Examples of the the word, anaemia , in a Sentence Context

The word ( anaemia ), is the 9195 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Riboviria should not be given with zidovudine because of the increased risk of, anaemia , ; concurrent use with diagnosing should likewise be avoided because of an
  2. Among the first to recognize that microcytes were characteristic of pernicious, anaemia , After his appointment as professor of medicine in 1900 he published four
  3. His health fluctuated for several weeks but progressively worsened with, anaemia , and low blood pressure due to heart and kidney complications, internal bleeding
  4. B12,iron),disease states (anemia of chronic disease) and other causes of, anaemia , due to poor RBC production. In demonology, according to some authors, Agares (
  5. That primarying may cause anorexia, nausea,vomiting, cramps,chest weakness, anaemia , some suppression of myeloid activity and abdominal pains. In cases of
  6. Designation Biology and health * Sickle-cell disease, also known as sickle cell, anaemia , * Statistical coupling analysis, a method to identify covarying pairs of amino
  7. May develop in several ways: iron malabsorption may cause iron deficiency, anaemia , and folic acid and vitamin B12 malabsorption may give rise to megaloblastic
  8. Leon In the late 1990s,MSF missions were set up to treat tuberculosis and, anaemia , in residents of the Aral Sea area, and look after civilians affected by
  9. Is reduced due to decreased thyroid binding globulin. * Microcytic hypodermic, anaemia , is typical. It is iron-therapy resistant. * Hypocalcemia can occur as a result
  10. Sub-acute combined degeneration of the spinal cord secondary to pernicious, anaemia , can lead to anything from slight peripheral nerve damage to severe damage to
  11. French military. In 1917,exhausted by over four years' work and by tropical, anaemia , they were taken to Bordeaux and interned first in Garrison, and then from
  12. Restricted to topical uses because of the worries about the risk of plastic, anaemia , Therapeutic uses The original indication of chloramphenicol was in the
  13. Known to persist for up to four weeks. Gametocyte carriage is associated with, anaemia , Although female gametocytes normally outnumber males this may be reversed in
  14. Can be used to determine whether a production problem is contributing to the, anaemia , and can also be used to monitor the progress of treatment for anemia. When
  15. Can occur even before the condition has progressed to iron deficiency, anaemia , Symptoms of iron deficiency are not unique to iron deficiency (i.e. not
  16. The treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis. Isolated case reports of plastic, anaemia , following use of chloramphenicol eye drops exist, but the risk is estimated to
  17. Gametocytes normally outnumber males this may be reversed in the presence of, anaemia , Gametocyte morphology The five recognized morphological stages were first
  18. Face became pale because of fear. Nyasa told her that child would suffer from, anaemia , and he would not be fit enough to rule the kingdom. Later this child was known
  19. Low numbers of reticulocytes can be attributed to chemotherapy, aplastic, anaemia , pernicious anemia, bone marrow malignancies, problems of erythropoietin
  20. Crohn's Disease, Pernicious anemia ** Hematologic: Autoimmune hemolytic, anaemia , Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura Using the traditional“ organ specific ”
  21. 1991,because the vast majority of chloramphenicol-associated cases of plastic, anaemia , are associated with the oral preparation. There is now no oral formulation of
  22. Bleed" may be one detected indirectly by the presence of otherwise unexplained, anaemia , The word has many uses in the English language, popularly meaning" knowledge
  23. Various vitamin or mineral deficiencies (B9,B12,iron),disease states (, anaemia , of chronic disease) and other causes of anemia due to poor RBC production. In
  24. To the anemia, and can also be used to monitor the progress of treatment for, anaemia , When there is an increased production of red blood cells to overcome chronic
  25. To advance, and still plagued by poor health, he died suddenly of pernicious, anaemia , at Pay, France,on 29 February 1908. The history of New York begins around
  26. Such as Leukodystrophy, and Charcot Marie Tooth. Sufferers of pernicious, anaemia , can also suffer nerve damage if the condition is not diagnosed quickly.
  27. Liberty, and the masking effect of folate fortification on pernicious, anaemia , ( vitamin B12 deficiency). However, several western countries now fortify
  28. Deposits are also found in patients who present with other autoimmune diseases, anaemia , or malabsorption phenomena at a much-increased rate over the normal population.
  29. Reticulocytes can be attributed to chemotherapy, aplastic anemia, pernicious,anemia, bone marrow malignancies, problems of erythropoietin production, various
  30. She attended Little Leigh Primary School. Despite suffering from asthma and, anaemia , she took up running at the age of seven, influenced by her father who was a
  31. Broadway: The Leading Ladies (1999) (TV) Writer Anemia (; also spelled, anaemia , and anæmia; from Greek, meaning lack of blood) is a decrease in number of red
  32. Marrow is likely not producing new blood cells at a rate that will correct the, anaemia , The number of reticulocytes is a good indicator of bone marrow activity
  33. It may also cause prematurity, low birth weight, and neonatal thrombocytopenia, anaemia , and hepatitis. The risk of major defects or organogenesis is highest for
  34. Anemia The most serious side effect of chloramphenicol treatment is plastic, anaemia , It is not known whether monitoring the blood counts of patients can prevent
  35. And folic acid and vitamin B12 malabsorption may give rise to megaloblastic, anaemia , * Calcium and vitamin D malabsorption (and compensatory secondary
  36. Marrow depressant drugs is contraindicated, although concerns over plastic, anaemia , associated with ocular chloramphenicol have largely been discounted.
  37. Scientist Lucy Wills to identify folic acid and its effect in suppressing, anaemia , Besides folic acid (Vitamin B9) Mar mite has useful quantities of several
  38. Into the body commonly leads to severe and debilitating effects such as fever, anaemia , elevated white cell count, gastro-intestinal upset, kidney and liver damage
  39. Such as chronic high blood pressure),metabolism and blood disorders (such as, anaemia , ),urogenital tract disorders (such as nephritis),skin disorders (such as
  40. Least when the blood is not affected by disease which will ultimately lead to, anaemia , Comparing the metabolism of the European with that of the native, he found
  41. S disease ** Gastrointestinal: Celiac disease,Crohn's Disease, Pernicious,anemia, ** Hematologic: Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Idiopathic thrombocytopenic
  42. Chronic or severe loss of mature red blood cells, such as in a hemolytic, anaemia , people often have a markedly high number and percentage of reticulocytes. A
  43. Lacking peroxiredoxin 1 or 2 have shortened lifespan and suffer from hemolytic, anaemia , while plants use peroxiredoxins to remove hydrogen peroxide generated in
  44. AMG) and hemoglobin. There are typically low levels in hemolytic, anaemia , ( hemoglobin is a suicide molecule which binds with free hemoglobin released
  45. Monitoring the blood counts of patients can prevent the development of plastic, anaemia , but patients are recommended to have a blood count check twice-weekly while on
  46. Cause particularly severe forms of the disease that include a severe hemolytic, anaemia , with positive erythrocyte-in-saline-agglutination test indicating an immune
  47. Then non-vegetarians (adult males are rarely iron deficient); iron deficiency, anaemia , is rare no matter the diet. Vitamin B12 Plants are not sources of vitamin B12.
  48. A stable diet, Ancient Egyptian mummies from circa 3200 BC show signs of severe, anaemia , and hemolytic disorders. Dr. Bob Brier of Long Island University has been the
  49. Elevated reticulocytes in the blood would usually be observed in hemolytic, anaemia , ). *Viral hepatitis can be excluded by negative blood samples for antigens
  50. Are headaches, vertigo and nausea, followed by the symptoms of hemolytic, anaemia , ( high levels of conjugated bilirubin),hemoglobinuria and nephropathy. In

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