Examples of the the word, restructure , in a Sentence Context

The word ( restructure ), is the 9197 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Due to an Australian Tax Office ruling in 2006,the club proposed a shareholder, restructure ,that would have seen the B Class shareholders power reduced significantly and
  2. Was a three-year plan that called upon the government to sell non-core assets, restructure ,certain utilities, and required that all others become self-sufficient. The
  3. Concerns about the safety and the management of the program, it forced NASA to, restructure ,and reorganize the program in a way that was much safer. " 1980 Election Carter
  4. Controls, liberalizing domestic and international trade, and attempting to, restructure ,the banking system and the energy sector. Major domestic privatization programs
  5. Bond franchise where Sony is a majority partner). MGM also announced plans to, restructure ,its worldwide television distribution operation. In addition, MGM signed a deal
  6. Government to import essential commodities. Champing government To, restructure ,the economy, the NRC, under General Champing (1972–78),undertook an
  7. Move was blocked in December by Bob An sett and his proxies who feared that the, restructure ,would make the club vulnerable to further takeover bids. On 28 February 2007
  8. Gaming channel operated by the then-owned subsidiary Ostrich Media) in 2006,a, restructure ,of 4 Ventures saw many of its activities re-integrated back into the main
  9. Appointed General Manager of the new company, and evolved a three-year plan to, restructure ,the company involving twice yearly seasons in both Sydney and Melbourne
  10. By two ballot questions during the civic election of 2003. A proposal to, restructure ,the municipal government would have seen the council reduced to ten wards and
  11. Most recent legislative election was 2007. President Bouteflika has pledged to, restructure ,the state as part of his overall reform efforts. However, no specifics are yet
  12. Such as that of computational lexicons like WordNet, can be used to improve and, restructure ,the Wikipedia category taxonomy. Recently, a graph-based method has been
  13. In 2006 extensive plans were announced to expand and improve bus services and, restructure ,public transport throughout Cyprus, with the financial backing of the European
  14. Of the recession required Detroit's automakers to take additional steps to, restructure , including idling many plants. With the U. S. Treasury extending the necessary
  15. OR # Do a single pass down the tree, but before entering (visiting) a node, restructure ,the tree so that once the key to be deleted is encountered, it can be deleted
  16. From 1987 to 2008,and in 2009,only fielded the af2,as AFL owners looked to, restructure ,the league's finances, the AFL returned in 2010. The Arena Football League
  17. Bank were forced to suspend payment on Russia's foreign debt for 90 days, restructure ,the nation's entire debt, and devalue the ruble. The ruble went into free fall
  18. As a means to obtain an interest-free and risk-free loan to enable companies to, restructure , Unfortunately, the current calculation appears to be that shifting pension
  19. During its reporting of third quarter 2008 results, Nortel announced it would, restructure ,into three vertically-integrated business units: Enterprise, Carrier Networks
  20. Party's Carlos Roberto Flores Focussed was elected in 1997,also promising to, restructure ,the armed forces; in 1999 the armed forces were brought under civilian control.
  21. S new CEO, Stephen Cooper tried to convince MGM's lenders that they should, restructure ,the company's long-term debt in order to allow the studio to continue with its
  22. And hostility from the victors of World War I, who tried twice to, restructure ,Germany's reparations payments through the Dawes Plan and the Young Plan.
  23. Creditors in the United States, Canada,and the United Kingdom, in order to, restructure ,its debt and financial obligations. The period of bankruptcy protection has
  24. Students in apartments. Since 2005,there has been a long-term plan in place to, restructure ,Central Campus over the subsequent 20 to 50 years. The idea is to develop an "
  25. In 2006 extensive plans were announced to improve and expand bus services and, restructure ,public transport throughout Cyprus, with the financial backing of the European
  26. Position. Wasting no time after being appointed head coach, Frazier began to, restructure ,the team's coaching staff, including letting go of offensive coordinator
  27. With black and antiwar demonstrators with the ideal that they" could work to, restructure ,American society ". They took on causes of the Black Panthers, marching to the
  28. In the early 2000s,Kyrgyzstan used international investment support to, restructure ,its telecommunications system, which had 7.7 telephone lines per 100
  29. Style. Kennett's antipathy to Baragwanath led to 1997 legislation to, restructure ,the office of the Auditor-General and set up Audit Victoria. While Kennett
  30. Organization that has been researching time travel and attempts to use it to, restructure ,and control the world in the near future. The M18A1 Claymore is a directional
  31. Older ones unwilling to leave Moscow or Leningrad. Khrushchev also proposed to, restructure ,Soviet high schools. While the high schools provided a college preparatory
  32. For Bronze. As of December 10, 2009 the IOC approved a UCI recommendation to, restructure ,track events at the 2012 Games in London, including the abandonment of
  33. Of Channel 4 International and Channel 4 Consumer Products. As part of the, restructure , much of the 4 Ventures management team either left the company - former chief
  34. Yeltsin became president of the Russian SFSR. At last Gorbachev attempted to, restructure ,the Soviet Union into a less centralized state. However, on 19 August 1991,a
  35. Accepting therapist, can resolve difficulties and gain the insight necessary to, restructure ,their life. In 1945,he was invited to set up a counseling center at the
  36. Made ready for release late in 1967. Zappa took the opportunity to radically, restructure ,the contents, adding newly recorded, improvised dialogue to finalize what
  37. Paul Bremen, chief executive of the Coalition Provisional Authority, planned to, restructure ,Iraq's state owned economy with free market thinking. Order 39 laid out the
  38. Telling Gorbachev:" We have done our perestroika, we have nothing to, restructure ,". Gorbachev grew to dislike Honecker, and by 1988 was lumping Honecker, along
  39. In Bourges. Air Force In the past decade Bulgaria has been trying actively to, restructure ,its army as a whole and a lot of attention has been placed on keeping the aging
  40. Petrograd, that Kerensky had authorized him to impose order in the capital and, restructure ,the government, and ordered the Third Corps to Petrograd to place it under
  41. The 1960 International Convention of Christian Churches adopted a process to ", restructure ," the entire organization. The Commission on Restructure, chaired by Granville
  42. In 2006 extensive plans were announced to improve and expand bus services and, restructure ,public transport throughout Cyprus, with the financial backing of the European
  43. Sabra University has understood the new European Area as a big opportunity to, restructure ,the education it offers. The University’s commitment to this model has gone
  44. That Capoeira was losing its martial side and concluded there was a need to, restructure ,it. Bimbo created his sequences de engine (teaching combinations) and
  45. Was the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Post−Soviet restructuring To, restructure ,the Soviet administrative command system and implement transition to a
  46. Business. Chapter 11 affords the debtor in possession a number of mechanisms to, restructure ,its business. A debtor in possession can acquire financing and loans on
  47. Baseball teams. Threatened with bankruptcy and forced by its creditors to, restructure , in 2004 former owner Data sold the Hawks to Softbank Capital. Fukuoka is home
  48. The percent, yielding 123456,246531,451362,532614,364125,and 615243,or, restructure ,the order into a different" retrograde cross" form such as 123456,435261
  49. Was put under virtual house arrest. The new government sought to completely, restructure ,Cambodian society. Remnants of the old society were abolished and religion
  50. Strategies for deletion from a B-Tree. # Locate and delete the item, then, restructure , the tree to regain its invariants, OR # Do a single pass down the tree, but

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