Examples of the the word, spokesperson , in a Sentence Context

The word ( spokesperson ), is the 9194 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Has been accused of hijacking the EDL. In a radio interview in July 2009,EDL, spokesperson ,Paul Ray confirmed this but the EDL attempted to distance itself from him. The
  2. Of Agent Orange exposure would only receive $3700. In 2004,Jill Montgomery,a, spokesperson ,for Monsanto, said Monsanto should not be liable at all for injuries or deaths
  3. The Chinese ministry of commerce had prevented the deal, although a ministry, spokesperson ,denied rejecting the application, which had been stalled for eight months. At
  4. Apply to all Fiji nationals, but the statement was again met with protest. A, spokesperson ,for the Vito Landowners and Resource Owners Association claimed that even
  5. A ceasefire several months prior to the announcement. In part of the video,the, spokesperson ,said that the group was" prepared today as yesterday to agree to the minimum
  6. Helping the director with rehearsals, and serving as elucidated of history or, spokesperson ,for deceased or otherwise absent playwrights. At larger theaters, a casting
  7. Recommendations for the upcoming administration. In 2008,Powell served as a, spokesperson ,for National Mentoring Month, a campaign held each January to recruit volunteer
  8. ELDER Party is Annie Bats, a Flemish MEP for the Belgian party Opened and, spokesperson ,on Foreign affairs, security and defense for the AIDE group. Bats was elected
  9. And Labor ministers often proved detrimental, such as between finance, spokesperson ,John Pardon and Chancellor of the Exchequer Denis Healey, who were mutually
  10. Ceasefire, its third, after two previous ceasefires were ended by the group. A, spokesperson ,speaking on a video announcing the ceasefire said the organization wished to
  11. That they are gay or who are accused of being gay. U. S. Army Forces Command, spokesperson ,Kim Waldron later confirmed the regulation and indicated that it was intended
  12. 53rd floor of 1515 Broadway, in Times Square, New York City. The spill, which a, spokesperson ,for the New York City fire department said was of Hydrogen Peroxide, shut down
  13. Denied Sharon's claim of intense anti-Semitism in French society. An Israeli, spokesperson ,later claimed that Sharon had been misunderstood. France then postponed a visit
  14. It had used donations to support Hamas-affiliated relief projects in Gaza. A, spokesperson ,for the Islamic Human Rights Commission described the decision as" a victory
  15. Were transgender. In 1977,a former Miss America contestant and orange juice, spokesperson , Anita Bryant, began a campaign" Save Our Children ", in Dade County, Florida
  16. Elected by its respective residents (Ortschaftsrat) and is presided by a, spokesperson ,(Ortsvorsteher). The city center itself and the merged former municipalities
  17. The advertisement, which was initially supposed to run for five weeks. A, spokesperson ,for Heinz stated that the reason for the withdrawal was recognition of the fact
  18. The main proponents of a Jewish homeland in Palestine was Weizmann, the leading, spokesperson ,for organized Zionism in Britain. Weizmann was a chemist who had developed a
  19. It was reported that Love had" lost" custody of Frances again, though her, spokesperson ,Keith Fink told the media:" Courtney's been clean for years and is perfectly
  20. Goodwill Ambassador, an advocate for victims of hunger and HIV/AIDS, and a, spokesperson ,for Heifer International. Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore introduced her
  21. Basis and Butt-head, Vol. 1 on the iTunes Store. Revival On July 14, 2010,a, spokesperson ,for MTV Networks informed a New York Post reporter that Mike Judge is creating
  22. Politically appointed President (an avowed right wing nationalist and former, spokesperson ,for Giorgio Alicante, the leader of the post-fascist party of Italy) had
  23. Of the laws of war. " In a 2009 interview on Democracy Now Christopher Guinness, spokesperson ,for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the
  24. Filling in the search field with the desired terms and pressing enter. A Google, spokesperson ,explains," This is just a test, and a way for us to gauge whether our users
  25. According to him – heavily rely on humanitarian aid for their survival. UN, spokesperson ,Maurizio Giuliano stated to The Washington Post:" If we do not manage to
  26. With ME, Love said she was" sick of talking about it ". " I am not his, spokesperson ,on Earth," she told the magazine. " I don't know what he'd be like now; he
  27. Allowing them to avoid overdraft fees. Tessa FEDIS, banking industry, spokesperson ,and lobbyist, contended that" current technology makes real-time notification
  28. Allen as the Academy's permanent secretary,i.e. its executive member and, spokesperson , As such, he has the annual task of announcing the recipient of the Nobel Prize
  29. It was 1 in 3 and for ecstasy every associated death was reported. A, spokesperson ,for the ACID said that" The recent article by Professor David Nut published
  30. Of McEnroe and Austin against Courier and Kournikova. In 2008,she was named a, spokesperson ,for K-Swiss. In 2005,Kournikova stated that if she were 100 % fit, she would
  31. Thereafter, Coca-Cola regained its leadership in the market. Selena was a, spokesperson ,for Coca-Cola from 1989 till the time of her death. She filmed three
  32. Judge. Eventually, after cooling her anger, she too seeks the help of ENI, as, spokesperson , of the" assembly of the gods ", the Gigi and the Nunki. After she presents
  33. In principle and suggested it take place sometime in 2009. Kristen Foster,a, spokesperson , said," Eric Clapton receives numerous offers to play in countries around the
  34. American guitarist (Linkin Park) * 1977 – Jared Ogle, American Subway, spokesperson ,* 1977 – Lee McKenzie, Scottish television presenter *1978 – Mat Kearney
  35. Regarded himself as more an individualist than the major youth culture, spokesperson ,he had been regarded as by the media, as evidenced by the lyrics in his 1979
  36. Early practitioner of progressive education was Francis Parker; its best-known, spokesperson ,was the philosopher John Dewey. In 1875 Francis Parker became superintendent of
  37. Was criticized by Fianna Fáil Minister for Children, Barry Andrews. The, spokesperson ,for family law and children, Alan Shatter TD, robustly defended its proposals
  38. The organization and publicly opposed the Labour Party’s ban on fox hunting. A, spokesperson ,for Clapton said," Eric supports the Countryside Alliance. He doesn't hunt
  39. Discredited 36 years previously. Lynn Doyle Cooper In late July 2011 an FBI, spokesperson ,told a British newspaper that the Bureau was investigating a" promising new
  40. Garcia was often seen both by the public and the media as the leader or primary, spokesperson ,for the Grateful Dead, but was reluctant to be perceived that way, especially
  41. In the late spring and summer of 1999. As of 2008,Flockhart is the national, spokesperson ,for Peace Over Violence. On January 11, 2001,Flockhart adopted a ten-day old
  42. Is not a drug. It's a leaf. My drug was pumping iron, trust me. " His, spokesperson ,later said the comment was meant to be a joke. A joint statement read:" The
  43. Said that he had worn an ape costume for the making of the film. Prompting a, spokesperson ,for the Pennsylvania Game Commission to say that it was likely an image of" a
  44. Was established with the publication of The Sun Also Rises, he became the, spokesperson ,for the post–World War I generation, having established a style to follow.
  45. Judgment of the Trial Chamber which found journalist and former Tribunal’s OTP, spokesperson ,Florence Hartmann guilty of contempt of court and fined her €7,000. She
  46. Cold temperatures in Northern France, the coldest for eight years. An Euro tunnel, spokesperson ,explained that the problem had arisen because of 'fluffy snow' in France
  47. Of authority as a separate function from society. The leader is only a, spokesperson ,for the group when it has to deal with other groups (" international relations
  48. The Afghan security forces and Taliban members because, according to an CRC, spokesperson ," ICRC's constitution stipulates that all parties harmed by warfare will be
  49. Radio channels. The Minister of Press also serves as the primary government, spokesperson , The Secretary General of Press and Information prepares the semi-official
  50. Within our group. " (emphasis in original). In January 2005,Claire Borodin, spokesperson ,for TDI, issued a statement that said," Due to the fact that our current

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