Examples of the the word, thankfully , in a Sentence Context

The word ( thankfully ), is the 9192 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Subsequent years of the 1980s,Andromeda performed a number of varied duties, thankfully ,all peaceful, patrolling the Persian Gulf on Camilla Patrol, and deployments to
  2. Time Out New York observed," Powerful, assured,full of beautiful imagery and, thankfully ,devoid of easy moralizing, it also offers a performance of surprising skill and
  3. Experience – several of handcuffs, weapons wielded and sexual abuse. But, thankfully , these are in the minority – and in our minds, never justified. Nevertheless
  4. Film and likened it to" a brilliant piece in the Atlantic Monthly that's (, thankfully ,) come to cinematic life ". The New York Times had a more skeptical review
  5. Army. His lack of Chinese — he spoke a pidgin form of Cantonese at best — was, thankfully ,not a problem since Sun, his wife Suing Ching-ling and many of their associates
  6. Little need for national loyalty, view national boundaries as obstacles that, thankfully ,are vanishing, and see national governments as residues from the past whose
  7. For the Saints, as the financial worries that had plagued the team in 2009 had, thankfully , not returned, and Steve Castle was able to get on with assembling his squad
  8. Is taught the knowledge of our self and the fear of God. Worthy to be been and, thankfully ,received of all Christen men (1549) *The voice of the last trumpet blown bi
  9. 17th century mansions. A neo-Gothic replacement was begun on the same site but, thankfully ,never completed (no visible remains). The area around the Cathedral was the
  10. Thief-chasing. They now have a forensics section, a Traffic Division and the, thankfully ,long-gone Cable Street Particulars have been replaced by a plain-clothes
  11. In Arabic-speaking countries that it might better be understood as meaning ", thankfully ," or" thank goodness ". Not all Arabic speakers who use the phrase are
  12. Princess 2' and be equally critiqued. " And said of her breast cancer,", thankfully , the experience hasn't made her music discernibly deeper ". X and" 2 Hearts "
  13. Only rain as a weakening Category 1 storm. In 1992,Hurricane Andrew had, thankfully ,died down from its original Category 5 when it came over and dropped of rain.
  14. Would have occurred when they were built around the year 2000. ". A later, but, thankfully , much smaller, sewerage leak occurred nearby on the 3rd of April 2011.
  15. And Mary to accept the throne. William replied for his wife and himself:" We, thankfully ,accept what you have offered us ". They then went in procession to the great
  16. The job themselves, Podge kidnapped Kris Kringle and took his place, only to be, thankfully ,thwarted in a scuffle with Ray. Eventually, after the departure of Big and Tag
  17. When rejecting a favor or politeness from close friends) * – to finally and, thankfully ,become quiet and calm * – way (to do something); equivalent to Standard
  18. Full-time chief at a salary of $13,500 a year. With a growing population, and, thankfully , few structural fires, the focus of the department expanded to include emergency
  19. S death, Jody prepares to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head, but, thankfully , Melvin catches him and takes the gun. After reflecting on the death of Rodney
  20. A mantra on a long chain. Gorges When an Ogre is born without a paunch (a, thankfully ,rare occurrence),they are exiled and forced to live underground, where they
  21. Especially since such adverbs as" mercifully "," gratefully ", and ", thankfully ," are similarly used. Merriam-Webster gives a usage note on its entry for "
  22. As one of the great soul albums ... a faultless record on which we have, thankfully , now recognized she was far too ahead of her time for her own good ..." *
  23. Installed. Fire escapes were added and a fire engine bought. The college was, thankfully ,unaffected by the Belfast Blitz in April 1941. After the evening of the first
  24. And as Leader of the Nationals in mid-July citing a" debilitating but, thankfully ,benign prostate condition" and other personal concerns. The prostate condition
  25. Using reins with tacks or pins in them, but this poor level of horsemanship is, thankfully ,not seen as often in western riding today as it was in years past. When riding
  26. Took part in the Second Cod War during the fishing dispute with Iceland, though, thankfully ,Diomede's involvement was quieter than her involvement in the subsequent
  27. Means a bear (Kindaichi,1949,p. 345). The Ainu people willingly and, thankfully ,ate the bear as they believed that the disguise (the flesh and fur) of any
  28. By attempting to kill them, it becomes clear that Achilles' reach has grown;, thankfully , Bean's hunches save him and Sure, and he hides them in the barracks of his
  29. Fallen into a serious state of disrepair and was little more than a ruin, but, thankfully , in 1869 the building was restored to its former glory and a new Rectory was
  30. Time just prior to a deadline. As in" It got done at the eleventh hour, but, thankfully , the client suspected nothing ". * Composite names such as" September" (
  31. Game, but also had a dubious distinction of scoring two own goals in one game (, thankfully ,for Volley, only one of those was attributed to him). After losing his
  32. With a very aggressive form of nose cancer and underwent immediate surgery, thankfully ,in time to catch the cancer before it spread. After his recovery, the band
  33. Be done, the right man was at the helm, James Dance, but SPC was a train wreck, thankfully ,the Lark was only a year away. All 1958 Packard's were given wheels to lower the
  34. Into the tire barriers, pirouetting airborne directly over Berger's car, but, thankfully , both were uninjured. Those two, along with Bundle and Fabricio Barbazza's
  35. Its first year, NAQT also used variable-value bonuses, though this practice was, thankfully ,ended for the 1998 season. Perhaps sensing that NAT would be a good
  36. The UK Petroleum Industry Association said the day's protest had proved ", thankfully ,amazingly quiet ", with the largest event attended by People's Fuel Lobby
  37. Me from doing my own band on my own terms over the past couple of years but, thankfully ,those problems are all resolved now. The kind of stuff happens sometimes. I to
  38. Trapped in Vaster because of him. He returns to the dreadful mound, where, thankfully , the Thane and Fence walker come to the rescue. Lord Heart eater (they call him
  39. Level down. In about the same time period the lock was used to dump raw sewage;, thankfully ,this practice is no longer continued: it is now treated sewage. Her Majesty The
  40. Part of my affections to the country, and all that is left of them shall be, thankfully ,and religiously paid to her excellent memory and lasting goodness ". When the
  41. In 1975 the 1st Battalion deployed to Ireland yet again, though this time they, thankfully ,did not suffer any fatalities during their 4-month tour-of-duty and returned to
  42. Christ our savior Thees Hughes are thus sett forth that in all ages God maybe, thankfully ,Glorified for the and such like his gracious benefits. " Two mosaic floors
  43. We live in times of tremendous change, but the United Kingdom is still, thankfully , a predominantly white, Christian country. ... Some might say we are now paying
  44. Young women who have been video-bred on the bimbo look. Jackson, thankfully ,keeps her clothes on ... she preaches brotherhood and racial unity; and she
  45. On fire and remained on fire for most of the day. There was a notable, but, thankfully , non-lethal,fire at the coffee plant on Tuesday 7 December 2010. In Spring 2010
  46. While the Troubles touched nearly everyone in Northern Ireland, the school was, thankfully ,materially unaffected. The 1960s and 1970s were a period of intense building
  47. Engine failed, and he went off backwards at Signed and crashed heavily though, thankfully ,he was able to emerge with only a few bruises. Nigel Man sell crashed at the
  48. Turned out to be incapable of slapping De Niro in the face. The female caster, thankfully ,knew a local Thai man with a particular dislike of Americans, and cast him
  49. Little need for national loyalty, view national boundaries as obstacles that, thankfully ,are vanishing, and see national governments as residues from the past whose
  50. Got jealous. She was worried that he was going to leave her for Brigitte, but, thankfully , came to realize that the two are just friends. Along with Chuck and Nancy, and

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