Limitation of gentrification. In Los Angeles, California,exclusionary, zoning ,apparently accelerated gentrification, as older, unprofitable buildings were
  49. As County Council, and in Kent County as Levy Court),which deal primarily in, zoning ,and development issues. Most functions which are handled on a county-by-county
  50. In Michigan, most local government functions – police and fire, building and, zoning , tax assessment, street maintenance, etc. – are the responsibility of

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