Examples of the the word, paraphrase , in a Sentence Context

The word ( paraphrase ), is the 9190 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. It is reportedly Takes hi Kitano's favorite film. It also led a film critic to, paraphrase ,the film's title in an attack on the director, saying," Bring me the head of
  2. Structure of each Talmudic passage. Unlike other commentators, Rashi does not, paraphrase ,or exclude any part of the text, but elucidates phrase by phrase. Often he
  3. Of Quantum Theory," countering the view of Alexandros that (in Heisenberg's, paraphrase ,)" the wave function in configuration space characterizes the objective state
  4. Is very hard, if not impossible to change. A central theme in Lightning, to, paraphrase ," Fate will always struggle to reassert itself. " Other trademarks * Koontz is
  5. The Law of Nature, Ithaca: Cornell University Press,1990). * (1707) A, paraphrase ,and notes on the Epistles of St. Paul to the Galatians,1 and 2 Corinthians
  6. Isles. The Massasoit Perilous is a more extensive fragment preserved in, paraphrase ,in the Ora Maritime, a poem of the 4th century AD written by the Roman, Avienus
  7. Also credited as having written the first English hymn which was not a direct, paraphrase ,of Scripture. Isaac Watts (1674–1748),whose father was an Elder of a
  8. A brief Latin version of a guide to Aristotelian logic. *Asclepius. A Latin, paraphrase ,of a lost Greek dialogue (The perfect discourse) featuring Asclepius and
  9. Prayers were developed as substitute. More common in recent centuries is to, paraphrase ,the Sermon and in so doing make it far less radical. A search through the
  10. Is one more piece of evidence indicating that Against' text is an Arabic, paraphrase ,of a literal Syriac translation of the Testimonial. Syriac version Pines also
  11. Richard Le Alliance (1866–1947) produced a verse translation, subtitled " a, paraphrase ,from several literal translations ", in 1897. In his introductory note to the
  12. Pericles' own words and how much of them is free literary creation or, paraphrase ,by Thucydides. Since Pericles never wrote down or distributed his orations, no
  13. A synonym for religious diversity. Definition and scope Religious pluralism, to, paraphrase , the title of a recent academic work, goes beyond mere toleration. Chris Ben eke
  14. However, satirist Mort Sail is often credited with mocking on Braun with the, paraphrase ," I aim at the stars, but sometimes I hit London ". In fact that line appears
  15. Bryan insisted that the Bible be quoted verbatim rather than allowing Darrow to, paraphrase ,it in his own terms. However, after another angry exchange, Judge Alston
  16. Remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. " This, paraphrase ,of Cicero was included at the suggestion of Harry V. Jeff, though the speech
  17. Followed in 1814 by John Josiah Conferee who published an edition" in English, paraphrase ,and Latin verse translation. " In 1999,Nobel Laureate Seamus Heaney's edition
  18. Death. Wilson regarded Leary as a brilliant man and often is quoted as saying (, paraphrase ,)" Leary had a great deal of 'hilarious ', the type of cheer and good humor
  19. d. 785) to write his chronicle. This suggests that his Testimonial is also a, paraphrase ,of a Syriac version of the Testimonial. Moreover, because of some linguistic
  20. Everybody burst into laughter, including Dirac. This last quote is a, paraphrase ,of the first commandment of Islam:" There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is
  21. From Hume's principle. This would not have been enough for Free because (to, paraphrase ,him) it does not exclude the possibility that the number 3 is in fact Julius
  22. The 2nd century. Tatian's the most influential work is the Diatessaron, a Biblical, paraphrase , or" harmony ", of the four gospels that became the standard text of the four
  23. S one and only pathogenic experience, at the end of which he asked Leary, to, paraphrase , if Leary knew the power and danger of that with which he was conducting
  24. Sought to create a national ethos that would enable every American to, in his, paraphrase ,of the Book of Micah," sit in safety under his own vine and fig tree and there
  25. A young men's organization, the " Chums of Chance ", whose Charter includes a, paraphrase ,of Star Trek's Prime Directive," never to interfere with legal customs of any
  26. The 18th century wrote some 2,000 hymns. The earlier English writers tended to, paraphrase ,biblical texts, particularly Psalms; Isaac Watts followed this tradition, but
  27. And which is still in the hands of some. But they say that he ventured to, paraphrase ,certain words of the apostle Paul, in order to improve their style. " In 331
  28. Tarsi; the last of these summarized his approach by reversing the customary, paraphrase ,of Aristotle's famous declaration of sedition from the Academy (Nicomachean
  29. Ellis Walker,1692,Epictetus, his Enchiridion made English in a poetical, paraphrase , *George Stan hope,1694,Epictetus his Morals, with Simplicity his Comment.
  30. Except Galatians appear to have been dictated through a secretary, who would, paraphrase ,the message, as was the practice among 1st-century scribes. The epistles were
  31. By German composers. Liszt wrote the Potentate for piano and orchestra,a, paraphrase ,of the Dies Iraq. Max Bruce wrote a popular Scottish Fantasy for violin and
  32. Has a few spelling changes, and includes large chunks inserted from Crowley's, paraphrase ,of The Style of Revealing. The phrase“ Force of Copy NIA ”, which is found in
  33. Is a season" ). People with autism showed a significant tendency to closely, paraphrase ,and repeat content from the original statement (for example:" Don't cut
  34. Is distinguishable from magic, it is insufficiently advanced ". This is a, paraphrase ,of Gehm's Corollary to Clarke's Third Law," Any technology distinguishable
  35. More explicit. In 1648, he wrote a hymn How lovely are thy dwelling fair,a, paraphrase ,of Psalm 84,that explains his view on God. Milton embraced many heterodox
  36. In 1835 on the coat-of-arms, but never as an official 'motto '. This is a, paraphrase ,of the epitaph of British architect Sir Christopher Wren about his masterpiece
  37. Another significant writer is Abraham Ben Scheme Jakarta, who published a, paraphrase ,on the Book of Job in 1557. Women in the Ashkenazi community were traditionally
  38. Must be such as to admit the creation of observers within it at some stage. To, paraphrase ,Descartes, cogito ergo funds talks est. " The Latin tag (" I think, therefore
  39. Wrote a" Fantasia sober motives de La Travolta. " The arrangement opens with a, paraphrase ,of the opera's prelude. The rest of the work consists of arrangements of
  40. A Jewish intermediary to render the Aramaic into oral Hebrew, for him then to, paraphrase ,into Latin. Their textual value is small. The Vulgate Old Testament texts that
  41. Prime Minister on 4 May 1979. Arriving at 10 Downing Street, she said, in a, paraphrase ,of the" Prayer of Saint Francis ": Domestic affairs Thatcher was Prime
  42. The classifying genitive, the marker specifies or describes the head noun. The, paraphrase ,with of is often unidiomatic or ambiguous with these genitives, introducing
  43. Woo 8’S. 190. *Fritz Realer − Paganini Concerto in D major (recomposed, paraphrase ,of the first movement of the Op. 6 Concerto) for violin and orchestra *Franz
  44. Name is found in, and. In Nehemiah 9:7,a single passage mentioning Your is a, paraphrase ,of Genesis. () The Book of Jubilees states that Your was founded in 1688 Anna
  45. Historian Ecclesiastical, Alice Healey has argued that Against' passage is a, paraphrase ,of a Testimonial taken from the Syriac translation of Eugenics' Historian
  46. And nonuniform samples was developed in 1967 by Landau. He proved that, to, paraphrase , roughly,the average sampling rate (uniform or otherwise) must be twice the
  47. Have been delighted at how much the book has made people think and argue. " (, paraphrase ,of the fourth stanza of" The Star-Spangled Banner" ) and the anti-war poem "
  48. everybody's right to beautiful, radiant things "; the printer created a, paraphrase ,that has become one of Goldman's the most famous quotations, even though she
  49. Sources were combined to form for.350,as mentioned above, including a prose, paraphrase ,from Strabo that first needed to be restored to its original meter, a synthesis
  50. He's the first one of us who doesn't see the proscenium arch. " Or, to, paraphrase , he was the first mainstream director to think outside the visual dynamics of

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