Examples of the the word, perimeter , in a Sentence Context

The word ( perimeter ), is the 9208 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. High by 440 cubits long at each of the four sides of its base. The ratio of the, perimeter ,to height of 1760/280 cubits equates to 2π to an accuracy of better than 0.05 %
  2. Bob Knight's motion offense emphasizes post players setting screens and, perimeter ,players passing the ball until a teammate becomes open for an uncontested jump
  3. Km paved: 93,055 km (2003) Waterways 2,500 km (use limited by location on, perimeter ,of country and by shallowness) (2003) country comparison to the world: 37
  4. Properties *The circle is the shape with the largest area for a given length of, perimeter , (See Isoperimetric inequality. ) *The circle is a highly symmetric shape:
  5. Were opened to the public. The Museum is faced with Portland stone, but the, perimeter ,walls and other parts of the building were built using Hay tor granite from
  6. Fourth century. Rome herself (including her environs, as defined by a -radius, perimeter ,around the City itself) was not under the authority of the praetorian prefect
  7. Is taken out from the core at the lowest basement level and transferred to the, perimeter ,diaphragm walls. In order to reduce large shear reversals in the core walls in
  8. Several layers of thin UV-transparent PTFE film, which are sealed around their, perimeter ,and inflated to create a large cushion. The resulting cushion acts as a thermal
  9. A nearly complete rim of land around a lagoon, enclosing 90 percent of its, perimeter , with an opening only in the north. The main island is the largest of about 60
  10. Round the western edge of Crystal Palace Park (within the current park's, perimeter ,) to the bus terminus near the parade. TFL have currently stated that due to
  11. Distortion ", in which the center of the image is magnified more than the, perimeter ,(figure 7a). The reverse, in which the perimeter is magnified more than the
  12. 100 lions in one day, almost certainly from a platform set up around the arena, perimeter ,which allowed him to safely demonstrate his marksmanship. On another occasion
  13. To the south-east of Norman Dublin, the castle formed one corner of the outer, perimeter ,of the city, using the River Paddle as a natural means of defense. One of
  14. 900 wounded. Rupert us believed the Japanese would quickly crumble since their, perimeter ,had been broken, still unaware of his enemy's change of tactics. The
  15. Of the war, collapsed the Khmer Republic. Simultaneous attacks around the, perimeter ,of Phnom Penh pinned down Republican forces, while other CPK units overran fire
  16. Of Auschwitz, I are still standing. The public entrance area is outside the, perimeter ,fence in what was the camp admission building, where new prisoners were
  17. Inspection The use of deep packet inspection (DPI) can detect, at the network, perimeter , very basic remote attempts to exploit buffer overflows by use of attack
  18. On a side. As a unit of measure, an acre has no prescribed shape; any, perimeter ,enclosing 43,560 square feet is an acre in size. The acre is often used to
  19. Have been reported; instead, the guards generally follow visitors near the, perimeter ,and radio for the Lincoln County Sheriff. Deadly force is authorized if
  20. Game. In either of these situations, one player will begin walking around the, perimeter ,of the circle counter-clockwise, and the other player will join the Volta AO
  21. Of the acropolis. This has been taken as evidence that the large fortified, perimeter ,of the ancient town was no longer defendable, and that the population of the
  22. An area between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, with Adamant its southern, perimeter , extending northward up to the area just east of the Dead Sea (Jordan). Early
  23. Outer Conservation Zone (FOCH) was declared – a zone that lay between the, perimeter ,of the FICA and the Falklands 200-nautical-mile economic zone boundary. The
  24. And as a result some water flows or sits outside the normal, perimeter ,of the body. However, floods may be secondary effects of earthquakes, if dams
  25. A shallow water table. The topsoil is scraped off to form dykes around the bed, perimeter , Clean sand is hauled in to a depth of four to eight inches. The surface is
  26. Nuclear warheads. Their intended role in defense was in an intrusion prevention, perimeter , Boards aligned on the eastern and western coasts of North America
  27. The primary component of which is a degassing coil which is mounted around the, perimeter ,of the CRT face inside the bezel. Upon power-up of the CRT display, the
  28. The flood of refugees, but the main candidate for its location was around the, perimeter ,of the city. In 1961,Secretary of State Dean Rusk proclaimed," The Wall
  29. A new island defense strategy. The team chose to abandon the early beach-based, perimeter ,defense tactics and reckless Banzai attacks. The new strategy was only to
  30. Right-angled pair with tips on the unit circle that trace back and forth on the, perimeter ,of this circle with the same angle θ (t) as r (t). When the particle moves
  31. Guard: creates a high volume of shots on offense; guards the opponent's best, perimeter ,player on defense # small forward: often primarily responsible for scoring
  32. Shelfbreak gyre known as the Rim Current which transports water round the, perimeter ,of the Black Sea. Within this feature, two smaller cyclonic gyres operate
  33. Of the Highlands. The Cabot Trail scenic highway also encircles the coastal, perimeter ,of the plateau. Cape Breton Island's hydrological features include the Bras
  34. Traditionally, the flag may be decorated with golden fringe surrounding the, perimeter ,of the flag as long as it does not deface the flag proper. Ceremonial displays
  35. Defenders. Trapped at the base of the ridge, Pope set up a small defense, perimeter , which was attacked relentlessly by the Japanese throughout the night. The
  36. Even drainage. Beds are frequently drained with socked tile in addition to the, perimeter ,ditch. In addition to making it possible to hold water, the dykes allow
  37. Park is 2–4 km west of the city center, north of the River LIFFE. Its 16 km, perimeter ,wall encloses one of the largest walled city parks in Europe. It includes large
  38. Circumference is the distance around a closed curve. Circumference is a special, perimeter , Circumference of a circle The circumference of a circle is the length around
  39. Flower-like or wheel-like. In the former," petals" are shown around the, perimeter ,of a circle. In the latter, spokes divide the circle into segments that make
  40. Is magnified more than the perimeter (figure 7a). The reverse, in which the, perimeter ,is magnified more than the center, is known as" pincushion distortion" (
  41. Or Wachbattalion. These guards manned watchtowers and patrolled the, perimeter ,fences of the camp. During an emergency, such as a prisoner uprising, the Guard
  42. This fountain for another ten years, adding,in a mannerism style, around the, perimeter ,suave bronze reclining river gods, laughing satyrs and marble seahorses
  43. At Green ham Common – 30,000 women hold hands and form a human chain around the, perimeter ,fence. *1984 – Majolica Would Sid'Ahmed Maya becomes the third president of
  44. Recreates the Great Court Run, in which the runners attempt to run around the, perimeter ,of the Great Court at Trinity College, Cambridge in the time it takes the clock
  45. City. Changes to boundary The size of the City was constrained by a defensive, perimeter ,wall, known as London Wall, which was built by the Romans in the late 2nd
  46. Orifice has an advantage that it can accommodate more number of holes (larger, perimeter ,of holes) in a given cross-sectional area of the pipe. Hydrodynamic cavitation
  47. Consumption. Most industry of this sort is located around the working-class, perimeter ,of Santo Domingo and other large towns. Tertiary industries Services were
  48. Armies. The leaders were put on trial, but the verdicts only skirted the, perimeter ,of the conspiracy. Francis's brother Alexander Leopold (at that time Palatine
  49. Or black dots tend to muffle the overtones even more. And drum heads with, perimeter ,sound rings mostly eliminate overtones (Howie 2005). Some jazz drummers avoid
  50. As do similar estimations of regular geometric figures. For example,the, perimeter ,of a regular polygon inscribed in a circle approaches the circumference with

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