Examples of the the word, childcare , in a Sentence Context

The word ( childcare ), is the 9188 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Inheritance, with the least amount of inheritance going to non-kin. A study of, childcare ,practices among Canadian women found that respondents with children provide
  2. The nuclear family, a backlash against working women, homophobic attacks on gay, childcare ,workers, a universal need to believe in evil, or a transient form of temporal
  3. Outright anti-male gender bias in a traditionally female work environment like, childcare , That former employee claims to have suffered even physical assaults, and was
  4. Budget, finance,economic development, health,planning, public safety, childcare , recreation, sanitation and waste removal. The Board appropriates funds for all
  5. Disordered to their parents when they were young. ” Because the duty of early, childcare ,fell almost exclusively on women, a woman's salvation necessarily depended on
  6. Children with immigrant backgrounds and train them in time for school. Half-day, childcare ,shall be free, in accordance with the legal right to a kindergarten place, from
  7. Center featuring a covered ice rink, climbing wall, internet lab, banquet area, childcare , gymnasium, fitness center, outdoor tennis courts, dance studio and aquatic
  8. An indoor swimming pool, a gymnasium, wellness center, aerobics studio, childcare ,facilities and the Cherokee Sports Hall of Fame. Although voted in as a" free
  9. Of men. Women may have worked the fields, but men did not work in, childcare , Social life Social lives were held in common as well, not only property. As an
  10. From early on. 320 public kindergartens/ preschools provide affordable, childcare ,for 32,000 children. 100 public schools provide free general education to over
  11. Computer poolrooms, two restaurants and five cafés. * Accommodation, careers, childcare , counselling and wellbeing, disability and dyslexia support, and chaplaincy are
  12. And provides access to several services, including cultural activities, childcare , refunds for many medical expenses and subsidized accommodation. Rankings In
  13. International recognition for their gains in literacy, health care, education, childcare , unions, and land reform. In September 1980,UNESCO awarded Nicaragua the
  14. Parenthood and may extend to women's health, sexual or reproductive health and, childcare , and to gain the knowledge to counteract the lack of pain relievers and
  15. Swaps do not need to be made. For instance, a member may earn credit by doing, childcare ,for one person and spend it later on carpentry with another person in the same
  16. Practices among Canadian women found that respondents with children provide, childcare ,reciprocally with non-kin. The cost of caring for non-kin was balanced by the
  17. Was the last surviving member of crew 10 of the raid. As of July 2010,two new, childcare ,facilities are under construction at Elgin Main. The $18 million project
  18. However, respondents without children were significantly more likely to offer, childcare ,to kin. For individuals without their own offspring, the inclusive fitness
  19. A dominant position. " Taboos, ritual purification, and etiquette. Housing, childcare , education, daily work, and elder care etc. are then handled by that individual
  20. Obtained by misrepresentation) # A person or institution (e.g., a school or, childcare ,professional) exposes a minor to non-age-appropriate material, in any media
  21. Mischaracterized as cruel and experimental. It was designed to make the early, childcare ,simpler (by greatly reducing laundry, diaper rash, cradle cap, etc.),while
  22. Ideas are embedded in Western culture, especially in fields such as, childcare , education, literary criticism, cultural studies, and mental health
  23. Students. Assumption is also home to Hammerer Village, a private Presbyterian, childcare ,agency, named for donor Philip Hammerer who willed to" the orphans and
  24. Why, then,does he weigh the environment only against hospitals and, childcare , rather than against, say,industry subsidies and defense spending? "
  25. UNRWA's women's program centers. In these centers, training,advice and, childcare ,are available to encourage female refugees’ social development. Rations are
  26. Totes: A friend's baby, on which she loudly dotes.: Why does she take on this, childcare ,duty?: It explains farts that are somewhat fruity.: With your giant nose and
  27. Other services offered at some supermarkets may include those of banks, cafés, childcare , centres/crèches, photo processing, video rentals, pharmacies and/or petrol
  28. Cover the following sectors: agriculture, service to persons in need (, childcare , the elderly),construction, education,health and services to businesses.
  29. S tax burden at increasing rates for more children, as well as luxury taxes on, childcare ,goods. He suggests incentives for men who agree to permanent sterilization
  30. Depicted at the top of the socio-economic ladder but are shown as a primary, childcare ,provider. Film critic Judith Christ has argued that almost any film pairing an
  31. Case actually involves alleged discrimination against both men and blacks in, childcare , even when they pass the same strict background tests and other standards of
  32. Exclude unpaid economic activity, most importantly domestic work such as, childcare , This leads to distortions; for example, a paid nanny's income contributes to
  33. Necessarily imply that they are unlawful or criminal. ) Domestic labor, such as, childcare ,and cooking, is in general not included when performed in the natural course of
  34. Of Athens Ohio Community Recreation center offers programming in athletics, childcare , sports camps, community events and more. Located in the East State Street area
  35. Investment in human capital and enter the work force the opportunity cost of, childcare ,rises. Additionally, the increased rate of return to education raises the
  36. On women. Thus, France is increasing social and women's services, like, childcare , and parental leave, expecting the policy to stop the aging of its population.
  37. The Central Orleans Family Education Center was established in 2002 to offer, childcare , pre-K programs, after-school programs, and migrant education classes in the
  38. Houston Street opened in November 2005 and includes a pool, gym,workout room, childcare , playground and various other facilities. Some funds to construct the
  39. Help explain complex sociopsychological beliefs, such as attitudes to crime, childcare , fast food, SUVs and other 'family' choices. Here the authors make an explicit
  40. Family, with the mother at home taking responsibility for the household and for, childcare ,and early education. Feminists, beginning in the late 18th century with Mary
  41. It is a perfectly reasonable consideration, especially since expenses such as, childcare ,tend to increase over the duration of employment at Hitachi. As if this were
  42. Costs. Of the maintenance costs, as much as 39 % were spent on education and, childcare , City of Kraków development costs included 41 % toward road building, transport
  43. To try to understand children's needs and family dynamics. His ideas about, childcare ,influenced several generations of parents to be more flexible and affectionate
  44. And cultural center of the Unhurt Republic. The state took a major share in, childcare ,and education from early on. 320 public kindergartens/ preschools provide
  45. Such as a restaurant, swimming pool, fitness center, business center, childcare , conference facilities and social function services. Hotel rooms are usually
  46. Care to closely related children might outweigh the time and energy costs of, childcare , Family investment in offspring among black South African households also
  47. Victim in certain areas of employment as men begin to seek work in office and, childcare ,settings traditionally perceived as" women's jobs ". One such situation seems
  48. Full gym and indoor 25 m heated pool, cafes and restaurants, a student bar and a, childcare ,center. A $68.5 million Learning Commons was completed in early 2011. St Albany
  49. Begun to awaken. The further back in history one goes, the lower the level of, childcare , and the more likely children are to be killed, abandoned,beaten, terrorized
  50. Pay. The pressures on relationships, parenting and the cost and quality of, childcare ,are without precedent ... Neoliberalism is core philosophical dilemma is that

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