Examples of the the word, judaism , in a Sentence Context

The word ( judaism ), is the 9189 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the modern Jewish education system which tried to integrate the study of, judaism , and Hebrew language with the secular studies, including country's vernacular.
  2. Bat Warsaw is a member of Bat Polska, polish organization for the reform, judaism , Origins Bat Warsaw was founded by Sewer Ashkenazi in 1999 when he asked a
  3. Is a response to Parasitic attacks against the historical legitimacy of rabbinic, judaism , and contains, among other items, the controversial tale of the kidnapping by
  4. A specific purpose. It is thus a colonial project that has nothing to do with, judaism ,". *According to ME MRI, in 2004,al-Bashir said in an interview on privately
  5. 2003 * http://www.bernardosorj.com/pdf/secular judaism .pdf SORT, B.," Secular, judaism , in the XXI Century ", Contemplate,The Center for Cultural Judaism, New York.
  6. A character from the American adaptation of the TV series The Office. In, judaism , : *Moses, Mōšé or Moshe Rabbet (, Lit. " Moses our Teacher/Rabbi" ), the most
  7. Things off. In 1987, she left town when she thought Mike would never convert to, judaism , In 1989, she returned for a few days to introduce Mike to his son Jeremy.
  8. Weblog and the site came to carry slogans in the header banner, such as ", judaism , sic is racism is incompatible with democracy," that many readers and fellow
  9. Episode was" very offensive ", particularly for its mockery of Kyle for his, judaism , RealSouthPark. Com, a 1999 website that examined real-life people and places
  10. Rule of Boris I there may have been attempts to convert the pagan Bulgarians to, judaism , but in the end the Bulgarian Orthodox Church was established and the
  11. Countries * (Islam -the crescent and one star - and Christianity and, judaism ,- the other two stars) Former/historical states and territories National
  12. Di Israel 63 (1997),43-66. *" Le Jews unidimensional et LE degree zero Du, judaism ," Parades 25 (1998),pp. 113–127. Longer English version:" One-Dimensional
  13. The name Yael. On October 25, 2009,Trump married Jared Kushner in an Orthodox, judaism , marriage ceremony. Jared Kushner's father Charles Kushner owns Kushner
  14. Educating young Jewish Chileans with the values of social justice, fraternity,Judaism, and love for Israel. Currently, there are 50-100 members aged 9–22 who meet
  15. Taboos about forbidden subjects (for instance, animals for Hinduism, pork for, judaism , and Islamism, etc.). Many religions have special spellings for the food, which
  16. The fundamental concept which guided Niemirower's work was a" cultural, judaism ," (constituted mainly by traditional, European,liberal and Zionist elements)

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