Examples of the the word, adjourn , in a Sentence Context

The word ( adjourn ), is the 9199 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That he be reprimanded, but on the suggestion of Lord Harrington agreed to, adjourn ,the matter for a week to allow Plimsoll time for thought. Eventually Plimsoll
  2. National Convention met in mid-May, after the Democrats had been forced to, adjourn ,their convention in Charleston. With the Democrats in disarray and with a sweep
  3. Out in the capital city of Nukualofa when it seemed that the parliament would, adjourn ,for the year without having made any advances in increasing democracy in
  4. Except four actions which can be legally taken: To fix the time to which to, adjourn , adjourn , recess,or take measures to obtain a quorum. Measures to obtain a
  5. Along with the Egyptian government had been trying to delay or indefinitely, adjourn ,the referendum. However, the southern leadership, the United Nations, and the
  6. Question must also be entered. Clause 4: Adjournment Neither House may, adjourn , without the consent of the other, for more than three days. Often, a House
  7. On 20 June; there, it swore the Tennis Court Oath, promising that it would not, adjourn ,until it had drafted a new constitution for France. Failing to disperse the
  8. Before him, and sent for the witnesses. If these were not at hand, he might, adjourn ,the case for their subpoena, specifying a time for up to six months. Pledges
  9. According to Cicero, the anchorites of is augurum included the right to, adjourn ,and overturn the process of law: consular election could be - and was -
  10. A good reason for the House to continue sitting (i.e. the House should not, adjourn ,until it has considered the topic in hand). It is not usual for the House to
  11. Difference was that in games lasting more than 56 moves, Kramnik was allowed to, adjourn ,until the following day, during which time he could use his copy of Fritz to
  12. If the two Houses cannot agree on a date for adjourn ment, the President may, adjourn ,both Houses to such a time as he or she thinks fit. The last time this power
  13. Next stated meeting of the legislature. He may convoke the Legislature at or, adjourn ,it to another place, when,in his opinion, the public safety or welfare, or the
  14. Is further empowered to grant federal pardons and reprieves, and to convene and, adjourn ,either or both houses of Congress under extraordinary circumstances. Since the
  15. The speaker, refused to put Sir John Eliot's Protestations and was about to, adjourn ,the House by the king's command, Holles together with another member, Sir
  16. Announced his intent to advise a double dissolution, and moved that the House, adjourn , His motion was defeated. Fraser's new government suffered repeated defeats in
  17. The finals the Russian Émigré loses out to the time clock, forcing the game to, adjourn , However, outside the venue, he is whisked away by an accomplice of Valentino
  18. In Leo's Tome. Nonetheless, due to such concerns, the Council decided to, adjourn ,and appoint a special committee to investigate the orthodoxy of Leo's Tome
  19. Four actions which can be legally taken: To fix the time to which to adjourn , adjourn , recess, or take measures to obtain a quorum. Measures to obtain a quorum are
  20. By the House itself for a period. *In the case of great disorder can suspend or, adjourn ,the House. The Cathaoirleach's deputy is the Leas-Chathaoirleach. The current
  21. Of the offender from the House. In the case of grave disorder, the Speaker may, adjourn ,the House without taking a vote. The Standing Orders of the House of Commons do
  22. Of nomination. In desperation, the delegates agreed on May 3 to stop voting and, adjourn ,the convention. The Democrats convened again at the Front Street Theater in
  23. Speech was being heard, and Chair Lucretia Mott was asked by other leaders to, adjourn ,the meeting. She refused, saying it would end at the planned time and no
  24. The project. Magistrates could use their right of augury (is augurum) to, adjourn ,and overturn the process of law, but were obliged to base their decision on the
  25. Used, along with Shusaku's calling up for the castle games, as an excuse to, adjourn ,the match. Fiction In the manga and anime series Hikaru no Go, Shusaku
  26. Was unreliable, and refused their help. Hamilton argued that Congress ought to, adjourn ,to Princeton, New Jersey. Congress agreed, and relocated there. Frustrated with
  27. Government is, nevertheless,required. The Prince has the right to convene and, adjourn ,parliament and, for serious reasons, to adjourn it for 3 months or to dissolve
  28. June 20: Tennis Court Oath of dismissed Estates-General members who refuse to, adjourn ,*July 12: Camille Despoiling gives a speech in the gardens of the Calais Royale
  29. On a date of adjourn ment, the president may appoint a date for Congress to, adjourn , Ceremonial roles As head of state, the president can fulfill traditions
  30. That Susan, being the nominally stronger player and thus holding white, could, adjourn , the match whenever it was his turn to move and continue deliberating at home
  31. Better. ' After gallery openings in Manhattan, the black-tie gatherings often, adjourn ,to a discotheque. " The mid-1960s to early 1970s The mid 1960s to early 1970s
  32. An adjourn ment debate is a debate on the motion," That this House does now, adjourn , " In practice, this is a way of enabling the House to have a debate on a
  33. Approval of the bill with no Congressional debate. With Congress scheduled to, adjourn ,that Monday, Democratic leadership arranged for the bill to be immediately
  34. Be held were complied with, and the meeting was convened—even though it had to, adjourn ,immediately" ). When a call of the house is ordered,Robert's Rules provides
  35. Missed a variation leading to an almost forced draw, and allowed Kasparov to, adjourn ,the game with an extra pawn. After a further mistake in the second session
  36. Massachusetts asked the judges holding the confiscatory hearings to, adjourn ,until the Massachusetts legislature met. Throughout Massachusetts, newly
  37. Has the right to convene and adjourn parliament and, for serious reasons, to, adjourn , it for 3 months or to dissolve it. The Diet (Land tag) has 25 members, elected
  38. To order and announces the absence of a quorum, and entertains a motion to, adjourn ,or one of the other motions allowed, as described above. " Meetings that are
  39. Of each House constitutes a quorum to do business; a smaller number may, adjourn ,the House or compel the attendance of absent members. In practice, the quorum
  40. Houses of the legislature, at a regular or special session, the Governor may, adjourn ,them to such time as he shall deem proper, not beyond the day of the next
  41. With all the information at hand at the mediation, one may avoid the need to, adjourn ,the meeting to another, later date while parties gather the information. And
  42. Of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business," although a small number may, adjourn ,and compel the attendance of absent members. The section also gives to each
  43. Within two minutes, Shusai then thought for three and a half hours, only to, adjourn ,the game. It was no secret that Susan, during adjourn ments, discussed and
  44. Match, the tradition dictated that the player holding white had the right to, adjourn ,the game at anytime, and there was no sealing of moves before adjourn ment. This
  45. Out in the capital city of Nuke'aloft when it seemed that the parliament would, adjourn ,for the year without having made any advances in increasing democracy in
  46. Time. Convening and adjourn ing the legislature The power of the governor to, adjourn ,the General Assembly for a period of up to four months if the two houses cannot
  47. Of your difficulties? " The atmosphere became so tense that Zhou was forced to, adjourn ,the conference. Zhou subsequently called a series of meetings, where it was
  48. Asian Nations (ASEAN). The National Convention continues to convene and, adjourn , Many major political parties, particularly the NLD, have been absent or
  49. In special circumstances. The section also provides that neither House may, adjourn ,without the consent of the other for more than three days or change its meeting
  50. Houses of Congress cannot agree on the time of adjourn ment, the president may, adjourn ,them to some future date. Section 3 adds: *The president sees that the laws are

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