Examples of the the word, wiring , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wiring ), is the 9202 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Through review of records, the problem was later determined to likely be faulty, wiring ,in the parachute control system. The fact that the chute opened at all was
  2. For telephony. Modifying Ethernet to conform to twisted pair telephone, wiring ,already installed in commercial buildings provided another opportunity to lower
  3. Systems, the operation of electric power stations, the lighting and, wiring ,of buildings, the design of household appliances or the electrical control of
  4. Has been performed using a steel framing and a layering of a metal fencing or, wiring ,over the framework to allow an even load as masses of adobe are spread across
  5. Their control is based on fixed architecture i.e. it requires changes in the, wiring ,if the instruction set is modified or changed. This architecture is preferred
  6. Entirely of steel. Aluminum wire was once widely used for domestic electrical, wiring , Owing to corrosion-induced failures, a number of fires resulted. This
  7. Diodes are also used in electronic musical keyboards. To reduce the amount of, wiring ,needed in electronic musical keyboards, these instruments often use keyboard
  8. Ambient pressure, and cheap metallic superconductors can be used for the coil, wiring , So-called high-temperature superconducting compounds can be made to
  9. The complications of implementing within the limited component count and, wiring ,complexity feasible at the time). Internal microcode execution in CISC
  10. For telling apart things that would otherwise be confusingly similar, such as, wiring ,in electrical and electronic devices, and pharmaceutical pills. The use of
  11. S premises that converts the analog signals from the customer's in-home, wiring ,into a digital signal, which is then sent on the local loop (replacing the
  12. In the cabin were replaced with self-extinguishing versions. * Plumbing and, wiring ,were covered with protective insulation. Thorough protocols were implemented
  13. Gold is highly conductive to electricity, and has been used for electrical, wiring ,in some high-energy applications (only silver and copper are more conductive
  14. Year. On June 15, 1897,a fire of unknown origin, possibly caused by faulty, wiring , turned the wooden structures on Ellis Island into ashes. No losses of life
  15. A short circuit, at best blowing a fuse, possibly damaging the instrument and, wiring , and exposing an observer to injury. In AC circuits, a current transformer
  16. Up for a new task, the operator had to set up plugs and switches to alter the, wiring , * Colossus was not a general-purpose machine, being designed for a specific
  17. The design was laid out, so it could be connected together with no manual, wiring ,at all, allowing the boards to be built in a completely automated fashion. This
  18. The signal radiated from the electron guns, scanning circuitry, and associated, wiring ,of a CRT can be captured and used to remotely reconstruct what is shown on the
  19. Point decimal (bi-quinary) arithmetic. Appendix A of the manual included, wiring ,diagrams for the IBM 533 control panel. Fortran-based languages Prior to
  20. One or more of the rotors with each key press. Electrical pathway Image: Enigma, wiring ,Fleur. SVG|thumb|354px|Enigma wiring diagram with arrows and the numbers 1 to 9
  21. Adapt to market realities and shift to inexpensive and ubiquitous twisted pair, wiring , these proprietary protocols soon found themselves competing in a market
  22. Ray tubes) it is the negative terminal where electrons flow in from the, wiring ,and through the tube's near vacuum, constituting a positive current flowing
  23. Lithography for their 45 nm processes * Copper interconnects where copper, wiring ,replaces aluminum for interconnects. * Strained silicon in a process used by
  24. Costs could potentially decrease because less time would be spent on designing, wiring ,installations, late changes in an aircraft's design would be easier to manage
  25. Much larger class of materials are still" good enough" to insulate electrical, wiring ,and cables. Examples include rubber-like polymers and most plastics. Such
  26. Interviews with the suspects and examinations of the bomb's circuitry and, wiring , the FBI established that the plot had been directed by the Iraqi Intelligence
  27. Among these are the bulged Malcolm Hood, raising the pilot's seat and, wiring ,shut the cowl flaps across the top of the engine compartment, diverting the oil
  28. Instance, so shown closed) plug (3) via the entry wheel (4),through the, wiring ,of the three (Wehrmacht Enigma) or four (Kriegsmarine M4 and Abner variants
  29. And conductivity of electricity led to many uses of gold, including electric, wiring , colored-glass production and even gold leaf eating. Characteristics Gold is
  30. Television set, for example, are the interface between you and the electrical, wiring ,on the other side of its plastic casing. You press the" power" button to
  31. Tech found problems with their neutron detector, and Texas A&M discovered bad, wiring ,in their thermometers. These retractions, combined with negative results from
  32. Immediately below it. Generally, the FPGA routing is unsegmented. That is, each, wiring , segment spans only one logic block before it terminates in a switch box. By
  33. Were stored in high-speed computer memory rather than specified by the physical, wiring ,of the computer. This overcame a severe limitation of ENAC, which was the
  34. Moving magnet. Since the ammeter shunt has a very low resistance, mistakenly, wiring , the ammeter in parallel with a voltage source will cause a short circuit, at
  35. Rotate at the same speed when in the locked condition. # A certain means of, wiring ,an alternating current electrical generator, and AC electric motors, so that
  36. Press. Electrical pathway Image: Enigma wiring Fleur. SVG|thumb|354px|Enigma, wiring ,diagram with arrows and the numbers 1 to 9 showing how current flows from key
  37. The same fashion, and so on. The detailed operation of Enigma is shown in the, wiring ,diagram to the right. To simplify the example, only four components of a
  38. The user of" electricity" access to the electric field present in electrical, wiring , and thus to electric power. Electrical phenomena have been studied since
  39. Of a device such as a transistor and capacitative coupling due to external, wiring , Excessive frequency-dependent positive feedback may cause what is supposed to
  40. Leak from the tank, which then ignited due to sparking electrical landing gear, wiring ,severed by another piece of the same tire. The crew shut down engine number 2
  41. Front. As a result, all kinds of stuff gets in its way, including a bunch of, wiring ,that passes through the eye and leaves us with a pair of blind spots, one in
  42. Used over the years. For instance, early electronics often used point to point, wiring ,with components attached to wooden breadboards to construct circuits. Cord wood
  43. Increased performance. Similarly, an I/O pad can connect to any one of the, wiring ,segments in the channel adjacent to it. For example, an I/O pad at the top of
  44. Damaged data can be detected and re-transmitted. The standards define several, wiring ,and signaling variants. The original 10BASE5 Ethernet used coaxial cable as a
  45. A given feed through sensor may be extended upward and downward by appropriate, wiring , To extend the range to lower currents, multiple turns of the current-carrying
  46. Commonly seen 'non-standard' grips. Modern competitive weapons have electrical, wiring ,which allows them to register a touch on the opponent via an electrical scoring
  47. Color-code 3D stereo image system using blue/amber viewing glasses *Electrical, wiring ,— AC power phase, neutral,and grounding wires CGI may refer to: Technology *
  48. Coil placed in relation to a primary coil and secondary coil. A coil tap is a, wiring ,feature found on some electrical transformers, inductors and coil pickups, all
  49. Eight. The additional rotors were marked VI, VII and VIII, all with different, wiring , and had two notches cut into them resulting in a more frequent turnover. The
  50. During a ground test. The cause was determined to be an electrical short in the, wiring ,of the Command Module; while the determination of responsibility for the

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